A massive thunderstorm dumped over 100 mm of rain in a space of just four hours in some localities in Gozo. The worst is now behind us. The zone of instability that sparked storms across the central Mediterranean in recent days will migrate slowly northeastwards as an area of high pressure over the western Mediterranean will strengthen and push through. Residual showers will remain possible till the evening on Tuesday 15/09, however, as they gradually decrease in frequency and intensity. The East Northeast wind will remain rather strong till the evening on Tuesday 15/09, reaching Force 6 at times. Fine weather with plentiful sunshine, very warm temperatures (30°C / 31°C highs and 23°C / 24°C lows) and light winds will be restored on Wednesday 16/09.
Maltempata bir-ragħad kbira tefgħet aktar minn 100 mm ta’ xita f’temp ta’ erbgħa siegħat f’xi lokalitajiet Għawdxin. L-agħar tal-maltemp issa jinsab warajna. Iż-żona ta’ instability li wasslet għal diversi maltempati fl-aħħar jiem issa se tersaq bilmod lejn il-grigal hekk kif roqgħa ta’ pressjoni għolja fuq il-punent tal-Mediterran se tissaħħaħ u tikber biex tilħaqna. Ħalbiet tax-xita residwi se jibqgħu possibli sat-Tlieta 15/09 filgħaxija, pero, hekk kif ix-xita tonqos fil-frekwenza u intensita bilmod. Ir-riħ mill-Grieg il-Lvant se jibqa qawwi sat-Tlieta 15/09 filgħaxija, u se jilħaq Forza 6 kultant. Temp ġeneralment bnazzi b’ħafna xemx, temperaturi aktar sħan (l-ogħla ta’ 30°C / 31°C u l-anqas ta’ 23°C / 24°C) u riħ ħafif se jirritorna nhar il-Erbgħa 16/09.
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