What’s the weather going to be like for the rest of May? Will it ever settle down? Long-term weather maps indicate that the temperature will be on the increase again from Friday 17/05 onward. Daytime highs will reach 24 C by Monday 20/05. From then on, they will remain at or above 24 C for good. That means that temperatures will now be at or slightly above the mean for this time of year. Nighttime lows will also warm up, consistently staying at or above 15 C from Monday 20/05. On the other hand, rainfall events will become few and far in between. This means that with regards to temperature and rainfall, the weather will be settling down. We cannot say the same for the wind, however. The Maltese Islands are set to continue finding themselves sandwiched in between high and low pressure. This implies more days than normal with wind speeds at Force 4/5 or stronger. The Northwest will be the most common wind direction.

In conclusion, the meteorological situation is expected to settle down. Temperatures will now be at or slightly above the mean. Sunny or mainly sunny skies will dominate most days. There will be several days with a strong breeze from the Northwest though.


Kif se jkun it-temp għal bqija ta’ Mejju? Jidher li se joqgħod daqsxejn? Mudelli li juruna kif se jkun it-temp ‘il quddiem qed jindikaw li t-temperaturi se jerġgħu jibdew jiżdiedu minn nhar il-Ġimgħa 17/05 ‘il quddiem. L-ogħla matul il-jum se tilħaq 24 C minn nhar it-Tnejn 20/05. Minn dakinhar ‘il quddiem, it-temperaturi mistennija li jżommu f’dak il-livell jew aktar. Dan ifisser li t-temperaturi se jibdew ikunu mal-medja jew ogħla mill-medja għal dan iż-żmien tas-sena. It-temperaturi ta’ billejl se jisħnu wkoll, u se jibdew iżommu minn 15 C ‘il fuq. Jekk nagħtu ħarsa lejn episodji ta’ xita, jidher li dawn se jsiru aktar rari. Dan jimplika li fejn jidħlu temperaturi u xita, it-temp mistenni li joqgħod. Ma nistgħux ngħidu l-istess għar riħ, pero’. Il-Gżejjer Maltin se jibqgħu jsibu ruħhom bejn arja bi pressjoni għolja u arja bi pressjoni baxxa. Minħabba dan, se jibqa jkollna numru ta’ jiem b’riħ ta’ Forza 4/5 jew aktar. Ir-riħ se jkun il-biċċa l-kbira mill-Majjistral.

Biex nikkonkludu, is-sitwazzjoni metejoroloġika se tkun qed taqleb għal aħjar. It-temperaturi se jkun mal-medja jew ftit ogħla. Is-sema se jibda jkun xemxi jew il-biċċa l-kbira xemxi f’bosta jiem. Se jkun hemm numru ta’ jiem b’riħ li jaf ikun qawwi mill-Majjistral pero’.