The World Meteorological Organisation defines a heat wave as five or more consecutive days of prolonged heat in which the daily maximum temperature is higher than the average maximum temperature by 5°C or more. However, some nations, including Malta, have come up with their own criteria to define a heat wave. In Malta, the national weather service provider at the Malta International Airport Met Office, describes a heat wave as being a period of three or more consecutive days in which the daily maximum temperature is higher than the average maximum by 5°C or more. In previous updates, we have always referred to the World Meteorological Organisation’s definition. However, from now on, we will be adopting the national criteria for a heatwave.

The average maximum for June is of 28.2°C. Using the national criteria for a heatwave in our calculations, we can conclude that the Maltese Islands experienced two heatwaves in June 2019. The first of these lasted for a period of four days, from 09/06/2019 to 12/06/2019. The maximum temperature measured during the first heatwave was of 37°C on 09/06/2019. The second heatwave lasted for a period of four days too, from 21/06/2019 till 24/06/2019. The maximum temperature measured during the second heatwave was of 35°C on 24/06/2019.

Temperatures will decrease slightly from Tuesday 25/06. Maximum temperatures of between 30 C and 32 C and minimum temperatures of between 22 C and 23 C will characterise the rest of June. Hotter temperatures will then mark the start of July. As forecast at the weekend, no rain or thunderstorms is being anticipated for the Maltese Islands anytime soon.

L-Organiżżazzjoni Dinjija tal-Metejoroloġija tiddeskrivi mewġa ta’ sħana (heatwave) bħala ħamest ijiem jew aktar konsekkuttivi ta’ sħana fit-tul bit-temperaturi massimi jaqbżu l-medja massima b’5°C jew aktar. Minkejja dan, xi pajjiżi, inkluż Malta, għandhom it-tifsira tagħhom għal-mewġa ta’ sħana. F’Malta, il-bassara tat-temp nazzjonali fi ħdan l-Uffiċju Metejoroloġiku fl-Ajruport Internazzjonali ta’ Malta, jiddeskrivu mewġa ta’ sħana bħala perjodu ta’ tlett ijiem jew aktar konsekkuttivi li fihom it-temperatura massima taqbeż il-medja massima b’5°C jew aktar. Fil-passat, dejjem irreferejna għad deskrizzjoni ta’ l-Organiżżazzjoni Dinjija tal-Metejoroloġija. Minkejja dan, issa se nibdew nużaw il-kriterja nazzjonali meta nirreferu għal-mewġa ta’ sħana.

Il-medja massima għal Ġunju hija ta’ 28.2°C. Meta nużaw il-kriterja nazzjonali għal-mewġa ta’ sħana fir-rapporti tagħna, nistgħu nikkonkludu li f’Ġunju 2019, il-Gżejjer Maltin esperjenzaw żewġ mewġiet ta’ sħana. L-ewwel minn dawn damet erbgħa t’ijiem, minn 09/06/2019 sa 12/06/2019. It-temperatura massima imkejjla tul l-ewwel mewġa ta’ sħana kienet ta’ 37°C nhar 09/06/2019. It-tieni mewġa ta’ sħana damet erbgħa t’ijiem ukoll, minn 21/06/2019 sa 24/06/2019. It-temperatura massima imkejjla tul it-tieni mewġa ta’ sħana kienet ta’ 35°C nhar 24/06/2019.

It-temperaturi se jonqsu xi daqsxejn minn nhar it-Tlieta 25/06. It-temperaturi massimi se jlaħħqu bejn 30 C u 32 C filwaqt li dawk minimi se jkunu ta’ bejn 22 C u 23 C. Dawn se jikkaratteriżżaw il-bqija ta’ Ġunju. Temperaturi aktar sħan għandhom jirritorna għal bidu ta’ Lulju. Kif imbassar, ma għandna nistennew l-ebda xita jew maltempati fil-Gżejjer Maltin fil-futur qarib.