The Maltese Islands are on the verge of another hot spell. An anticyclone over the western Europe will extend to cover the central Mediterranean by the weekend. A current of hot air from the Sahara Desert across the Mediterranean and into Europe will strengthen. Temperatures will rise to above average again from Saturday 16/7. The heat spell will be long-lasting, with maximum temperatures likely to be in the range of 33°C to 38°C. Minimum temperatures will be in the region of 25°C on most nights. The wind will be mainly light and from a predominantly westerly direction. A welcome sea breeze should be experienced along the coast on most afternoons. Skies will be mainly sunny.



Il-Gżejjer Maltin mistennija jesperjenzaw episodju ieħor ta’ sħana. Antiċiklun fuq il-punent ta’ l-Ewropa se jestendi lejn iċ-ċentru tal-Mediterran minn tmiem din il-ġimgħa. Kurrenti ta’ arja sħuna minn fuq id-deżert lejn l-Ewropa se jissaħħu. It-temperaturi se jerġgħu jogħlew u jibdew jilħqu livelli ogħla mill-medja mis-Sibt 16/7. Dan l-episodju ta’ sħana se jkun wieħed fit-tul, bit-temperaturi massimi mistennija jvarjaw minn 33°C sa 38°C. It-temperaturi minimi se jkunu fil-livell ta’ 25°C. Ir-riħ se jkun il-biċċa l-kbira ħafif u ħafna drabi mill-punent. Inħawi ħdejn il-baħar se jesperjenzaw żiffa ħafifa f’ħafna mill-jiem. Is-sema se jkun il-biċċa l-kbira xemxi.