Recent days have seen maximum temperature records being broken across western Europe, as heat from the south engulfed the area. Now, cold Arctic air has penetrated the region. The clash being the two air masses has triggered the development of a low pressure system. Bad weather will be affecting large parts of Europe over the coming days, as a result. The edge of this low pressure system will be moving across the central Mediterranean, affecting us in the process. The impact on the Maltese Islands will be to a far lesser extent than that on the rest of Europe.

A trough of low pressure system traversing the central Mediterranean late on Saturday 27/07 will mean a brief cloudy sky for the Maltese Islands overnight. The sky should become mainly sunny or partly cloudy by morning on Sunday 28/07. The wind from the South will reach Force 4/5 at times on Saturday night. It will turn Northwest by noon on Sunday, and increase slowly to become Force 5/6 by the evening, because of the contrast between high pressure over the western Mediterranean and lower pressure locally. It will remain strong till early on Tuesday 30/07, when high pressure restores fine weather to the Maltese Islands.

L-aħħar jiem raw rekords tat-temperaturi jinkisru madwar il-punent ta’ l-Ewropa, minħabba sħana kbira minn fuq l-Afrika ta’ fuq. Issa, kesħa minn fuq l-Artiku qed taħkem dawn l-istess inħawi. Id-differenza bejn dawn iż-żewġ masses ta’ arja b’temperaturi differenti wasslu biex żviluppat sistema ta’ pressjoni baxxa. Maltemp għandu jaħkem il-biċċa l-kbira ta’ l-Ewropa fil-jiem li ġejjin. It-tarf ta’ din is-sistema ta’ pressjoni baxxa se jkun qed jgħaddi minn fuq iċ-ċentru tal-Mediterran, u għalhekk se jaffetwa lilna wkoll. L-effett ta’ din fuq il-Gżejjer Maltin se jkun anqas minn dak fuq il-bqija ta’ l-Ewropa.

Front dgħajjef se jgħaddi minn fuq iċ-ċentru tal-Mediterran tard is-Sibt 27/07. Dan se jkun qed iġib miegħu sema msaħħab għal xi ħin matul il-lejl. Is-sema jerġa jsir il-biċċa l-kbira xemxi jew ftit imsaħħab sa filgħodu l-Ħadd 28/07. Ir-riħ minn Nofsinhar se jilħaq Forza4/5 kultant matul il-lejl tas-Sibt. Dan se jdur mill-Majjistral ma’ nofsinhar tal-Ħadd, u jżid bilmod sa ma jsir Forza 5/6 minn filgħaxija. Dan minħabba kuntrast bejn roqgħa ta’ pressjoni għolja fuq il-punent tal-Mediterran u pressjoni aktar baxxa fuqna. Ir-riħ se jibqa qawwi sa kmieni t-Tlieta 30/07, meta arja bi pressjoni għolja terġa ġġib temp bnazzi lejn il-Gżejjer Maltin.