With an average high of 31.5 C and an average low of 24.4 C, July 2019 has so far been more than 1.5 C warmer than normal. That’s exactly as forecast at the start of the month. The maximum temperature this month was reached on the 9th, when it had soared to a sweltering 38.3 C. That was just more than 7 C hotter than the mean for that time of year. With a low of 26 C, the following night was the warmest this month. Having reached the last days of July, we can safely say that like June 2019, July 2019 is following the same pattern as in July 2012 and July 2017, two years with very hot summers. We’ll know exactly how hot it was when our end of month report is published on Thursday. Just as in 2012 and 2017, August 2019 will also be hotter than average. The grip that anticyclones have had on the central Mediterranean so far this summer will continue into August. These will continue drawing hot to very h0t air from over north Africa towards our region. This will mean consistent above-average temperatures with heat spells being very likely. The average temperature in August generally stands at 27.1 C, and is normally the hottest month of the year. This year it will be no different. The latest map projections suggest that August 2019 will be around 1.5 C warmer than usual, making it the hottest month of 2019. That doesn’t mean the weather will be all sunny, calm and hot throughout. The same map projections still indicate the possibility of an early autumn, with some showers and thunderstorms possibly affecting us towards the end of the month.

Bl-ogħla temperatura fil-medja ta’ 31.5 C u l-anqas fil-medja ta’ 24.4 C, Lulju 2019 sa issa kien aktar min 1.5 C aktar sħun minn normal. Dan kien eżatt kif imbassar. L-ogħla temperatura ġiet imkejjla nhar id-9 ta’ Lulju, meta laħqet 38.3 C. Din kienet aktar minn 7 C ogħla mill-medja għal dan iż-żmien tas-sena. Bl-anqas ta’ 26 C, il-lejl ta’ wara kien l-aktar sħun dan ix-xahar. Issa li wasalna fl-aħħar jiem ta’ Lulju, nistgħu ngħidu li bħal Ġunju 2019, Lulju 2019 qed isegwi l-istess passi ta’ Lulju 2012 u Lulju 2017, sentejn li kellhom sjuf sħan ferm. Inkunu nafu eżatt kif kien dan ix-xahar meta noħorġu r-rapport ta’ l-aħħar tax-xahar nhar il-Ħamis. Bħal fl-2012 u l-2017, Awwissu 2019 ukoll se jkun aktar sħun mill-medja. Il-morsa li l-antiċikluni kellhom fuq iċ-ċentru tal-Mediterran dan is-sajf se tkompli matul ix-xahar ta’ Awwissu. Dawn se jkompli jiġbdu arja sħuna għal sħuna ħafna minn fuq it-tramuntana ta’ l-Afrika lejn ir-reġjun tagħna. Dan se jfisser temperaturi ogħla mill-medja b’mod konsistenti u b’mewġiet ta sħana jkunu probabli. It-temperatura medja matul ix-xahar ta’ Awwissu hija dik ta’ 27 C, u normalment ikun l-aktar xahar sħun tas-sena. Din is-sena mhux se jkun differenti. L-aktar mapep riċenti qed jindikaw li Awwissu 2019 għandu jkun 1.5 C aktar sħun minn normal, u għalhekk mistenni jkun l-aktar xahar sħun ta’ l-2019. Dan ma jfissirx li t-temp se jkun xemxi, kalm u sħun kuljum. L-istess mapep għandhom juru l-possibilita ta’ ħarifa bikrija, b’xi ħalbiet tax-xita u maltempati bir-ragħad ikunu possibbli lejn tmiem Awwissu.