Air Temperature

Highest Maximum 23.6°C 16th
Lowest Maximum 18.7°C 21st
Highest Minimum 18.3°C 16rh 
Lowest Minimum 12.9°C 29th


Mean Maximum 20.9°C
Mean Minimum 16.0°C
Mean 18.4°C


Relative Humidity

Highest Relative Humidity 93% 25th
Lowest Relative Humidity 56% 12th


Mean Relative Humidity 77.7%


Atmospheric Pressure

Highest Atmospheric Pressure 1027.8hPa 7th and 8th
Lowest Atmospheric Pressure 1006.8hPa 29th


Mean Atmospheric Pressure 1021.4hPa



Highest Gust 54.7km/h 20th


Mean Wind Speed 5.9km/h
Mean Gust Speed 12.4km/h
Mean Wind + Gust Speed 9.2km/h
Most Frequent Wind Direction West Northwest



Total Rainfall During November 2020 86.6 mm
Total Rainfall Since Last 01/09 252.8 mm


Highest 24 Hour Total 17.9 mm 17th


Rain Days 10
Thunderstorm Days 7
Hail Days 1


Rainfall Events

08/11/2020 0.1 mm Early Drizzle
15/11/2020 3.2 mm Morning Shower
17/11/2020 17.9 mm Thunderstorm; Period of Steady Rain
21/11/2020 13.8 mm Isolated Showers; Thunderstorm
22/11/2020 9.4 mm Light Rain; Thunderstorm with Hail
23/11/2020 6.2 mm Showers; Distant Thunder
24/11/2020 8.3 mm Showers; Distant Thunder
25/11/2020 10.8 mm Showers; Distant Thunder
26/11/2020 0.8 mm Light Rain
29/11/2020 16.1 mm Showers; Thunderstorm


November 2020 Compared to the Climate Means

  Climate Mean November 2020 Anomaly
Mean Maximum Temperature 20.5°C 20.9°C +0.4°C
Mean Minimum Temperature 14.8°C 16.0°C +1.2°C
Mean Temperature 17.7°C 18.4°C +0.7°C
Mean Relative Humidity 77% 77.7% +0.7%
Mean Atmospheric Pressure 1017.9hPa 1021.4hPa +3.5hPa
Mean Wind Speed 16.3 km/h 9.2 km/h -7.1km/h
Most Frequent Wind Direction Northwest West Northwest -22.5°
Total Rainfall 90.1 mm 86.6 mm -3.5 mm
Total Rainfall Since Last 01/09 229.0 mm 252.8 mm +23.8 mm
Total Rain Days 11 10 -1
Total Thunderstorm Days 4 7 +3
Total Hail Days 1 1 0


The Two Faces of November 2020

The first half of November 2020 was characterized by uninterrupted warm temperatures and dry weather. This changed almost like a switch midway through. The second half of last month was dominated by rainy days and cooler temperatures. This abrupt change in meteorological conditions can be attributed to the sudden collapse of an anticyclone which had covered the central Mediterranean for weeks. This allowed cool air from the north to infiltrate our area and clash with the warm and moist air locally to generate successive zones of instability.

Overall, November 2020 turned out to be warmer than the climate norm. At 16.0°C, nights were a solid 1.2°C warmer than normal. Daytime highs on the other hand, with an 20.9°C mean, were only fractionally warmer than the norm. All days up to the 16th featured warmer than average temperatures. From then on, most days recorded temperatures cooler than the norm. Air temperatures ranged from the coolest of 12.9°C (on the 29th) to the warmest of 23.6°C (on the 16th).

It has to be said that a wet second half of the month saved an otherwise bone dry November 2020. All of the 86.6 mm of rain measured in Għarb last month fell during the last two weeks. The rain was spread over 10 days, with the wettest being the 17th, when 17.9 mm of rain were measured by our rain gauge in Għarb. Thunder was heard on 7 of these. Hail was observed once. Rainfall during the month of November 2020 conformed with the climate norm. This eased the fears of drought created by the lack of rain in October.

A notable observation was the significantly higher than average atmospheric pressure. Mean atmospheric pressure was at a staggering 1021.4hPa. The probable cause of this was the lack of cyclonic activity across the central Mediterranean. Much of the instability was the result of local instability. The stable atmosphere was reflected by the lack of windy days. In fact, the wind reached Force 6 or stronger on just 5 days. It reached Force 7 on just 2 of these. That is a stark contrast from a typical November. November is usually synonymous with the start of gales.



Rainfall Totals around the Maltese Islands in November 2020 (and since last September 1st)

Għarb – 86.6 mm (252.8 mm)

Victoria – 94.7 mm (244.8 mm)

Xewkija – 79.0 mm (193.8 mm)

Nadur – 121.9 mm (289.8 mm)

Mellieħa – 40.6 mm (155.0 mm)

Buġibba – 53.0 mm (163.3 mm)

Mġarr – 57.6 mm (146.7 mm)

Għargħur – 88.0 mm (246.0 mm)

Attard – 72.0 mm (306.5 mm)

Rabat – 54.1 mm (139.3 mm)

Msida – 59.7 mm (235.1 mm)

Valletta – 42.8 mm (144.4 mm)

Luqa – 86.4 mm (258.4 mm)

Żabbar – 79.5 mm (255.3 mm)

Birżebbuġa – 78.9 mm (186.2 mm)