September started off with a bang. Several showers and thunderstorms formed around the central Mediterranean during the first five days. At least five thunderstorms, and several isolated showers, affected the Maltese Islands. More will continue to develop around us till early on Friday 06/09. As a result, the chance for isolated showers possibly heavy and thundery at times will remain. The edge of a weak zone of high pressure will cover the central Mediterranean from Saturday 07/09 till Monday 09/09. This will ensure fair, albeit windy, weather throughout Victory Day weekend. The wind will be at Force 4/5 at times 6 from the Northwest throughout the weekend. Rain should not affect the Maltese Islands this weekend. The next wave of instability should affect the Maltese Islands early next week, when further showers and thunderstorms are expected on Tuesday 10/09 and Wednesday 11/09.
Settembru beda bil-maltemp. Diversi ħalbiet tax-xita u maltempati bir-ragħad żviluppaw fiċ-ċentru tal-Mediterran matul l-ewwel ħamest ijiem. Minn dawn, ħames maltempati bir-ragħad u numru ta’ ħalbiet iżolati tax-xita, affetwaw lill-Gżejjer Maltin. Aktar minn dawn se jiżviluppaw madwarna sa kmieni l-Ġimgħa 06/09. Għalhekk, iċ-ċans ta’ xita se jippersisti. It-tarf ta’ roqgħa dgħajfa ta’ pressjoni għolja mistennija tgħatti ċ-ċentru tal-Mediterran mis-Sibt 07/09 sat-Tnejn 09/09. Din se tiżgura temp sabiħ, għalkemm mirjieħ, għal tmiem il-ġimgħa u Jum il-Vitorja. Ir-riħ se jkun mill-Majjistral u se jilħaq Forza 4/5 kultant 6. Ma għandix tagħmel xita fi tmiem il-ġimgħa. Il-mewġa ta’ instabbilta’ li jmiss għandha tmissna kmieni l-ġimgħa li ġejja, meta ħalbiet tax-xita u maltempati bir-ragħad huma mistennija t-Tlieta 10/09 u l-Erbgħa 11/09.
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