After a hot and dry Sunday 14/07, instability will threaten the central Mediterranean. This will be the result of low pressure over southern Italy. Showers and thunderstorms, some of which will be serious, will affect neighbouring Sicily throughout the first half of next week. This low pressure will also affect the Maltese Islands, albeit to a lesser extent. Its main impact will be a further drop in temperature. With 29 C to 31 C highs from Monday 15/07 till Saturday 20/07, it will be the first colder than average week this summer. Another effect of this low pressure will be continued strong Northwesterly winds. These will peak on Tuesday 16/07, when these will reach Force 6/7 with gusts of up to Force 8. A warning could be needed for these winds. The Maltese Islands will experience increased cloudiness for much of next week, particularly on Monday 15/07 and Tuesday 16/07, when the sky could become cloudy at times. Although highly unlikely, a few isolated showers might extend far south enough to affect the Maltese Islands as well. The chance of rain will be highest in the late afternoon on Monday 15/07. In the event of rainfall, this will be very localised and in small accumulations. A large part of the Maltese Islands would remain completely dry. The situation is expected to improve gradually in the second half of next week, as high pressure slowly takes hold of our region yet again. A heat spell is likely for the last week of July.
Wara temp sħun u niexef nhar il-Ħadd 14/07, instabilita’ se thedded iċ-ċentru tal-Mediterran. Din mistennija tkun ir-riżultat ta’ pressjoni baxxa fuq in-nofsinhar ta’ l-Italja. Ħalbiet tax-xita u maltempati, uħud serji, se jaffetwaw il-gżira ta’ Sqallija matul l-ewwel tal-ġimgħa li ġejja. Il-pressjoni baxxa, għalkemm mhux b’daqstant qawwa, se taffetwa l-Gżejjer Maltin ukoll. Din se ġġib magħha temperaturi aktar friski. Bl-ogħla ta’ 29 C sa 31 C minn nhar it-Tnejn 15/07 sas-Sibt 20/07, il-ġimgħa li ġejja se tkun l-ewwel waħda aktar friska mill-medja għal dan is-sajf. It-tieni effett ta’ din il-pressjoni baxxa se jkun kontinwazzjoni ta’ riħ qawwi mill-Majjistral. Dan se jilħaq l-aqwa tiegħu t-Tlieta 16/07, meta għandhom jonfoħ b’Forza 6/7 b’buffuri ta’ Forza 8 minn ħin għal ieħor. Jista jkun li tinħareġ twissija minħabba dan. Il-Gżejjer Maltin mistennija jesġerjenzaw ukoll sema aktar imsaħħab tul il-ġimgħa li ġejja, speċjalment it-Tnejn 15/07 u t-Tlieta 16/07, meta s-sema jaf ikun kompletament imsaħħab minn ħin għal ieħor. Għalkemm mhux daqshekk probabbli, xi ftit ħalbiet iżolati tax-xita jistgħu jersqu biżejjed lejn in-nofsinhar biex b’hekk jaffetwawna wkoll. Iċ-ċans ta’ xita se jkun l-ogħla wara nofsinhar tat-Tnejn 15/07. Jekk tagħmel ix-xita, din se tkun lokaliżżata ħafna u f’ammonti żgħar. Il-biċċa l-kbira tal-pajjiż għandu jibqa niexef għal kollox. Is-sitwazzjoni tibda taqleb għal aħjar fit-tieni parti tal-ġimgħa, meta pressjoni għolja mill-ġdid se tkun qed terġa tinfluwenza r-reġjun tagħna. Mewġa ta’ sħana oħra mistennija fl-aħħar ġimgħa ta’ Lulju.
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