Anticyclones that have prevailed across the Mediterranean for the past 6 weeks or so will weaken and retreat for the time being. This will allow an area of low pressure to form over the Gulf of Genoa and migrate southeastwards, affecting us in the process. The tip of a cold front is to clip the Maltese Islands in the early hours of Tuesday 03/03. This may bring a few isolated showers to our shores before dawn. Not much rain is expected. The rest of the day on Tuesday 03/03 will be largely dry. The wind turns Northwest and increase to Force 5/6 just after midnight. A more promising chance of rain exists for Wednesday 04/03. A second cold front is expected to traverse the central Mediterranean during the day, bringing some showers which may be briefly heavy and thundery at times. The Northwest wind will remain strong throughout the day on Wednesday 04/03. Temperatures will dip to 15 C highs and 11 C lows on both days. Total rainfall may exceed 10 mm. Fine weather will return to the Maltese Islands on Thursday 05/03.

L-antiċikluni li għal dawn l-aħħar sitt ġimgħat iddominaw il-Mediterran se jiddgħajfu u jersqu l’hemm għalissa. Dan se jħalli sistema ta’ pressjoni baxxa tifforma fuq il-Golf ta’ Genoa. Din se tersaq lejn ix-xlokk, u b’hekk taffetwana. It-tarf ta’ front kiesaħ se jgħaddi bi żbrixx minn magħna fis-siegħat bikrija tat-Tlieta 03/03. Dan għandu mnejn iġib xi ftit ħalbiet iżolati tax-xita qabel tlugħ ix-xemx. Mhux qed nistennew wisq xita. Il-bqija tal-jum tat-Tlieta 03/03 jibqa niexef. Ir-riħ idur Majjistral u jżid għal Forza 5/6 wara nofsillejl. Ċans aktar promittenti ta’ xita jeżisti għal jum ta’ l-Erbgħa 04/03. It-tieni front kiesaħ se jgħaddi minn fuq iċ-ċentru tal-Mediterran matul il-jum, u jġib ħalbiet tax-xita li jistgħu jkunu qawwijin u bir-ragħad għal ħin qasir kultant. Ir-riħ mill-Majjistral se jibqa qawwi matul il-jum kollu ta’ l-Erbgħa 04/03. It-temperaturi se jonqsu għal ogħla ta’ 15 C u l-anqas ta’ 11 C f’dawn il-jumejn. L-ammont ta’ xita kapaċi jaqbeż 10 mm. Temp sabiħ jirritorna il-Ħamis 05/03.