An anticyclone will strengthen over the central Mediterranean this week, ensuring fine weather on most days. With the exception of Monday 7/2, winds will be mainly light and from a predominantly westerly direction. The brightest and calmest day will be Thursday 10/2, the day of the Feast of St. Paul’s Shipwreck. Temperatures will be slightly colder this week, particularly at night. The lack of cloud cover, brought about by anticyclonic conditions allows the sun to shine brightly without interruption, allowing heat to accumulate during the day. This leads to warm daytime highs. The lack of cloud cover at night, however, allows the heat accumulated during the day to escape into space. The result is a colder nighttime low. Daytime maximum temperatures will be in the region of 14°C to 16°C. Nighttime minimum temperatures will vary from 7°C to 10°C. The only chance of rain this week will be late on Sunday 13/2, when a little light rain will be possible.