Air Temperature
Highest Maximum | 20.6°C | 18th |
Lowest Maximum | 13.4°C | 22nd |
Highest Minimum | 14.6°C | 17th |
Lowest Minimum | 4.9°C | 23rd |
Mean Maximum | 16.6°C |
Mean Minimum | 11.1°C |
Mean | 13.8°C |
Relative Humidity
Highest Relative Humidity | 95% | Numerous days |
Lowest Relative Humidity | 52% | 24th |
Mean Relative Humidity | 79.1% |
Highest Gust | 57.9km/h | 6th |
Mean Wind Speed | 10.8km/h |
Most Frequent Wind Direction | Northwest |
Atmospheric Pressure
Highest Atmospheric Pressure | 1034.0hPa | 31st |
Lowest Atmospheric Pressure | 999.6hPa | 6th |
Mean Atmospheric Pressure | 1020.2hPa |
Total Rainfall During January 2024 | 55.0 mm |
Total Rainfall Since Last 01/09 | 185.2 mm |
Highest 24 Hour Total | 25.3 mm | 12th |
Rain Days | 9 days |
Thunderstorm Days | 1 day |
Hail Days | 1 day |
Rainfall Events
06/01/2024 | 10.3 mm | Thundery Showers with Hail |
07/01/2024 | 3.6 mm | Showers |
08/01/2024 | 4.2 mm | Showers |
09/01/2024 | 1.5 mm | Light Rain |
10/01/2024 | 4.6 mm | Showers |
12/01/2024 | 25.3 mm | Thundery Showers |
16/01/2024 | 1.2 mm | Light Rain |
20/01/2024 | 2.0 mm | Light Rain |
21/01/2024 | 2.3 mm | Light Rain |
23/01/2024 | 0.0 mm | Distant Light Rain |
January 2024 Compared to the Climate Means
Climate Mean | January 2024 | Anomaly | |
Mean Maximum Temperature | 15.6°C | 16.6°C | +1.0°C |
Mean Minimum Temperature | 10.1°C | 11.1°C | +1.0°C |
Mean Temperature | 12.8°C | 13.8°C | +1.0°C |
Mean Relative Humidity | 78.4% | 79.1% | +0.7% |
Mean Atmospheric Pressure | 1021.7hPa | 1020.2hPa | -1.5hPa |
Total Rainfall | 69.4 mm | 55.0 mm | -14.4 mm |
Total Rainfall Since Last 01/09 | 385.5 mm | 185.2 mm | -200.3 mm |
Total Rain Days | 14 days | 9 days | -5 days |
Total Thunderstorm Days | 4 days | 1 day | -3 days |
Total Hail Days | 2 days | 1 day | -1 day |
Warmer and Drier in JANUARY 2024
Numerous showers and a thunderstorm during the first half of January made for a wet start to 2024. The year may have started with a splash, but January’s total precipitation – which amounted to 55.0 mm – did not measure up to the climate norm. The national mean was at an even lower 44.2 mm. There were 9 days of rain. Thunder and hail were recorded on just one day. The 12th, the day with the heaviest rain, accounted for 25.3 mm of last month’s tally. The 174.6 mm of rainfall measured since September 1st amount to just 48% of the climate norm.
Apart from being drier than the climate norm, the month was also a full degree warmer than expected. Averaging at 13.8°C, the air temperature for the month surpassed the climate norm by 13.8°C. The warmest air temperature was registered on the 18th, when thermometers hit 20.6°C. The month’s coldest temperature was measured in the early hours of the 23rd, with a 5.2°C minimum.
Rainfall Totals around the Maltese Islands in January 2024 (and since last September 1st):
Għarb: 55.0 mm (185.2 mm)
Victoria: 73.6 mm (199.6 mm)
Xewkija: 40.0 mm (123.8 mm)
Nadur: 65.3 mm (206.0 mm)
Marsalforn: 47.6 mm (139.4 mm)
Mellieħa: 41.0 mm (142.6 mm)
Buġibba: 42.0 mm (175.6 mm)
Mġarr: 32.2 mm (169.7 mm)
Naxxar: 46.1 mm (198.2 mm)
Mosta: 43.9 mm (193.9 mm)
Dingli: 24.5 mm (180.1 mm)
Msida: 53.8 mm (195.4 mm)
Valletta: 40.3 mm (144.4 mm)
Imqabba: 33.9 mm (192.9 mm)
Birżebbuġa: 36.6 mm (172.2 mm)
Sliema: 40.2 mm (174.6 mm)
Fgura: 35.2 mm (175.1 mm)
NATIONAL MEAN: 44.2 mm (174.6 mm)