Air Temperature
Highest Maximum | 27°C | 23rd |
Lowest Maximum | 15°C | 1st and 2nd |
Highest Minimum | 16°C | 25th |
Lowest Minimum | 10°C | 1st and 8th |
Mean Maximum | 17.0°C |
Mean Minimum | 11.8°C |
Mean | 13.9°C |
Relative Humidity
Highest Relative Humidity | 78% | 6th |
Lowest Relative Humidity | 24% | 23rd |
Mean Relative Humidity | 72.0% |
Atmospheric Pressure
Highest Atmospheric Pressure | 1024.1hPa | 19th |
Lowest Atmospheric Pressure | 1013.2hPa | 21st |
Mean Atmospheric Pressure | 1019.3hPa |
Highest Gust | 68km/h | 19th |
Mean Wind Speed | 12km/h |
Mean Gust Speed | 31km/h |
Mean Wind + Gust Speed | 21.5km/h |
Most Frequent Wind Direction | Southeast |
Total Rainfall During April 2019 | 27.5 mm |
Total Rainfall Since Last 01/09 | 482.6 mm |
Highest 24 Hour Total | 19.1 mm | 5th |
Rain Days | 5 |
Thunderstorm Days | 0 |
Hail Days | 2 |
Rainfall Events
04/04/2019 | 1.8 mm | Light Rain |
05/04/2019 | 19.1 mm | Thunderstorm |
07/04/2019 | 4.3 mm | Isolated Showers |
14/04/2019 | 2.0 mm | Isolated Showers |
22/04/2019 | 0.3 mm | Thunderstorm |
April 2019 Compared to the Climate Means
Climate Mean | April 2019 | Anomaly | |
Mean Maximum Temperature | 19.6°C | 17.0°C | -2.6°C |
Mean Minimum Temperature | 12.5°C | 11.8°C | -0.7°C |
Mean Temperature | 16.2°C | 13.9°C | -2.3°C |
Mean Relative Humidity | 77% | 72% | -5% |
Mean Atmospheric Pressure | 1014.3hPa | 1019.3hPa | +5.0hPa |
Mean Wind Speed | 18.9 km/h | 21.3km/h | +2.4km/h |
Most Frequent Wind Direction | Northwest | Southeast | 135° |
Total Rainfall | 23.2 mm | 27.5 mm | +4.3 mm |
Total Rainfall Since Last 01/09 | 561.7 mm | 474.2 mm | -87.5 mm |
Total Rain Days | 6 | 5 | -1 |
Total Thunderstorm Days | 1 | 2 | +1 |
Total Hail Days | 1 | 0 | 0 |
Cooler and Drier in April 2019
The air was significantly cooler than average over much of last month. Overall, air temperatures were 2.3°C colder than normal. The biggest difference from the average was registered by the daytime temperature (2.6°C cooler than usual). Nights were not as cold (0.7°C cooler than the norm). This could attributed to the fact that April was characterised by several days of overcast skies and airborne fine desert sand. In this case, light from the Sun would be reflected off the clouds and airborne fine desert sand back into space, preventing the air at ground level from heating up. Finally, temperatures returned to normal in the final week of April. The hottest day was the 23rd with a 27°C high. Conversely, the coldest was at 10°C on the 1st and 8th.
Total rainfall measured at our weather station in Għarb, at 27.5 mm was below the mean for this time of year. April started off promisingly with regards to precipitation. 25.2 mm (or 91%) of April’s rainfall total fell in the first week of the month. The rest fell in light showers which deposited copious amounts of fine desert sand.
A number of windy days dotted the month of April. Winds were significantly stronger than the average for April. The wind reached Force 6 or stronger on 10 days. This is the Maltese Islands were caught up between high and low pressure systems several times. The strongest gust was of 68 km/h, registered on the 19th. The prevailing wind direction was from the Southeast. This was the result of successive north African low pressure systems passing by us.
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