After several days with isolated showers, there’s a chance for a widespread rainfall event. If it happens, it would be the first in a long time.

A low pressure system will develop over the Gulf of Genoa during the day on Monday 09/03 It will migrate southeastwards towards Libya, where it will dissipate on Wednesday 11/03. It will pass over the central Mediterranean in the process. A cold front associated with this low pressure system will be of greatest interest to our islands. The cold front, accompanied by a band of rain, is likely to move across the central Mediterranean from midnight till 06:00 on Tuesday 10/03. During this time, we expect showers which will be heavy and also possibly thundery and with hail at times. After the main showers, the chance of isolated light rain or drizzle will linger on till the late hours of Tuesday 10/03. Total rainfall should exceed 10 mm. The wind will be at Force 3/4 from the West ahead of and during the rain. Strong gusts are possible during showers. It will turn Northeast in the afternoon and increase to Force 4/5 at times 6.

High pressure will cover the Mediterranean from Wednesday 11/03 onward, bringing a spell of bright sunshine and warm temperatures to the Maltese Islands.

Wara jiem b’ħalbiet iżolati tax-xita, hemm ċans ta’ xita aktar mifruxa. Jekk dan iseħħ, tkun l-ewwel xita mifruxa fi żmien twil ħafna.

Sistema ta’ pressjoni baxxa se tiżviluppa fuq il-Golf ta’ Ġenoa  matul il-jum tat-Tnejn 09/03. Din se tersaq lejn iil-Libja, fejn se tisfaxxa fix-xejn l-Erbgħa 11/03. Din se tmiss iċ-ċentru tal-Mediterran fil-proċess. Front kiesaħ abbinat ma’ din is-sistema ta’ pressjoni baxxa se jkun ta’ l-akbar interess għalina. Il-front kiesaħ, li miegħu se jkollu firxa ta’ xita, mistenni li jgħaddi minn fuq iċ-ċentru tal-Mediterran minn nofsillejl sa 06:00 tat-Tlieta 10/03. F’dan il-ħin għandna nistennew ħalbiet tax-xita li se jkunu qawwijin u possibilment anke bir-ragħad u bis-silġ kultant. Wara din ix-xita, iċ-ċans ta’ xita ħafifa jew irxiex iżolata se tippersisti sa tard it-Tlieta 10/03. It-total ta’ xita mistenni jaqbeż 10 mm. Ir-riħ se jkun Forza 3/4 mill-Punent qabel u waqt ix-xita. Buffuri qawwijin huma possibbli waqt ħalbiet tax-xita. Ir-riħ idur Grigal wara nofsinhar u jżid għal Forza 4/5 kultant 6.

Pressjoni għolja se tgħatti il-Mediterran minn l-Erbgħa 11/03 ‘il quddiem, u b’hekk il-Gżejjer Maltin se jgawdu minn waqfa ta’ temp xemxi u temperaturi sħan.