End of Month Reports

End of Month Reports

February 2025 – Rainfall Totals Bounce Back

Air Temperature

Highest Maximum 19.6°C 13th
Lowest Maximum 14.9°C 10th
Highest Minimum 13.2°C 1st
Lowest Minimum 5.8°C 23rd


Mean Maximum 17.1°C
Mean Minimum 10.0°C
Mean 13.5°C


Relative Humidity

Highest Relative Humidity 95% Numerous days
Lowest Relative Humidity 58% 22nd


Mean Relative Humidity 83.6%



Highest Gust 45.1km/h 16th


Mean Wind Speed 7.9km/h
Most Frequent Wind Direction East Southeast


Atmospheric Pressure

Highest Atmospheric Pressure 1031.3hPa 23rd
Lowest Atmospheric Pressure 1008.4hPa 16th


Mean Atmospheric Pressure 1022.0hPa



Total Rainfall During February 2025 66.0 mm
Total Rainfall Since Last 01/09 335.3 mm


Highest 24 Hour Total 21.6 mm 9th


Rain Days 12 days
Thunderstorm Days 3 days
Hail Days 1 day


Rainfall Events

3/2/2025 0.5 mm Isolated Showers; Distant Thunder and Hail
5/2/2025 0.0 mm Distant Isolated Light Rain
6/2/2025 0.0 mm Distant Isolated Light Rain
7/2/2025 8.0 mm Rain Showers
8/2/2025 15.7 mm Rain Showers
9/2/2025 21.6 mm Steady Rain; Thunderstorm
10/2/2025 6.3 mm Rain Showers
14/2/2025 0.0 mm Distant Hailstorm with Large Hail
15/2/2025 2.3 mm Rain Showers
16/2/2025 0.5 mm Isolated Showers
19/2/2025 0.6 mm P.M. Isolated Showers
20/2/2025 4.2 mm A.M. Showers; Distant Steady Heavy Rain
22/2/2025 1.3 mm A.M. Isolated Shower
26/2/2025 2.1 mm P.M. Light Rain; Showers; Distant Thunder
27/2/2025 2.9 mm Showers; Distant Hail


February 2025 Compared to the Climate Means

  Climate Mean February 2025 Anomaly
Mean Maximum Temperature 15.6°C 17.1°C  +1.5°C
Mean Minimum Temperature 9.7°C 10.0°C +0.3°C
Mean Temperature 12.7°C 13.5°C +0.8°C
Mean Relative Humidity 78.3% 83.6% -5.3%
Mean Atmospheric Pressure 1020.2hPa 1022.0hPa +1.8hPa
Total Rainfall 61.9 mm 66.0 mm +4.1 mm
Total Rainfall Since Last 01/09 447.4 mm 335.3 mm -112.1 mm
Total Rain Days 11 days 12 days +1 day
Total Thunderstorm Days 3 days 3 days /
Total Hail Days 2 days 1 day -1 day


February 2025 – Rainfall Totals Bounce Back

The 66.0 mm of precipitation measured at our weather station in Gozo was marginally above the climate norm for February. Whilst all corners of the Maltese Islands registered a wetter than average February 2025, it was the island of Malta which benefitted most from the rainfall recovery. Localities in Malta received approximately 103.2 mm over the course of February 2025. Gozitan localities, on the other hand, received only 65.2 mm. This was due to the fact that most rain-bearing systems came to our islands with easterly currents. These affect Malta far more than Gozo. A case in point was the 20th. Maltese localities experienced continuous heavy rain in the morning. Gozo only received a few showers. More than half of all days last month; 15 in total, registered rainfall. The highlight was a hailstorm with large hailstones over the southern half of Malta, particularly Birżebbuġa and Għaxaq, on Valentine’s Day. February was the second wetter than average since last September 1st, along with February.

Temperatures were significantly warmer than average, particularly during the day. The mean maximum temperature of 17.1°C exceeded the norm by 1.5°C. Overall temperatures were  0.8°C above typical values for the time of year. Temperatures in winter depend on the so-called polar vortex. This is a circulation of very cold air in the Arctic. This winter we’ve seen the polar vortex assume a stronger and more compact structure, leading to cold air remaining locked up and restricted to polar areas. It was so strong, in fact, that the temperature at the level of 30,000 above the Arctic dropped to -90°C (the coldest for the past 40 years). This state of affairs is being maintained for now. When that happens, low pressure systems from over the Sahara Desert can reach us more freely, together with more frequent southeasterly winds and warmer than average temperatures. The difference from the climate norm with minimum temperatures was of only 0.3°C. This was thanks to a number of chilly nights brought about by numerous calm and clear nights, the coldest of which was the dawn of the 23rd when the mercury dipped to 5.8°C!

Winds were weaker than normal, with less gales than normal. Atmospheric pressure averaged 1022hPa. This is stronger than normal.

Rainfall Totals around the Maltese Islands in February 2025 (and since last September 1st):

Kerċem: 66.0 mm (335.3 mm)

Victoria: 66.1 mm (339.0 mm)

Marsalforn: 63.7 mm (286.8 mm)

Xewkija: 58.6 mm (232.1 mm)

Nadur: 70.3 mm (326.2 mm)

Għajnsielem: 66.4 mm (282.0 mm)

Mellieħa: 64.6 mm (258.1 mm)

Buġibba: 77.1 mm (260.0 mm)

Mġarr: 104.7 mm (331.1 mm)

Naxxar: 98.6 mm (351.3 mm)

Mosta: 95.9 mm (343.7 mm)

Dingli: 132.4 mm (431.9 mm)

Pembroke: 100.8 (349.2 mm)

Msida: 109.6 mm (425.3 mm)

Sliema: 87.7 mm (328.2 mm)

Valletta: 103.1 mm (351.1 mm)

Fgura: 108.2 mm (412.8 mm)

Żejtun: 115.0 mm (363.9 mm)

Żabbar: 151.6 mm (426.3 mm)

Imqabba: 102.0 mm (384.3 mm)

Siġġiewi: 115.7 mm (359.2 mm)

Żurrieq: 99.8 mm (346.5 mm)

Marsaxlokk: 86.7 mm (285.9 mm)

NATIONAL MEAN: 91.9 mm (338.2 mm)

End of Month Reports

Springtime Temperatures in January 2025

Air Temperature

Highest Maximum 19.5°C 26th
Lowest Maximum 12.9°C 14th
Highest Minimum 14.7°C 10th
Lowest Minimum 5.6°C 16th


Mean Maximum 17.5°C
Mean Minimum 11.7°C
Mean 14.6°C


Relative Humidity

Highest Relative Humidity 94% Numerous days
Lowest Relative Humidity 57% 18th


Mean Relative Humidity 81.7%



Highest Gust 53.1km/h 17th


Mean Wind Speed 11.1km/h
Most Frequent Wind Direction Northwest


Atmospheric Pressure

Highest Atmospheric Pressure 1031.4hPa 1st
Lowest Atmospheric Pressure 1008.4hPa 12th


Mean Atmospheric Pressure 1020.1hPa



Total Rainfall During January 2025 52.8 mm
Total Rainfall Since Last 01/09 269.3 mm


Highest 24 Hour Total 12.3 mm 13th


Rain Days 8 days
Thunderstorm Days 3 days
Hail Days 1 day


Rainfall Events

2/1/2025 0.0 mm Distant Isolated Light Rain
3/1/2025 0.0 mm Distant Isolated Showers
4/1/2025 0.0 mm Distant Isolated Showers
8/1/2025 0.8 mm Light Rain
12/1/2025 3.5 mm A.M. Shower
13/1/2025 12.3 mm P.M. Heavy Rain
14/1/2025 10.1 mm Showers; Distant Thunder
15/1/2025 1.0 mm P.M. Shower
16/1/2025 6.2 mm A.M. Isolated Shower; P.M. Steady Rain
17/1/2025 10.2 mm A.M. Steady Rain; P.M. Thunderstorm with Hail
18/1/2025 0.0 mm Distant Light Rain
20/1/2025 0.0 mm Distant Isolated Showers
21/1/2025 0.0 mm Distant Isolated Showers
29/1/2025 8.7 mm Light to Moderate Rain; Distant Thunder
30/1/2025 0.0 mm Distant A.M. Light Rain


January 2025 Compared to the Climate Means

  Climate Mean January 2025 Anomaly
Mean Maximum Temperature 15.6°C 17.5°C  +1.9°C
Mean Minimum Temperature 10.1°C 11.7°C +1.6°C
Mean Temperature 12.8°C 14.6°C +1.8°C
Mean Relative Humidity 78.4% 81.7% +3.3%
Mean Atmospheric Pressure 1021.7hPa 1020.1hPa -1.6hPa
Total Rainfall 69.4 mm 52.8 mm -16.6 mm
Total Rainfall Since Last 01/09 385.5 mm 269.3 mm -116.2 mm
Total Rain Days 14 days 8 days -6 days
Total Thunderstorm Days 4 days 3 days -2 days
Total Hail Days 2 days 1 day -2 day


Springtime Temperatures in January 2025

Almost half of all days (15) last January were characterized by at least one shower over one area or another of the Maltese Islands. Rain was measured at our weather station on eight of these. Thunder was heard on three of these while hail was recorded once. Despite these days of rain, January’s total precipitation of 63.0 mm was less than the value for a typical January. The total rainfall at our weather station was at an even lower 52.8 mm.

Apart from being drier than the climate norm, the month was also warmer than expected at this time of year. In fact, it was among the warmest Januarys ever. The mean temperature of 14.6°C exceeded the climate average by 1.8°C. This comprised a mean maximum temperature of 17.5°C (1.9°C warmer than average) and a mean minimum temperature of 11.7°C (1.6°C warmer than average). These temperatures are more typical of Easter time rather than the peak of winter! The maximum temperature of 19.5°C on January 26th was far from breaking absolute temperature records, however. A calm and clear night on the 16th accounted for the month’s coldest minimum temperature of 5.6°C.

Rainfall Totals around the Maltese Islands in January 2025 (and since last September 1st):

Kerċem: 52.8 mm (269.3 mm)

Victoria: 52.2 mm (272.9 mm)

Marsalforn: 51.5 mm (223.1 mm)

Xewkija: 55.7 mm (173.5 mm)

Nadur: 51.6 mm (255.9 mm)

Għajnsielem: 67.5 mm (215.6 mm)

Mellieħa: 67.0 mm (193.5 mm)

Buġibba: 52.6 mm (182.9 mm)

Mġarr: 70.1 mm (226.4 mm)

Naxxar: 68.1 mm (252.7 mm)

Mosta: 62.0 mm (247.8 mm)

Dingli: 101.1 mm (299.5 mm)

Pembroke: 64.0 mm (248.2 mm)

Msida: 75.3 mm (315.7 mm)

Sliema: 68.4 mm (240.5 mm)

Valletta: 61.6 mm (248.0 mm)

Fgura: 72.1 mm (304.6 mm)

Żejtun: 53.7 mm (248.9 mm)

Żabbar: 62.5 mm (274.7 mm)

Imqabba: 80.9 mm (282.3 mm)

Siġġiewi: 68.2 mm (243.5 mm)

Żurrieq: 63.2 mm (246.7 mm)

Marsaxlokk: 47.4 mm (199.2 mm)

NATIONAL MEAN: 63.0 mm (246.3 mm)

End of Month Reports

Significantly Drier than Average in December 2024

Air Temperature

Highest Maximum 22.8°C 14th
Lowest Maximum 13.2°C 24th and 25th
Highest Minimum 17.6°C 13th
Lowest Minimum 6.3°C 31st


Mean Maximum 17.8°C
Mean Minimum 11.7°C
Mean 14.7°C


Relative Humidity

Highest Relative Humidity 94% Numerous days
Lowest Relative Humidity 42% 11th


Mean Relative Humidity 74.9%



Highest Gust 62.8km/h 24th


Mean Wind Speed 12.7km/h
Most Frequent Wind Direction Northwest


Atmospheric Pressure

Highest Atmospheric Pressure 1034.0hPa 17th
Lowest Atmospheric Pressure 1003.7hPa 24th


Mean Atmospheric Pressure 1019.9hPa



Total Rainfall During December 2024 31.8 mm
Total Rainfall Since Last 01/09 216.5 mm


Highest 24 Hour Total 8.4 mm 27th


Rain Days 14 days
Thunderstorm Days 5 days
Hail Days 4 days


Rainfall Events

01/12/2024 TR mm Isolated Light Rain
03/12/2024 1.8 mm P.M. Isolated Thunderstorm
04/12/2024 5.9 mm A.M. and P.M. Isolated Thunderstorm
05/12/2024 3.4 mm Isolated Showers; Distant A.M. and P.M. Hailstorms
06/12/2024 0.0 mm Distant Isolated Showers
07/12/2024 0.8 mm Isolated Light Rain; Distant Isolated Showers
08/12/2024 0.5 mm Isolated Light Rain; Distant Isolated Showers
15/12/2024 3.9 mm P.M. Rain/Hail Showers; Distant Thunder
16/12/2024 0.5 mm A.M. Light Rain; Distant Thundery Rain/Hail Showers
20/12/2024 0.3 mm Isolated Showers
21/12/2024 0.2 mm Isolated Showers
22/12/2024 0.5 mm Isolated Showers
23/12/2024 3.3 mm Isolated Showers with Hail; Distant Hailstorms and Thunder
24/12/2024 0.3 mm Light Rain; Distant Isolated Showers
25/12/2024 0.0 mm Distant P.M. Isolated Showers
26/12/2024 1.9 mm P.M. Isolated Showers
27/12/2024 8.5 mm A.M. Isolated Showers
28/12/2024 0.0 mm Distant Light Rain
30/12/2024 TR mm Dew


December 2024 Compared to the Climate Means

  Climate Mean December 2024 Anomaly
Mean Maximum Temperature 17.2°C 17.8°C  +0.6°C
Mean Minimum Temperature 11.9°C 11.7°C -0.2°C
Mean Temperature 14.5°C 14.7°C +0.2°C
Mean Relative Humidity 78.9% 74.9% -5.0%
Mean Atmospheric Pressure 1018.0hPa 1019.9hPa +1.9hPa
Total Rainfall 83.0 mm 31.8 mm -51.2 mm
Total Rainfall Since Last 01/09 316.1 mm 216.5 mm -99.6 mm
Total Rain Days 13 days 14 days +1 day
Total Thunderstorm Days 3 days 5 days +2 days
Total Hail Days 2 days 4 days +2 days


Significantly Drier than Average in December 2024

December 2024 became the tenth consecutive drier-than-average December. With a measly 31.8 mm measured over the course of the month, December brought with it far less than half the climate norm. December used to be the year’s wettest month. The national mean stood at a similar 34.2 mm. There were 14 days of rain at our weather station. Thunder was heard on 5 days while hail was recorded on 4 days. Nationally, there were 18 days when at least one shower was measured in one part or another of the island. That is a staggering amount, when considering that rainfall totals were so poor. This is because rain came from isolated showers rather than extensive, widespread rain-bearing low pressure systems.

Mean atmospheric pressure stood at 1019.9hPa. This is higher than average and could be explained by the constant close proximity of an anticyclone.

December 2024 was overall slightly warmer than the norm. The mean temperature of 14.7°C was 0.2°C above the norm. This comprised a mean maximum temperature of 17.8°C which was 0.6°C  above the climatic mean and a mean minimum temperature of 11.7°C which was 0.2°C  below the norm. This wide range in anomalies could be explained by the temperature variations on days under anticyclonic influence. On days with fine weather, days were warm but nights were cold. The 11th, with a 20.1°C maximum (2.9°C warmer than average) and a 7.6°C minimum (4.3°C colder than average), was one of these various instances. With a mean temperature of 11.2°C, Christmas Eve was December’s coldest day overall. Christmas Eve and Christmas Day shared the title for the lowest maximum temperature. At 13.2°C, it is also the lowest maximum temperature for the whole of 2024. New Year’s Eve, on the other hand, was the month’s coldest night. The mercury dipped to 6.3°C that night.

As expected, December was a windswept month. The wind, from a predominantly Northwest direction, reached at least Force 6 on almost half of all days. The windiest days were those just before Christmas Day. The highest wind gust registered was of 62.8 km/h on the 24th.

Rainfall Totals around the Maltese Islands in December 2024 (and since last September 1st):

Kerċem: 31.8 mm (216.5 mm)

Victoria: 32.8 mm (220.7 mm)

Marsalforn: 22.9 mm (171.6 mm)

Xewkija: 22.9 mm (117.8 mm)

Nadur: 25.5 mm (204.3 mm)

Għajnsielem: 32.9 mm (148.1 mm)

Mellieħa: 17.7 mm (126.5 mm)

Buġibba: 14.0 mm (130.3 mm)

Mġarr: 31.2 mm (156.3 mm)

Naxxar: 24.4 mm (184.6 mm)

Mosta: 23.8 mm (185.8 mm)

Dingli: 40.2 mm (198.4 mm)

Pembroke: 24.8 mm (184.4 mm)

Msida: 52.5 mm (240.4 mm)

Sliema: 35.1 mm (172.1 mm)

Valletta: 43.0 mm (186.4 mm)

Fgura: 51.4 mm (232.5 mm)

Żejtun: 44.9 mm (195.2 mm)

Żabbar: 44.0 mm (212.2 mm)

Imqabba: 51.7 mm (201.4 mm)

Siġġiewi: 50.3 mm (175.3 mm)

Żurrieq: 48.1 mm (183.5 mm)

Marsaxlokk: 37.1 mm (151.8 mm)

NATIONAL MEAN: 34.2 mm (183.3 mm)

End of Month Reports

A Warmer but Wetter November 2024

Air Temperature

Highest Maximum 25.0°C 6th
Lowest Maximum 18.1°C 11th
Highest Minimum 19.1°C 7th
Lowest Minimum 9.1°C 25th


Mean Maximum 21.9°C
Mean Minimum 15.2°C
Mean 18.6°C


Relative Humidity

Highest Relative Humidity 95% Numerous days
Lowest Relative Humidity 50% 23rd


Mean Relative Humidity 78.6%



Highest Gust 46.7km/h 30th


Mean Wind Speed 7.0km/h
Most Frequent Wind Direction West Northwest


Atmospheric Pressure

Highest Atmospheric Pressure 1035.1hPa 24th
Lowest Atmospheric Pressure 1011.5hPa 21st


Mean Atmospheric Pressure 1021.3hPa



Total Rainfall During November 2024 131.3 mm
Total Rainfall Since Last 01/09 184.7 mm


Highest 24 Hour Total 33.1 mm 11th


Rain Days 10 days
Thunderstorm Days 6 days
Hail Days 0 days


Rainfall Events

06/11/2024 0.0 mm Distant Localized Shower
07/11/2024 0.5 mm A.M. Light Rain; Distant P.M. Steady Rain
08/11/2024 20.3 mm A.M. Steady Rain; Isolated Thunderstorms
09/11/2024 20.5 mm A.M. Heavy Rain Showers
10/11/2024 18.3 mm Heavy Rain Showers; Isolated Thunderstorms
11/11/2024 33.1 mm Heavy Rain; Isolated Thunderstorms
12/11/2024 22.2 mm Heavy Rain Showers; Isolated Thunderstorms
13/11/2024 3.3 mm A.M. Isolated Showers
15/11/2024 2.6 mm A.M. Isolated Thunderstorms
21/11/2024 0.0 mm Distant Isolated Showers
27/11/2024 0.2 mm Isolated Light Rain; Distant Isolated Showers
29/11/2024 0.0 mm Distant P.M. Isolated Showers
30/11/2024 10.3 mm Showers; Distant Isolated Thunderstorms


November 2024 Compared to the Climate Means

  Climate Mean November 2024 Anomaly
Mean Maximum Temperature 20.9°C 21.9°C  +1.0°C
Mean Minimum Temperature 15.2°C 15.2°C /
Mean Temperature 18.0°C 18.6°C +0.6°C
Mean Relative Humidity 77.6% 78.6% +1.0%
Mean Atmospheric Pressure 1016.3hPa 1021.3hPa +7.0hPa
Total Rainfall 94.2 mm 131.3 mm +37.1 mm
Total Rainfall Since Last 01/09 233.1 mm 184.7 mm -48.4 mm
Total Rain Days 11 days 10 days -1 day
Total Thunderstorm Days 5 days 6 days +1 day
Total Hail Days 1 day 0 days -1 day


A Warmer but Wetter November 2024

November brought a long-standing pattern of drier than average months to an end. With a total of 131.3 mm of rainfall measured at our Gozo weather station, November 2024 was the first month since February 2023 to bring significant rainfall to our islands. The national mean stood at a lower 94.4 mm, but was still on part with the climate norm. This rain was spread over 10 days, with the vast majority of it falling in a cluster from the 8th till the 13th due to instability being locked over the central Mediterranean. Apart from a few days with light rain, the only other day with significant precipitation was the 30th. No extreme rainfall events were recorded, although some brief flooding was observed from a handful of downpours.

November 2024 was warmer than the norm, particularly were maximum temperatures are concerned. The mean temperature of 18.6°C was 0.6°C above the norm. The mean maximum temperature of 21.9°C was 1°C  above the climatic mean. The mean minimum temperature of 15.2°C, on the other hand, equalled the average. There was only one night with a minimum temperature below 10°C (9.1°C on the 25th), and this was due to the trailing edge of a mass of cold air touching the central Mediterranean briefly. The rest of the month was marked by a lack of flow of colder air from northern latitudes towards the Mediterranean.

November was a much calmer month than expected at this time of year. There were only two episodes of strong wind; one on the 22nd and 23rd, and the other on the 30th. The one on the 30th accounted for the month’s highest wind gust. This stood at 61.1km/h (Force 8) from a Westerly direction.

Rainfall Totals around the Maltese Islands in November 2024 (and since last November 1st):

Kerċem: 131.3 mm (190.2 mm)

Victoria: 130.9 mm (194.5 mm)

Xewkija: 67.0 mm (101.4 mm)

Nadur: 125.2 mm (186.7 mm)

Marsalforn: 105.4 mm (155.5 mm)

Mellieħa: 60.2 mm (109.6 mm)

Buġibba: 61.7 mm (117.4 mm)

Mġarr: 90.2 mm (129.1 mm)

Naxxar: 88.6 mm (164.1 mm)

Mosta: 91.3 mm (166.9 mm)

Dingli: 124.7 mm (162.0 mm)

Msida: 92.5 mm (189.7 mm)

Valletta: 74.1 mm (145.5 mm)

Imqabba: 108.4 mm (153.2 mm)

Birżebbuġa: 78.5 mm (115.2 mm)

Sliema: 68.3 mm (138.4 mm)

Fgura: 92.1 mm (183.9 mm)

NATIONAL MEAN: 94.4 mm (152.6 mm)

End of Month Reports

A Very Warm and Dry October 2024

Air Temperature

Highest Maximum 29.3°C 3rd
Lowest Maximum 23.6°C 31st
Highest Minimum 24.3°C 3rd
Lowest Minimum 15.2°C 30th


Mean Maximum 26.1°C
Mean Minimum 18.7°C
Mean 22.4°C


Relative Humidity

Highest Relative Humidity 95% Numerous days
Lowest Relative Humidity 52% 12th


Mean Relative Humidity 78.6%



Highest Gust 53.1km/h 19th


Mean Wind Speed 8.0km/h
Most Frequent Wind Direction South Southeast


Atmospheric Pressure

Highest Atmospheric Pressure 1028.0hPa 24th
Lowest Atmospheric Pressure 1007.2hPa 3rd


Mean Atmospheric Pressure 1018.8hPa



Total Rainfall During October 2024 23.7 mm
Total Rainfall Since Last 01/09 53.4 mm


Highest 24 Hour Total 22.4 mm 19th


Rain Days 3 days
Thunderstorm Days 2 days
Hail Days 0 days


Rainfall Events

18/10/2024 0.5 mm Light Rain Shower
19/10/2024 22.4 mm Thunderstorm
22/10/2024 1.0 mm Light Rain Shower; Distant Thunderstorm


October 2024 Compared to the Climate Means

  Climate Mean October 2024 Anomaly
Mean Maximum Temperature 24.9°C 26.1°C  +1.2°C
Mean Minimum Temperature 18.5°C 18.7°C +0.2°C
Mean Temperature 21.7°C 22.4°C +0.7°C
Mean Relative Humidity 77.7% 78.6% +0.9%
Mean Atmospheric Pressure 1017.8hPa 1018.8hPa +1.0hPa
Total Rainfall 84.0 mm 23.7 mm -60.3 mm
Total Rainfall Since Last 01/09 138.9 mm 53.4 mm -85.5 mm
Total Rain Days 10 days 3 days -7 days
Total Thunderstorm Days 6 days 2 days -4 days
Total Hail Days 1 day 0 days -1 day


A Very Warm and Dry October 2024

October brought generally dry warm weather to the Maltese Islands.

Having produced just 9.4 mm of precipitation, October was significantly drier than the climate norm, which stands at 84.0 mm of rainfall. This was the third consecutive year with a very dry October. It was also one of the driest on record. There was only one major rainfall event. After a day of near misses, an evening downpour on the 19th struck the northern half of Gozo with up to 70 mm in the villages of San Lawrenz and Għarb. Surrounding localities also received a decent share of rain. 22.4 mm were measured by our rain gauge in Kerċem. There were two other days with rain, both yielding only light rain showers. Thunderstorms drifted past on one of these occasions. Localities across Malta received no heavy rainfall at all.

October 2024 was also significantly warmer than average, registering a mean temperature of 22.4°C which exceeded the climate norm by 0.7°C. A staggering twenty-six days in October registered maximum temperatures that were higher than the norm. An extensive area of high pressure (anticyclone) prevailed over eastern Europe and the Mediterranean. Troughs of low pressure (storm systems) remained stuck over the western Mediterranean and northwestern Europe. This helped maintain a persistent easterly air flow across the central Mediterranean. Apart from making October the second consecutive month with the South Southeast as the predominant wind direction, it ensured that warm air was constantly advected from regions of the Sahara towards the central Mediterranean.

October was a much calmer month than expected at this time of year, with the wind speed averaging at 8.0 km/h rather than the norm of around 13.7 km/h. October’s maximum wind gust measured 53.1 km/h (Force 7) and blew from the Southeast in the morning of the 19th, ahead of the evening downpour.

Rainfall Totals around the Maltese Islands in October 2024 (and since last October 1st):

Kerċem: 23.7 mm (53.4 mm)

Victoria: 22.6 mm (57.0 mm)

Xewkija: 7.5 mm (31.8 mm)

Nadur: 21.8 mm (53.6 mm)

Marsalforn: 16.6 mm (43.3 mm)

Mellieħa: 6.8 mm (48.6 mm)

Buġibba: 3.0 mm (54.6 mm)

Mġarr: 9.7 mm (34.9 mm)

Naxxar: 5.0 mm (71.6 mm)

Mosta: 5.9 mm (70.7 mm)

Dingli: 5.5 mm (33.5 mm)

Msida: 4.9 mm (95.4 mm)

Valletta: 4.6 mm (69.3 mm)

Imqabba: 4.6 mm (41.3 mm)

Birżebbuġa: 5.3 mm (36.2 mm)

Sliema: 6.2 mm (68.7 mm)

Fgura: 6.0 mm (89.0 mm)

NATIONAL MEAN: 9.4 mm (56.1 mm)

End of Month Reports

A Stifling Start to September 2024

Air Temperature

Highest Maximum 33.9°C 7th
Lowest Maximum 24.6°C 17th
Highest Minimum 26.9°C 4th
Lowest Minimum 17.7°C 21st


Mean Maximum 28.5°C
Mean Minimum 21.8°C
Mean 25.1°C


Relative Humidity

Highest Relative Humidity 95% Numerous days
Lowest Relative Humidity 46% 15th


Mean Relative Humidity 78.9%



Highest Gust 45.1km/h 14th


Mean Wind Speed 9.8km/h
Most Frequent Wind Direction South Southeast


Atmospheric Pressure

Highest Atmospheric Pressure 1021.7hPa 30th
Lowest Atmospheric Pressure 1007.8hPa 9th


Mean Atmospheric Pressure 1015.1hPa



Total Rainfall During September 2024 29.7 mm
Total Rainfall Since Last 01/09 29.7 mm


Highest 24 Hour Total 9.1 mm 20th


Rain Days 11 days
Thunderstorm Days 2 days
Hail Days 1 day


Rainfall Events

09/09/2024 3.8 mm Isolated Showers
13/09/2024 2.5 mm Light Rain
17/09/2024 4.0 mm Light Ran
18/09/2024 0.8 mm Light Rain; Distant Thunder
19/09/2024 0.0 mm Distant P.M. Downpour
20/09/2024 9.1 mm Showers; Distant Thunderstorm with Hail
21/09/2024 0.5 mm Light Rain
23/09/2024 7.6 mm Showers
24/09/2024 0.3 mm Light Rain
25/09/2024 0.8 mm Light Rain
26/09/2024 0.3 mm Light Rain


September 2024 Compared to the Climate Means

  Climate Mean September 2024 Anomaly
Mean Maximum Temperature 28.5°C 28.5°C  /
Mean Minimum Temperature 21.6°C 21.8°C +0.2°C
Mean Temperature 25.0°C 25.1°C +0.1°C
Mean Relative Humidity 76.6% 78.9% +2.3%
Mean Atmospheric Pressure 1016.7hPa 1015.1hPa -1.6hPa
Total Rainfall 54.9 mm 29.7 mm -25.2 mm
Total Rainfall Since Last 01/09 54.9 mm 29.7 mm -25.2 mm
Total Rain Days 5 days 11 days +6 days
Total Thunderstorm Days 3 days 2 days -1 day
Total Hail Days 0 days 1 day +1 day


A Stifling Start to September 2024

Meteorological autumn kicked off on a stifling note. Hot temperatures coupled with very high levels of humidity and a sticky southerly wind made conditions across the Maltese Islands very uncomfortable. With temperatures at approximately 33°C and relative humidity levels consistently around 85%, real-feels were pushed into the mid to upper 40s. With a maximum temperature of 33.9°C, the 7th was last months warmest day. With a minimum temperature of 26.9°C, the night between the 3rd and 4th was the year’s warmest. A cold front traversed the central Mediterranean in the early hours of the 9th, bringing with it cooler temperatures and also the first autumn showers. This proved a turning point in meteorological conditions locally, as it was followed by consistent outbreaks of instability.

Successive episodes of strong North-westerly winds from the 9th onward maintained fresh air across the central Mediterranean. A maximum wind gust of 45.1km/h was measured on the 14th, during one of 6 such breezy episodes.

These outbreaks of instability brought a series of showers, some of which included localized thunderstorms, to the central Mediterranean. Whilst most localities experienced moderate showers, a handful were affected by downpours. These were mainly the harbour regions and localities of central Malta. There were 11 days of rain. Thunder was heard on 2 of these. Hail was recorded on 1. 29.7 mm of rain was measured by our weather station in Għarb. This was just over half of the climate norm. September, however, is naturally a hit-or-miss month. The lack, or abundance, of rainfall is rarely an indicator for the rain season ahead. Localities across harder-hit areas measured in excess of 60 mm of precipitation. The wettest, Msida, recorded 90.5 mm. The heaviest rainfall event occurred on the 20th in the form of a downpour.

Rainfall Totals around the Maltese Islands in September 2024 (and since last September 1st):

Għarb: 29.7 mm (29.7 mm)

Victoria: 34.4 mm (34.4 mm)

Xewkija: 24.3 mm (24.3 mm)

Nadur: 31.8 mm (31.8 mm)

Marsalforn: 26.7 mm (26.7 mm)

Mellieħa: 41.8 mm (41.8 mm)

Buġibba: 51.6 mm (51.6 mm)

Mġarr: 25.2 mm (25.2 mm)

Naxxar: 66.6 mm (66.6 mm)

Mosta: 64.8 mm (64.8 mm)

Dingli: 28.0 mm (28.0 mm)

Msida: 90.5 mm (90.5 mm)

Valletta: 64.7 mm (64.7 mm)

Imqabba: 36.7 mm (36.7 mm)

Birżebbuġa: 30.9 mm (30.9 mm)

Sliema: 62.5 mm (62.5 mm)

Fgura: 83.0 mm (83.0 mm)

NATIONAL MEAN: 46.7 mm (46.7 mm)

End of Month Reports

An Unstable End to Hot and Humid August 2024

Air Temperature

Highest Maximum 33.9°C 16th
Lowest Maximum 29.1°C 21st
Highest Minimum 26.7°C 18th
Lowest Minimum 22.1°C 7th


Mean Maximum 31.6°C
Mean Minimum 24.0°C
Mean 27.8°C


Relative Humidity

Highest Relative Humidity 93% Numerous days
Lowest Relative Humidity 33% 17th


Mean Relative Humidity 78.5%



Highest Gust 35.4km/h 28th


Mean Wind Speed 7.4km/h
Most Frequent Wind Direction Northwest


Atmospheric Pressure

Highest Atmospheric Pressure 1018.6hPa 11th
Lowest Atmospheric Pressure 1008.2hPa 3rd


Mean Atmospheric Pressure 1013.6hPa



Total Rainfall During August 2024 7.5 mm
Total Rainfall Since Last 01/09 280.2 mm


Highest 24 Hour Total 7.5 mm 28th


Rain Days 1 day
Thunderstorm Days 1 day
Hail Days 1 day


Rainfall Events

22/08/2024 Għarixa; Distant Showers
28/08/2024 6.6 mm Isolated Thunderstorms with Hail; P.M. Thunderstorm
29/08/2024 Distant A.M. Showers


August 2024 Compared to the Climate Means

  Climate Mean August 2024 Anomaly
Mean Maximum Temperature 31.7°C 31.6°C  -0.1°C
Mean Minimum Temperature 23.3°C 24.0°C +0.7°C
Mean Temperature 27.5°C 27.8°C +0.3°C
Mean Relative Humidity 73.6% 78.5% +4.9%
Mean Atmospheric Pressure 1014.1hPa 1013.6hPa -0.5hPa
Total Rainfall 10.6 mm 7.5 mm -3.1 mm
Total Rainfall Since Last 01/09 529.4 mm 280.2 mm -249.2 mm
Total Rain Days 1 day 1 day /
Total Thunderstorm Days 1 day 1 day /
Total Hail Days 0 days 1 day +1 day


An Unstable End to Hot and Humid August

August 2024 lived up to the local saying “Awwissu x-xemx taħarqu u x-xita tmissu”. This is a local Maltese proverb describing August as being a very hot month, but also the month when we get the first rain. This was true, at least for some localities.

With an overall mean air temperature of 27.8°C, August was marginally warmer than average. This value by itself doesn’t reveal much. The first two and a half weeks of the month lived up to their expectation of being the year’s hottest period. The mean maximum temperature from the 1st through to the 18th was of 32.8°C. The remaining days of the month were characterized by large cumuliform clouds around lunchtime. This prevented daytime heating, allowing for less intense temperatures. The mean minimum temperature of 24.0°C was significantly higher than the norm. The mean sea surface temperature around the Maltese Islands stood at 29°C. That is some 2°C warmer than average. A very warm sea inhibits nighttime cooling of the air. Values of relative humidity were higher than the norm. This made the air feel rather clammy and uncomfortable at times. Values of relative humidity were also aggravated by rainfall on the 22nd.

August rain is not unheard of across the Maltese Islands, particularly as the month nears its end. August 2024 was characterized by one main episode of instability and several localized showers. The day of the 28th saw isolated thunderstorms popping around the Maltese Islands. Referred to as “popcorn” or “pop-up” cells, these clouds formed spontaneously due to ground heating under an unstable atmosphere. This was followed by a more active thunderstorm in the evening. 3000 lightning strikes were registered across the central Mediterranean in two hours. Much of its rainfall fell at sea, but it still accounted for much of the Maltese Islands’ only rainfall event of the month. Towering cumulus clouds featured on the vast majority of days towards the end of the month too The air closer to the surface of the islands was hot and humid. Simultaneously, cold air was present in the upper levels of the atmosphere. On sunlit days, the hot and humid air was forced to rise. Upon reaching the colder air aloft, moisture within the air mass condensed to form dense clouds. These clouds started forming in the late morning and dissipated by the late afternoon, generated showers for a handful of areas in central and southern Malta, particularly around Żurrieq.

Rainfall Totals around the Maltese Islands in August 2024 (and since last September 1st):

Għarb: 6.6 mm (276.0 mm)

Victoria: 4.3 mm (295.9 mm)

Xewkija: 1.8 mm (185.9 mm)

Nadur: 0.8 mm (278.4 mm)

Marsalforn: 3.5 mm (216.8 mm)

Mellieħa: 0.7 mm (226.8 mm)

Buġibba: 4.9 mm (284.8 mm)

Mġarr: 1.8 mm (261.3 mm)

Naxxar: 17.8 mm (302.5 mm)

Mosta: 11.4 mm (290.2 mm)

Dingli: 14.6 mm (281.9 mm)

Msida: 10.4 mm (290.2 mm)

Valletta: 11.8 mm (229.4 mm)

Imqabba: 15.0 mm (285.3 mm)

Birżebbuġa: 0.0 mm (235.2 mm)

Sliema: 3.1 mm (256.6 mm)

Fgura: 15.0 mm (257.2 mm)

NATIONAL MEAN: 7.3 mm (262.0 mm)

End of Month Reports

Typical Summer Weather in July 2024

Air Temperature

Highest Maximum 36.2°C 19th
Lowest Maximum 25.2°C 3rd
Highest Minimum 26.3°C 20th
Lowest Minimum 19.6°C 6th


Mean Maximum 31.5°C
Mean Minimum 22.8°C
Mean 27.2°C


Relative Humidity

Highest Relative Humidity 93% Numerous days
Lowest Relative Humidity 29% 16th


Mean Relative Humidity 73.7%



Highest Gust 49.9km/h 2nd


Mean Wind Speed 9.1km/h
Most Frequent Wind Direction Northwest


Atmospheric Pressure

Highest Atmospheric Pressure 1018.8hPa 28th
Lowest Atmospheric Pressure 1007.0hPa 2nd


Mean Atmospheric Pressure 1013.3hPa



Total Rainfall During July 2024 0.0 mm
Total Rainfall Since Last 01/09 272.7 mm


Highest 24 Hour Total / /


Rain Days 0 days
Thunderstorm Days 0 days
Hail Days 0 days


Rainfall Events

08/07/2024   Mist
14/07/2024   Fog
29/07/2024   Mist


July 2024 Compared to the Climate Means

  Climate Mean July 2024 Anomaly
Mean Maximum Temperature 31.6°C 31.5°C  -0.1°C
Mean Minimum Temperature 22.5°C 22.8°C +0.3°C
Mean Temperature 27.0°C 27.2°C +0.2°C
Mean Relative Humidity 70.2% 73.7% +3.5%
Mean Atmospheric Pressure 1014.6hPa 1013.3hPa -1.3hPa
Total Rainfall 0.2 mm 0.0 mm -0.2 mm
Total Rainfall Since Last 01/09 518.8 mm 272.7 mm -246.1 mm
Total Rain Days 0 days 0 days /
Total Thunderstorm Days 0 days 0 days /
Total Hail Days 0 days 0 days /


Typical Summer Weather in JULY 2024

With a mean air temperature of 22.8°C, July was marginally warmer than average. This value by itself doesn’t reveal much. A heat spell with sweltering temperatures from the 9th through to the 22nd was countered by a cooler than average first week of the month. This was brought about by cooler air from the north thanks to an episode of strong Northwesterly winds. This episode accounted for the month’s highest wind gust of 49.9km/h on the 2nd. The final nine days of the month contained a fair mix of days with temperatures above and below the norm. Once again this was the result of fresh, albeit less strong, Northwesterly winds. The maximum temperature peaked at 36.2°C on the 19th. The fourteen-day heat spell comprised a mean maximum temperature of 34.1°C at our weather station in Għarb. Values were higher across Malta. Mean minimum temperatures experienced a gradual rise. This corresponded with a more rapid rise in mean sea surface temperature. The mean sea surface temperature around the Maltese Islands stood at 29°C. That is some 2°C warmer than average. A very warm sea inhibits nighttime cooling of the air. Values of relative humidity were higher than the norm. This made the air feel rather clammy and uncomfortable at times.

July 2024 also lived up to its expectation of being a completely dry month. No rain made it to the Maltese Islands throughout. Some mist or fog patches were observed.

Rainfall Totals around the Maltese Islands in July 2024 (and since last September 1st):

Għarb: 0.0 mm (269.4 mm)

Victoria: 0.0 mm (291.6 mm)

Xewkija: 0.0 mm (184.1 mm)

Nadur: 0.0 mm (277.6 mm)

Marsalforn: 0.0 mm (213.3 mm)

Mellieħa: 0.0 mm (226.1 mm)

Buġibba: 0.0 mm (279.9 mm)

Mġarr: 0.0 mm (259.5 mm)

Naxxar: 0.0 mm (284.7 mm)

Mosta: 0.0 mm (278.8 mm)

Dingli: 0.0 mm (267.3 mm)

Msida: 0.0 mm (279.8 mm)

Valletta: 0.0 mm (217.6 mm)

Imqabba: 0.0 mm (270.3 mm)

Birżebbuġa: 0.0 mm (235.2 mm)

Sliema: 0.0 mm (253.5 mm)

Fgura: 0.0 mm (242.2 mm)

NATIONAL MEAN: 0.0 mm (254.8 mm)

End of Month Reports

Breezy and Dusty with Warmer Daytime Temperatures in June 2024

Air Temperature

Highest Maximum 34.3°C 20th
Lowest Maximum 24.6°C 15th
Highest Minimum 23.2°C 21st
Lowest Minimum 16.0°C 8th


Mean Maximum 28.8°C
Mean Minimum 20.7°C
Mean 24.8°C


Relative Humidity

Highest Relative Humidity 95% Numerous days
Lowest Relative Humidity 29% 8th


Mean Relative Humidity 74.8%



Highest Gust 46.7km/h 13th


Mean Wind Speed 9.5km/h
Most Frequent Wind Direction North Northwest


Atmospheric Pressure

Highest Atmospheric Pressure 1019.6hPa 7th
Lowest Atmospheric Pressure 1008.5hPa 25th


Mean Atmospheric Pressure 1014.5hPa



Total Rainfall During June 2024 1.1 mm
Total Rainfall Since Last 01/09 272.7 mm


Highest 24 Hour Total 0.5 mm 4th


Rain Days 3 days
Thunderstorm Days 2 days
Hail Days 0 days


Rainfall Events

04/06/2024 0.5 mm A.M. Light Thunderstorm; Light Rain
05/06/2024 0.3 mm A.M. Light Rain; Distant Thunderstorm
08/06/2024 0.3 mm A.M. Light Rain


June 2024 Compared to the Climate Means

  Climate Mean June 2024 Anomaly
Mean Maximum Temperature 28.5°C 28.8°C  +0.3°C
Mean Minimum Temperature 21.6°C 20.7°C -0.9°C
Mean Temperature 25.0°C 24.8°C -0.2°C
Mean Relative Humidity 70.5% 74.8% +4.3%
Mean Atmospheric Pressure 1015.1hPa 1014.5hPa -0.6hPa
Total Rainfall 4.1 mm 1.1 mm -3.0 mm
Total Rainfall Since Last 01/09 518.6 mm 272.7 mm -245.9 mm
Total Rain Days 1 day 3 days +2 days
Total Thunderstorm Days 1 day 2 days +1 day
Total Hail Days 0 days 0 days /


Breezy and Dusty with Warmer Daytime Temperatures in JUNE 2024

June 2024 was off to a rather bleak start. Light rain showers accompanied by loud thunder were observed on three days in the opening week. This was accompanied by temperatures well below the climate norm. Meteorological conditions took a more seasonal turn over the course of the second week, as summer slowly gained momentum.

The mean temperature of 24.8°C was around the seasonal norm. This combined a warmer than average mean maximum temperature but a cooler than average mean minimum temperature. The latter could be attributed to the delayed heating of the sea surface. Last month’s maximum temperature stood at 34.3°C and was measured on the 20th. Most days in the second half of the month featured 30°C + temperatures.

June is often a very dry month. This one was not one of the exceptions. 1.1 mm of rain was recorded from three days of isolated light rain showers which were accompanied by loud thunder. The rain was accompanied by copious amounts of fine desert sand. In fact, a very interesting feature last month was the persistence of airborne fine desert sand. A staggering 23 days were characterized by a thick blanket of haze from over north Africa.

June 2024 was also a very breezy month. Half of all days last month featured wind gusts of Force 5 or stronger. The wind direction varied considerably.

Rainfall Totals around the Maltese Islands in June 2024 (and since last September 1st):

Għarb: 1.1 mm (269.4 mm)

Victoria: 1.7 mm (291.6 mm)

Xewkija: 0.9 mm (184.1 mm)

Nadur: 1.1 mm (277.6 mm)

Marsalforn: 1.7 mm (213.3 mm)

Mellieħa: 0.7 mm (226.1 mm)

Buġibba: 0.5 mm (279.9 mm)

Mġarr: 1.1 mm (259.5 mm)

Naxxar: 1.9 mm (284.7 mm)

Mosta: 1.0 mm (278.8 mm)

Dingli: 1.3 mm (267.3 mm)

Msida: 3.4 mm (279.8 mm)

Valletta: 1.6 mm (217.6 mm)

Imqabba: 3.5 mm (270.3 mm)

Birżebbuġa: 1.3 mm (235.2 mm)

Sliema: 2.6 mm (253.5 mm)

Fgura: 1.6 mm (242.2 mm)

NATIONAL MEAN: 1.6 mm (254.8 mm)

End of Month Reports

Warmer in May 2024

Air Temperature

Highest Maximum 32.7°C 18th
Lowest Maximum 18.7°C 9th
Highest Minimum 22.9°C 18th
Lowest Minimum 10.7°C 5th


Mean Maximum 24.1°C
Mean Minimum 17.1°C
Mean 20.6°C


Relative Humidity

Highest Relative Humidity 95% Numerous days
Lowest Relative Humidity 32% 23rd


Mean Relative Humidity 78.4%



Highest Gust 46.7km/h 21st


Mean Wind Speed 10.5km/h
Most Frequent Wind Direction Northwest


Atmospheric Pressure

Highest Atmospheric Pressure 1020.1hPa 3rd
Lowest Atmospheric Pressure 1004.0hPa 16th


Mean Atmospheric Pressure 1014.5hPa



Total Rainfall During May 2024 13.7 mm
Total Rainfall Since Last 01/09 271.6 mm


Highest 24 Hour Total 8.5 mm 8th


Rain Days 4 days
Thunderstorm Days 2 days
Hail Days 0 days


Rainfall Events

01/05/2024 3.3 mm Thunderstorm
08/05/2024 8.5 mm Rainy
09/05/2024 0.5 mm Light Rain
11/05/2024   Haze
15/05/2024 TR mm Drops of Rain
16/05/2024 TR mm Drops of Rain
17/05/2024 TR mm Drops of Rain
19/05/2024 1.4 mm Light Thunderstorm
20/05/2024   Haze; Widespread Dust
21/05/2024   Haze; Widespread Dust


May 2024 Compared to the Climate Means

  Climate Mean May 2024 Anomaly
Mean Maximum Temperature 23.9°C 24.1°C  +0.2°C
Mean Minimum Temperature 15.9°C 17.1°C +1.2°C
Mean Temperature 19.9°C 20.6°C +0.7°C
Mean Relative Humidity 74.5% 78.4% +3.9%
Mean Atmospheric Pressure 1015.9hPa 1014.5hPa -1.4hPa
Total Rainfall 9.8 mm 13.7 mm +3.9 mm
Total Rainfall Since Last 01/09 514.5 mm 271.6 mm -242.9 mm
Total Rain Days 4 days 4 days /
Total Thunderstorm Days 1 day 2 days +1 day
Total Hail Days 0 days 0 days /


Warmer in MAY 2024

May was the fifth consecutive month this year to experience air temperatures that were higher than expected by varying degrees. The mean maximum temperature of 24.1°C was 0.2°C warmer than the norm. The mean minimum temperature of 17.1°C exceeded the norm by 1.2°C. Last month’s hottest temperature was of 32.7°C, measured on the 18th. These very warm temperatures were not complemented by bright sunshine and light winds, however. Airborne fine desert sand was present in the skies above the central Mediterranean on a total of 12 days. There were also 4 days with rain and 2 days with thunder. The wind reached Force 5 or stronger on half of all days last month too.

There were four instances with measureable rain last month. The month of May started with a bang, with a thunderstorm lighting up the skies in the predawn hours of the 1st. The wettest day of the month was on the 8th. An episode of steady light to moderate rain produced some 8.5 mm of rain. A sudden upper-level thunderstorm with very little precipitation on the 19th was also a highlight worth-mentioning from last month. There were also several instances of drops of rain mixed with fine dust. Whilst the month of May was wetter than average in parts of the Maltese Islands, including our weather station in Għarb, not the same can be said for the whole archipelago. The mean rainfall for May 2024 stood at 7.3 mm, or slightly above the mean.

Rainfall Totals around the Maltese Islands in May 2024 (and since last September 1st):

Għarb: 10.4 mm (268.3 mm)

Victoria: 10.7 mm (289.9 mm)

Xewkija: 8.0 mm (183.2 mm)

Nadur: 8.2 mm (276.5 mm)

Marsalforn: 7.7 mm (211.6 mm)

Mellieħa: 7.7 mm (225.4 mm)

Buġibba: 8.8 mm (279.4 mm)

Mġarr: 11.3 mm (258.4 mm)

Naxxar: 6.6 mm (282.8 mm)

Mosta: 8.9 mm (277.8 mm)

Dingli: 7.7 mm (266.0 mm)

Msida: 5.0 mm (276.4 mm)

Valletta: 4.6 mm (216.0 mm)

Imqabba: 5.7 mm (266.8 mm)

Birżebbuġa: 4.1 mm (233.9 mm)

Sliema: 4.3 mm (250.9 mm)

Fgura: 4.0 mm (240.6 mm)

NATIONAL MEAN: 7.3 mm (253.2 mm)