A ridge of high pressure which extended across our region from an anticyclone over central and eastern Europe will weaken at the start of this week. A low pressure system of Saharan origin will traverse the central Mediterranean on Tuesday 14/04 and Wednesday 15/04. The first half of this week, particularly Tuesday and Wednesday, will be a bit cloudier. This will be mainly due to high cloud. Airborne fine desert sand will be present locally on both days, with a hazy atmosphere being likely. High pressure should build up across the central Mediterranean again from Thursday 16/04 onward. As a result, sunny skies will return then. Temperatures will be significantly warmer this week. Highs will range from a mild 19 C to a much warmer 25 C. Lows will warm up from the recent 11 C / 12 C to 14 C / 15 C. An East to Southeast wind will characterise all days this week. It will be occasionally strong on several of days. It will be almost completely calm on Friday 17/04 and Saturday 18/04 though.