A trough of low pressure over the Gulf of Gabes will progress eastwards in the next 24 hours or so. Associated with this trough of low pressure are a couple of showers and thunderstorms. These will intensify as a result of the very warm sea around us. As a result, we are to expect some rain later, especially in the evening and at night. Any rain may be heavy and thundery at times. A further 10 mm of rainfall are expected over the next 24 hours. The weather will improve during the day on Thursday 31/10.
Front ta’ pressjoni baxxa fuq il-Golf ta’ Gabes se jersaq lejn il-lvant matul l-24 siegħa li ġejjin. Assoċjati ma’ dan il-front ta’ pressjoni baxxa hemm numru ta’ ħalbiet tax-xita u maltempati bir-ragħad. Dawn se jissaħħu minħabba l-baħar sħun ta’ madwarna. Għalhekk, għandna nistennew xi xita aktar tard, speċjalment filgħaxija u billejl. Ix-xita tista tkun qawwija u bir-ragħad kultant. 10 mm oħra ta’ xita jista jiġu mkejjla fl-24 siegħa li ġejja. It-temp għandu jaqleb għal aħjar matul il-jum tal-Ħamis 31/10.
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