The anticyclone that has dominated the meteorological scene across the Mediterranean over the past weeks has dissolved. This will make it possible for low pressure systems from over the Atlantic to reach our shores. At least two successive storm systems will affect the Maltese Islands over the course of this week, resulting in a lengthy unstable spell. The first of these will reach us in the early hours of Tuesday 17/11. We’re expecting a cold front to bring a series of showers possibly heavy, thundery and with small hail at times across our islands. Rainfall amounts should not be exceptional, but they should still be sufficient enough to start easing the drought. Whilst rain is possible at any time, the heaviest rain is likely to occur in the morning and early afternoon. The temperature will be appreciably cooler, with the daytime high unlikely to exceed 20°C. The Southwest wind will veer West to West Northwest and reach Force 5/6 at times during the day. The risk of any severe weather is very low. We will provide you with updates on the meteorological situation for the rest of the week as the days progress.



L-antiċklun li ddomina s-sitwazzjoni metereoloġika madwar il-Mediterran għal dawn l-aħħar ġimgħat sfaxxa. Dan se jagħmilha possibbli biex sistemi ta’ maltemp minn fuq l-Atlantiku jilħquna. Minn ta’ l-anqas żewġ sistemi ta’ pressjoni baxxa se jaffetwawna wara xulxin matul din il-ġimgħa, u se jwasslu għal perjodu nstabbli daqsxejn fit-tul. L-ewwel minn dawn se tilħaqna fis-siegħat bikrijin tat-Tlieta 17/11. Qed nistennew li front kiesaħ iġib miegħu sensiela ta’ ħalbiet tax-xita li jistgħu jkunu qawwijin, bir-ragħad u anke b’xi silġ zgħir kultant madwar il-gżejjer tagħna. L-ammont ta’ xita mhux mistenni jkun wieħed eċċezzjonali, pero’ mistenni jkun biżejjed biex jibda jtaffi n-nixfa li hemm madwar il-Gżejjer Maltin. Filwaqt li x-xita hija possibbli minn ħin għal ieħor, jidher li l-aqwa tagħha għandu jkun matul filgħodu u kmieni wara nofsinhar. It-temperatura wkoll se tkun aktar friska, bl-ogħla ma taqbiżx l-20°C. Ir-riħ mill-Lbiċ se jdur kemmxejn u jsir Punent għal Punent Majjistru u jilħaq Forza 5/6 kultant matul il-jum. Ir-riskju ta’ maltemp sever huwa baxx ħafna. Matul il-jiem li ġejjin se nkunu qed inżommukhom aġġornati bl-aħħar żviluppi rigward is-sitwazzjoni tat-temp.