An intense low pressure system will be traversing the central Mediterranean during the next couple of days or so. This means that a wet and windy weekend is on the cards for the Maltese Islands. The system’s effects on the Maltese Islands will be felt from Saturday 23/11 through to Monday 25/11. Saturday 23/11 will see a strong wind from the South Southeast. There will also be a number of showers, especially later in the day. These should be heavy, thundery and with hail at times. Sunday 24/11 will be characterised by a strong wind which veers from the South Southeast to Northwest over the course of the day. It may reach gale-force late in the day. Sunday 24/11 will be the wettest. Rain showers which will be heavy, thundery and with hail at times are expected throughout the course of the day. Monday 25/11 will be the third day of stormy weather. The Northwest wind will gradually back North during the day, whilst decreasing slowly to become moderate by evening. There will be further showers, especially early in the day. These should be heavy, thundery and with hail at times. Temperatures this weekend will range from 16 C to 19 C as highs, and from 13 C to 15 C as lows. Total rainfall is expected to be high, with the national average varying anywhere from 25 mm to 50 mm.
Sistema ta’ pressjoni baxxa intensa se taqsam iċ-ċentru tal-Mediterran fil-jiem li ġejjin. Din is-sistema għandha taffetwana minn nhar is-Sibt 23/11 sat-Tnejn 25/11. Is-Sibt 23/11 mistenni riħ qawwi minn Nofsinhar ix-Xlokk. Se jkun hemm ukoll numru ta’ ħalbiet tax-xita, speċjalment aktar tard mal-jum. Dawn se jkunu qawwijin, bir-ragħad u bis-silġ kultant. Il-Ħadd 24/11 tkun il-qofol tal-maltemp. Se tkun ikkarateriżżata minn riħ qawwi li jdur bilmod minn Nofsinhar ix-Xlokk għal Majjistral. Jista jilħaq il-qawwa ta’ riefnu tard mal-jum. Il-Ħadd 24/11 se jkun l-aktar jum bix-xita. Nistennew ħalbiet tax-xita li se jkunu qawwijin, bir-ragħad u bis-silġ kultant matul il-jum kollu. It-Tnejn 25/11 se jkun it-tielet jum ta’ maltemp. Ir-riħ mill-Majjistral se jdur ftit u jsir Tramuntana matul il-jum, filwaqt li jonqos daqsxejn u jsir moderat sa filgħaxija. Se jkollna diversi ħalbiet tax-xita, speċjalment kmieni fil-jum. Dawn jibqgħu jkunu qawwijin, bir-ragħad u bis-silġ kultant. It-temperaturi fi tmiem il-ġimgħa se jvarjaw bejn 16 C u 19 C bħala l-ogħla u 13 C sa 15 C bħala l-anqas. It-total ta’ xita mistenni li jkun sostanzzjali, bit-total nazzjonali jkun ivarja minn 25 mm sa 50 mm.
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