The transition from summer to winter is about to reach another milestone, as a major change in weather conditions is around the corner. This will coincide with the end of summer time this weekend. An intense low pressure system infiltrating our region from the west will herald a lasting change in weather conditions locally. Starting from Friday 25/10, it could rain on all days till the end of October. The wettest weather is expected on Sunday 27/10 and Monday 28/10, when widespread showers which will be heavy and thundery at times should affect the Maltese Islands. Temperatures will also dip considerably. Starting from Friday 25/10, the maximum temperature will be at or below 24 C for good. Nighttime lows will be at or below 19 C for good.
Il-bidla mis-sajf għax-xitwa għandha tibda tinħass sew, hekk kif taqliba kbira fit-temp għandha sseħħ fil-jiem li ġejjin. Din se taħbat sewwa sew ma’ tmiem il-ħin tas-sajf fi tmiem il-ġimgħa. Sistema’ ta’ pressjoni baxxa intensa se tippenetra r-reġjun tagħna mill-punent. Din għandha timmarka bidla permanenti fil-kundizzjonijiet tat-temp lokali. Minn nhar il-Ġimgħa 25/10, se nkunu qed nistennew li tagħmel xi ftit xita kuljum sa l-aħħar tax-xahar. L-aktar li se nkunu qed nistennew xita huwa l-Ħadd 27/10 u t-Tnejn 28/10, meta ħalbiet tax-xita mifruxa li jistgħu ikunu qawwijin u bir-ragħad kultant għandhom jaffetwaw il-Gżejjer Maltin. It-temperaturi ta’ l-arja wkoll se jonqsu b’mod sostanzjali. Minn nhar il-Ġimgħa 25/10, l-ogħla temperatura se tkun ta’ 24 C jew anqas. L-anqas matul il-lejl se tibda tkun ta’ 19 C jew anqas.
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