Air Temperature
Highest Maximum | 25.0°C | 6th |
Lowest Maximum | 18.1°C | 11th |
Highest Minimum | 19.1°C | 7th |
Lowest Minimum | 9.1°C | 25th |
Mean Maximum | 21.9°C |
Mean Minimum | 15.2°C |
Mean | 18.6°C |
Relative Humidity
Highest Relative Humidity | 95% | Numerous days |
Lowest Relative Humidity | 50% | 23rd |
Mean Relative Humidity | 78.6% |
Highest Gust | 46.7km/h | 30th |
Mean Wind Speed | 7.0km/h |
Most Frequent Wind Direction | West Northwest |
Atmospheric Pressure
Highest Atmospheric Pressure | 1035.1hPa | 24th |
Lowest Atmospheric Pressure | 1011.5hPa | 21st |
Mean Atmospheric Pressure | 1021.3hPa |
Total Rainfall During November 2024 | 131.3 mm |
Total Rainfall Since Last 01/09 | 184.7 mm |
Highest 24 Hour Total | 33.1 mm | 11th |
Rain Days | 10 days |
Thunderstorm Days | 6 days |
Hail Days | 0 days |
Rainfall Events
06/11/2024 | 0.0 mm | Distant Localized Shower |
07/11/2024 | 0.5 mm | A.M. Light Rain; Distant P.M. Steady Rain |
08/11/2024 | 20.3 mm | A.M. Steady Rain; Isolated Thunderstorms |
09/11/2024 | 20.5 mm | A.M. Heavy Rain Showers |
10/11/2024 | 18.3 mm | Heavy Rain Showers; Isolated Thunderstorms |
11/11/2024 | 33.1 mm | Heavy Rain; Isolated Thunderstorms |
12/11/2024 | 22.2 mm | Heavy Rain Showers; Isolated Thunderstorms |
13/11/2024 | 3.3 mm | A.M. Isolated Showers |
15/11/2024 | 2.6 mm | A.M. Isolated Thunderstorms |
21/11/2024 | 0.0 mm | Distant Isolated Showers |
27/11/2024 | 0.2 mm | Isolated Light Rain; Distant Isolated Showers |
29/11/2024 | 0.0 mm | Distant P.M. Isolated Showers |
30/11/2024 | 10.3 mm | Showers; Distant Isolated Thunderstorms |
November 2024 Compared to the Climate Means
Climate Mean | November 2024 | Anomaly | |
Mean Maximum Temperature | 20.9°C | 21.9°C | +1.0°C |
Mean Minimum Temperature | 15.2°C | 15.2°C | / |
Mean Temperature | 18.0°C | 18.6°C | +0.6°C |
Mean Relative Humidity | 77.6% | 78.6% | +1.0% |
Mean Atmospheric Pressure | 1016.3hPa | 1021.3hPa | +7.0hPa |
Total Rainfall | 94.2 mm | 131.3 mm | +37.1 mm |
Total Rainfall Since Last 01/09 | 233.1 mm | 184.7 mm | -48.4 mm |
Total Rain Days | 11 days | 10 days | -1 day |
Total Thunderstorm Days | 5 days | 6 days | +1 day |
Total Hail Days | 1 day | 0 days | -1 day |
A Warmer but Wetter November 2024
November brought a long-standing pattern of drier than average months to an end. With a total of 131.3 mm of rainfall measured at our Gozo weather station, November 2024 was the first month since February 2023 to bring significant rainfall to our islands. The national mean stood at a lower 94.4 mm, but was still on part with the climate norm. This rain was spread over 10 days, with the vast majority of it falling in a cluster from the 8th till the 13th due to instability being locked over the central Mediterranean. Apart from a few days with light rain, the only other day with significant precipitation was the 30th. No extreme rainfall events were recorded, although some brief flooding was observed from a handful of downpours.
November 2024 was warmer than the norm, particularly were maximum temperatures are concerned. The mean temperature of 18.6°C was 0.6°C above the norm. The mean maximum temperature of 21.9°C was 1°C above the climatic mean. The mean minimum temperature of 15.2°C, on the other hand, equalled the average. There was only one night with a minimum temperature below 10°C (9.1°C on the 25th), and this was due to the trailing edge of a mass of cold air touching the central Mediterranean briefly. The rest of the month was marked by a lack of flow of colder air from northern latitudes towards the Mediterranean.
November was a much calmer month than expected at this time of year. There were only two episodes of strong wind; one on the 22nd and 23rd, and the other on the 30th. The one on the 30th accounted for the month’s highest wind gust. This stood at 61.1km/h (Force 8) from a Westerly direction.
Rainfall Totals around the Maltese Islands in November 2024 (and since last November 1st):
Kerċem: 131.3 mm (190.2 mm)
Victoria: 130.9 mm (194.5 mm)
Xewkija: 67.0 mm (101.4 mm)
Nadur: 125.2 mm (186.7 mm)
Marsalforn: 105.4 mm (155.5 mm)
Mellieħa: 60.2 mm (109.6 mm)
Buġibba: 61.7 mm (117.4 mm)
Mġarr: 90.2 mm (129.1 mm)
Naxxar: 88.6 mm (164.1 mm)
Mosta: 91.3 mm (166.9 mm)
Dingli: 124.7 mm (162.0 mm)
Msida: 92.5 mm (189.7 mm)
Valletta: 74.1 mm (145.5 mm)
Imqabba: 108.4 mm (153.2 mm)
Birżebbuġa: 78.5 mm (115.2 mm)
Sliema: 68.3 mm (138.4 mm)
Fgura: 92.1 mm (183.9 mm)
NATIONAL MEAN: 94.4 mm (152.6 mm)