As forecast since last week, Easter weekend is set to be marred by a low pressure system traversing across northern Africa. A strong Sirocco will affect the central Mediterranean as a result of this. A very strong Sirocco wind occurs in advance of low pressure systems moving eastward across the southern Mediterranean Sea or northern Africa. The wind has already starting gaining speed, and will continue to do so over the course of Friday 19/04 (Good Friday) and Saturday 20/04 (Easter Saturday), before reaching its peak on Sunday 21/04 (Easter Sunday). It is set to reach Force 8/9 at its peak, in the afternoon on Sunday 21/04 (Easter Sunday). Abundant fine desert sand is also going to choke our atmosphere. This is already present in the atmosphere above us, but it will increase in its  amount as the weekend progresses, peaking in the afternoon on Sunday 21/04 (Easter Sunday). The sky will glow red (especially at night) as a result of this. Some light rain will deposit much of this fine desert sand on Monday 22/04. The sky will be covered by an extensive grey cloud for up to three days as well. Outdoor events over these few days may be affected by the inclement weather. Fine weather will return to the Maltese Islands on Tuesday 23/04, when winter weather should come to a definite end, and long-lasting spring weather finally takes hold of our islands. More about that at a later date.

Kif imbassar mill-ġimgħa l-oħra, il-festi ta’ l-Għid se jkunu mtappnin minn sistema ta’ pressjoni baxxa li se tkun għaddejha minn fuq l-Afrika ta’ fuq. Riħ qawwi mix-Xlokk il-Lvant se jaffetwana minħabba dan. Riħ qawwi mix-Xlokk il-Lvant huwa kkawżat meta sistema ta’ pressjoni baxxa tkun miexja lejn il-lvant minn fuq l-Afrika ta’ fuq jew in-nofsinhar tal-Mediterran. Ir-riħ diġa beda jżid fil-qawwa tiegħu, u se jkompli jżid matul il-jum tal-Ġimgħa 19/04 (Il-Ġimgħa l-Kbira) u s-Sibt 20/04 (Sibt il-Għid), sa ma jilħaq l-aqwa tiegħu l-Ħadd 21/04 (L-Għid il-Kbir). Għandu jonfoħ bil-qawwa ta’ Forza 8/9 fl-aqwa tiegħu, nhar il-Ħadd 21/04 (L-Għid il-Kbir). Ramel fin fl-arja se jkun abbundanti fl-atmosfera. Dan diġa huwa preżenti, u se jżid b’kull ma jmur, qabel ma jilħaq l-aqwa tiegħu wara nofsinhar tal-Ħadd 21/04 (L-Għid il-Kbir). Is-sema se jkun aħmar (speċjalment billejl) minħabba dan. Xi ftit xita ħafifa jew irxiex tal-ħamrija għandha tkun mistennija nhar it-Tnejn 22/04. Is-sema se jkun mgħotti bi sħab griż għal dawn it-tlett ijiem. Avvenimenti ta’ barra jaf ikunu affetwati minn dan il-maltemp. Temp sabiħ għandu jirritorna nhar it-Tlieta 23/04, meta t-temp xitwi għandu jasal fi tmiem ċert u temp tar-rebbiegħa jasal fil-gżejjer tagħna. Aktar informazzjoni dwar dan aktar tard.