Low pressure will persist over the western Mediterranean. Meanwhile, high pressure will prevail across the central and eastern Mediterranean. This will generate a flow of air from the south to southeast across our region. This will prevail for some days. The southerly wind will mean mild temperatures for the Maltese Islands till possibly the end of October. Temperatures will be above the average for this time of year. Maximum temperatures will hover around the 25 C mark, while lows will be of 19 C to 20 C.  Any precipitation will be in the form of isolated showers. No major rainfall events are being anticipated till the end of October.

Pressjoni baxxa se tippersisti lejn il-punent tal-Mediterran. Sadattant, pressjoni għolja se tkompli tkopri ċ-ċentru u lvant tal-Mediterran. Din se twassal għal riħ minn nofsinhar għal-xlokk. Dan se jippersisti għal numru ta’ jiem. Dan ir-riħ se jfisser temperaturi kemmxejn sħan għal Gżejjer Maltin possibilment sa l-aħħar ta’ Ottubru. It-temperaturi se jkunu ogħla mill-medja għal dan iż-żmien tas-sena. L-ogħla se jkunu ta’ 25 C, filwaqt li l-anqas se jvarjaw minn 19 C sa 20 C. Kwalunkwe xita se tkun fil-forma ta’ ħalbiet iżolati. Mhu qed nistennew l-ebda episodji ta’ xita severi sa l-aħħar ta’ Ottubru.