
Is this summer normal? What will the weather be like in the long-term? Will the temperatures start decreasing? When will we have the first rain? These are questions we receive on a daily basis. We will be taking some time to provide you with a collective answer.
- Some facts about summer till now: It goes without saying. Summer in the Maltese Islands is hot and dry. However, if you have felt that this year’s summer has so far been hotter than average, you are absolutely right! With an average maximum of 31.6 C, daytime highs have been 1.2 C warmer than normal. With an average minimum of 23.1 C, nighttime lows have been 2.8 C warmer than usual. Furthermore, occasional high levels of humidity have not helped, as realfeels have been pushed to over 40 C on numerous occasions.
- What is causing it? In a typical summer, a series of anticyclones from over north Africa extend north to cover the Mediterranean. This year, these anticyclones have been stronger and more frequent.
- What will the weather be like in the long-term? The grip that anticyclones have had on the Mediterranean will continue for now, allowing for further hot temperatures and dry weather to affect the Maltese Islands. As always, a day or two with strong winds and cooler temperatures will occur from time to time. Apart from that, there are absolutely no signs of an early autumn.
- Will the temperatures start decreasing? The days leading up to Santa Marija will see maximum temperatures in the region of 36 C. From then on, temperatures should settle at levels which are normal for the summer months. This means further hot weather, just not as hot as in the past two months. A very important thing to note is that the second half of August and all of September are known for their high humidity, and therefore for their high realfeel values.
- When will we have the first rain? There will be no significant rainfall in the near future. It is still too early to know when the first significant rainfall will come.
Dan is-sajf huwa wieħed normali? Kif se jkun it-temp fit-tul? It-temperaturi meta se jonqsu xi daqsxejn? Meta se jkollna l-ewwel xita? Dawn huma mistoqsijiet li nirċievu ta’ kuljum. Hawn se jkunu qed nagħtu risposta kollettiva għal dawn il-mistoqsijiet.
- Xi fatt dwar is-sajf sa issa: Ma għandniex għalfejn ngħidu. Is-sajf fil-Gżejjer Maltin huwa wieħed sħun u niexef. Pero, jekk ħassejtu li dan is-sajf kien aktar sħun minn normal, qed taħsbu sew! B’medja ta’ 31.6 C bħala temperatura massima, l-ogħla temperaturi kienu 1.2 C aktar sħan minn normal. B’medja ta; 23.1 C, l-anqas temperaturi kienu 2.8 C aktar sħan minn normal. Apparti minn hekk, episodji ta’ umdita għolja ma għenux, u waslu biex xi jiem inħassu daqs li kieku kienu 40 C jew aktar.
- X’inhu jikkawża dan? F’sajf tipiku, serje ta’ antiċikluni minn naħa ta’ fuq ta’ l-Afrika jestendu biex jgħattu ħafna mill-Mediterran. Din is-sena, dawn l-antiċikluni kienu aktar b’saħħithom u persistenti mis-soltu.
- Kif se jkun it-temp fit-tul? Il-morsa li l-antiċikluni kellhom fuq il-Mediterran se issa dan is-sajf se tkompli, u b’hekk se jkompli jkollna temperaturi sħan u temp niexef. Bħal dejjem, xi jum jew tnejn b’riħ qawwi u temperaturi friski mhux esklużi. Apparti minn hekk, ma hemmx ħjiel ta’ ħarifa bikrija.
- Meta se tibda tonqos it-temperatura? Il-jiem ta’ qabel Santa Marija mistennija jaraw temperaturi massimi ta’ madwar 36 C. Minn dakinhar ‘il quddiem, it-temperaturi għandhom iżommu mal-medja għal dan iż-żmien tas-sena. Dan ifisser temperaturi sħan, imma mhux fl-estrem ta’ kemm kienu tul dawn l-aħħar xahrejn. Ħaġa importanti li rridu nżommu f’moħħna huwa l-fatt li t-tieni nofs ta’ Awwissu u Settembru kollu huma magħrufa għal livelli għoljin ta’ umdita li jkollna. Dawn iwassalu biex it-temperaturi jinħassu aktar minn li verament ikunu.
- Meta se jkollna l-ewwel xita? Mhux se jkollna xita sinifikanti fil-futur qrib. Għadu kmieni wisq biex inkunu nafu meta se taħkimna l-ewwel xita sinifikanti.
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