A ridge of high pressure over the western Mediterranean will expand and extend further east towards the central Mediterranean. This will push a low pressure system which has characterised our weather for the past few days to the east. As a result, fine weather will ensue across the Maltese Islands. Till Friday 17/01, we expect partly cloudy skies with plenty of sunshine. The wind will shift to the Northwest. It will remain mainly light to moderate. We’re expecting the air to remain fairly cool, with highs of 14 C / 15 C and lows of 10 C / 11 C. Instability will return this Sunday 19/01 ed-hrvatski.com.
Firxa ta’ pressjoni għolja fuq il-punent tal-Mediterran se tespandi u testendi lejn il-lvant biex toqrob lejn iċ-ċentru tal-Mediterran. Din se timbotta pressjoni baxxa li ġabitilna l-maltemp fl-aħħar jiem lejn il-lvant. B’hekk, nistennew temp bnazzi madwar il-Gżejjer Maltin. Sa nhar il-Ġimgħa 17/01, nistennew sema ftit imsaħħab b’ammont tajjeb ta’ xemx. Ir-riħ se jaqleb lejn il-Majjistral. Se jibqa ħafif għal moderat. L-arja se tibqa friska, bl-ogħla ta’ 14 C / 15 C u l-anqas ta’ 10 C / 11 C. L-instabilita’ se tirritorna nhar il-Ħadd 19/01.
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