Are you ready for tonight’s partial lunar eclipse across the Maltese Islands? Weather conditions will be optimum as visibility will be excellent with little or no clouds. There will be no desert dust or fog in sight. The wind will decrease rapidly in the evening, and become Force 3/4 by the time of the partial lunar eclipse. The Moon will be low over the horizon. Look towards the southeast horizon to view the eclipse from 22:01 CEST onward tonight Tuesday 16th July 2019.

Below is the exact timetable. Unlike weather, the schedule will be followed to the minute detail and more accurate than buses or trains.

20:10 CEST -> Moon rises over Valletta, Malta
22:01 CEST -> Partial eclipse begins
23:30 CEST -> Maximum eclipse
00:59 CEST -> Partial eclipse ends
06:14 CEST -> Moon sets over Valletta, Malta

The partially eclipsed moon should appear bright red tonight very similar to this photo tonight.


Lesti għal eklissi parzjali tal-qamar li se jidhru mill-Gżejjer Maltin illejla? It-temp se jkun perfett hekk kif il-visibilita se tkun eċċellenti bi ftit li xejn sħab. Mhux se jkun hemm trab fin jew ċpar madwarna. Ir-riħ mistenni jonqos malajr filgħaxija, u jsir Forza 3/4 sa x’ħin ikun se jibda l-eklissi. Il-Qamar se jkun baxx fis-sema. Ħarsu lejn ix-Xlokk sabiex taraw l-eklissi li se tibda fl-22:01 CEST illejla t-Tlieta 16 ta’ Lulju 2019.

Hawn taħt tistgħu taraw il-ħinijiet eżatti. Bl-oppost tat-temp, dawn il-ħinijiet huma preċiżi.

20:10 CEST -> Il-Qamar jitla fuq il-Belt Valletta, Malta
22:01 CEST -> L-eklissi parzjali tibda
23:30 CEST -> Il-massimu ta’ l-eklissi
00:59 CEST -> L-eklissi parzjali tintemm
06:14 CEST -> Il-Qamar jinżel fuq il-Belt Valletta, Malta

Il-Qamar għandu jidher aħmar illejla, simili għal dan ir-ritratt.