End of Month Reports

End of Month Reports

Warmer and Drier in April 2024

Air Temperature

Highest Maximum 28.3°C 1st
Lowest Maximum 15.7°C 24th
Highest Minimum 17.8°C 15th
Lowest Minimum 9.2°C 5th


Mean Maximum 20.2°C
Mean Minimum 13.8°C
Mean 17.0°C


Relative Humidity

Highest Relative Humidity 95% Numerous days
Lowest Relative Humidity 28% 1st


Mean Relative Humidity 77.3%



Highest Gust 54.7km/h 19th


Mean Wind Speed 14.8km/h
Most Frequent Wind Direction Northwest


Atmospheric Pressure

Highest Atmospheric Pressure 1025.8hPa 21st
Lowest Atmospheric Pressure 1005.8hPa 27th


Mean Atmospheric Pressure 1016.4hPa



Total Rainfall During April 2024 11.2 mm
Total Rainfall Since Last 01/09 257.9 mm


Highest 24 Hour Total 10.4 mm 24th


Rain Days 3 days
Thunderstorm Days 1 day
Hail Days 0 days


Rainfall Events

09/04/2024   Mist
16/04/2024 0.3 mm Light Rain; Distant Thunderstorm
19/04/2024 0.5 mm Light Rain
24/04/2024 10.4 mm Steady Light/Moderate Rain


April 2024 Compared to the Climate Means

  Climate Mean April 2024 Anomaly
Mean Maximum Temperature 19.8°C 20.2°C  +0.4°C
Mean Minimum Temperature 13.0°C 13.8°C +0.8°C
Mean Temperature 16.4°C 17.0°C +0.6°C
Mean Relative Humidity 77.1% 77.3% +0.2%
Mean Atmospheric Pressure 1016.3hPa 1016.4hPa +0.1hPa
Total Rainfall 17.0 mm 11.2 mm -5.8 mm
Total Rainfall Since Last 01/09 504.7 mm 257.9 mm -246.8 mm
Total Rain Days 6 days 3 days -3 days
Total Thunderstorm Days 1 day 1 day /
Total Hail Days 0 days 0 days /


Warmer and Drier in APRIL 2024

April, the second month of meteorological spring, was characterized by frequently changing weather conditions. Temperatures fluctuated throughout the month. The opening day of the month, April Fool’s Day, was the month’s warmest day. The mercury soared to 28.3°C. Various localities across central Malta recorded values of around 30°C on that day. The month’s first few days led many to believe that an early summer was the cards for the Maltese Islands. This notion was short-lived. The second half of the month were dominated by instability; with mild temperatures, strong winds and also some showers being experienced. In fact, various nights registered minimum temperature below 10°C.

A significant portion (10.4 mm) of the month’s total precipitation fell over just a few hours on the 24th. However, in similar fashion to all months since summer, April 2024 was drier than average.

An episode of airborne fine desert sand particles was recorded around mid-month. This gave us the remaining two days of rainfall. Both days registered meagre rainfall and an abundance of dust deposits. This was followed by a spell of strong Northwesterly winds. The highest wind gust last month was measured at 54.7km/h on the 19th.

As a low-pressure system settled over the islands, the weather became increasingly windy and unstable. In fact, a significant portion (9.4mm) of the month’s total precipitation fell in just a few hours on April 24th. However, similar to the preceding months, April 2024 was drier than the climatic norm. With only 13.2mm of rainfall being received, the month fell 5.5 mm short of reaching the monthly norm.

Rainfall Totals around the Maltese Islands in April 2024 (and since last September 1st):

Għarb: 11.2 mm (246.7 mm)

Victoria: 11.3 mm (267.9 mm)

Xewkija: 10.8 mm (164.4 mm)

Nadur: 10.7 mm (257.6 mm)

Marsalforn: 10.5 mm (193.4 mm)

Mellieħa: 14.2 mm (203.5 mm)

Buġibba: 12.5 mm (258.1 mm)

Mġarr: 15.7 mm (231.4 mm)

Naxxar: 14.5 mm (261.7 mm)

Mosta: 15.7 mm (253.2 mm)

Dingli: 14.6 mm (243.7 mm)

Msida: 13.4 mm (258.0 mm)

Valletta: 11.2 mm (200.2 mm)

Imqabba: 13.0 mm (248.1 mm)

Birżebbuġa: 12.4 mm (217.4 mm)

Sliema: 13.4 mm (233.2 mm)

Fgura: 14.0 mm (222.6 mm)

NATIONAL MEAN: 12.9 mm (245.9 mm)

End of Month Reports

Warmer and Drier in March 2024

Air Temperature

Highest Maximum 27.9°C 31st
Lowest Maximum 15.9°C 1st
Highest Minimum 17.9°C 31st
Lowest Minimum 7.2°C 15th


Mean Maximum 18.7°C
Mean Minimum 12.3°C
Mean 15.5°C


Relative Humidity

Highest Relative Humidity 94% Numerous days
Lowest Relative Humidity 29% 31st


Mean Relative Humidity 80.2%



Highest Gust 56.3km/h 10th


Mean Wind Speed 12.2km/h
Most Frequent Wind Direction West Northwest


Atmospheric Pressure

Highest Atmospheric Pressure 1026.4hPa 21st
Lowest Atmospheric Pressure 999.2hPa 27th


Mean Atmospheric Pressure 1015.4hPa



Total Rainfall During March 2024 11.3 mm
Total Rainfall Since Last 01/09 246.7 mm


Highest 24 Hour Total 7.5 mm 1st


Rain Days 3 days
Thunderstorm Days 0 days
Hail Days 1 day


Rainfall Events

01/03/2024 7.5 mm Showers with Hail
02/03/2024 Distant Showers
04/03/2024 3.3 mm Showers
05/03/2024 Distant Showers
11/03/2024 Haze
19/03/2024 Dense Fog
22/03/2024 Dense Fog
26/03/2024 0.5 mm Light Rain; Widespread Dust
27/03/2024 Widespread Dust
28/03/2024 Widespread Dust
29/03/2024 Widespread Dust


March 2024 Compared to the Climate Means

  Climate Mean March 2024 Anomaly
Mean Maximum Temperature 17.1°C 18.7°C  +1.6°C
Mean Minimum Temperature 10.9°C 12.3°C +1.4°C
Mean Temperature 14.0°C 15.5°C +1.5°C
Mean Relative Humidity 78.1% 80.2% +2.1%
Mean Atmospheric Pressure 1017.3hPa 1015.4hPa -1.9hPa
Total Rainfall 40.3 mm 11.3 mm -29.3 mm
Total Rainfall Since Last 01/09 487.7 mm 246.7 mm -241.0 mm
Total Rain Days 9 days 3 days -6 days
Total Thunderstorm Days 2 days 0 days -2 days
Total Hail Days 1 day 1 day /


Warmer and Drier in MARCH 2024

March was the seventh consecutive warmer and drier than average month. The trend which characterized all of autumn and winter has continued into spring.

The mean temperature of 15.5°C was 1.5°C warmer than the norm. This comprised a mean maximum temperature of 18.7°C and mean minimum temperature of 12.3°C. These values were 1.6°C and 1.4°C warmer than average respectively.

Total rainfall at our weather station in Għarb amounted to just 11.3 mm, This was just over a fourth of the climate norm. The national mean was even lower, at 8.8 mm. This brought the total amount of rainfall in Għarb since last September 1st to 246.7 mm. This is half of what the Maltese Islands are accustomed to. The bulk of the rainfall came in the first week of March.

The second half of the month was particularly warm, particularly due to a prevailing southerly wind. This blew desert sand from over the Sahara Desert towards our region. This sand led to widespread dense haze during Holy Week, from the 26th through to the 29th. Light rain on the 26th deposited a copious amount of this sand.

Rainfall Totals around the Maltese Islands in March 2024 (and since last September 1st):

Għarb: 11.3 mm (246.7 mm)

Victoria: 11.0 mm (267.9 mm)

Xewkija: 4.7 mm (164.4 mm)

Nadur: 11.4 mm (257.6 mm)

Marsalforn: 8.0 mm (193.4 mm)

Mellieħa: 9.1 mm (203.5 mm)

Buġibba: 10.0 mm (258.1 mm)

Mġarr: 8.4 mm (231.4 mm)

Naxxar: 10.4 mm (261.7 mm)

Mosta: 7.8 mm (253.2 mm)

Dingli: 5.9 mm (243.7 mm)

Msida: 8.5 mm (258.0 mm)

Valletta: 7.7 mm (200.2 mm)

Imqabba: 8.6 mm (248.1 mm)

Birżebbuġa: 10.0 mm (217.4 mm)

Sliema: 9.1 mm (233.2 mm)

Fgura: 8.4 mm (222.6 mm)

NATIONAL MEAN: 8.8 mm (233.0 mm)

End of Month Reports

Warmer and Drier in February 2024

Air Temperature

Highest Maximum 19.0°C 6th
Lowest Maximum 14.8°C 21st
Highest Minimum 15.3°C 24th
Lowest Minimum 6.5°C 15th and 16th


Mean Maximum 16.8°C
Mean Minimum 11.1°C
Mean 14.0°C


Relative Humidity

Highest Relative Humidity 94% Numerous days
Lowest Relative Humidity 52% 15th


Mean Relative Humidity 81.0%



Highest Gust 57.9km/h 25th


Mean Wind Speed 12.2km/h
Most Frequent Wind Direction West Northwest


Atmospheric Pressure

Highest Atmospheric Pressure 1031.9hPa 1st
Lowest Atmospheric Pressure 1002.1hPa 10th


Mean Atmospheric Pressure 1018.1hPa



Total Rainfall During February 2024 50.2 mm
Total Rainfall Since Last 01/09 235.4 mm


Highest 24 Hour Total 23.3 mm 25th


Rain Days 9 days
Thunderstorm Days 2 days
Hail Days 1 day


Rainfall Events

02/02/2024 0.3 mm P.M. Light Rain
03/02/2024 0.3 mm A.M. Light Rain
11/02/2024 0.3 mm Light Rain; Hailstorm in Malta
12/02/2024 0.2 mm Light Rain
13/02/2024 0.3 mm Light Rain
20/02/2024 0.8 mm Light Rain
21/02/2024 21.4 mm A.M. Rainy; Isolated Showers
25/02/2024 23.3 mm A.M. Rain; Thunderstorms
29/02/2024 3.3 mm Thunderstorm; Localised Hail


February 2024 Compared to the Climate Means

  Climate Mean February 2024 Anomaly
Mean Maximum Temperature 15.6°C 16.8°C  +1.2°C
Mean Minimum Temperature 9.7°C 11.1°C +1.4°C
Mean Temperature 12.7°C 14.0°C +1.3°C
Mean Relative Humidity 78.3% 81.0% +2.7%
Mean Atmospheric Pressure 1020.2hPa 1018.1hPa -2.1/hPa
Total Rainfall 61.9 mm 50.2 mm -11.7 mm
Total Rainfall Since Last 01/09 447.4 mm 235.4 mm -212.0 mm
Total Rain Days 11 days 9 days -2 days
Total Thunderstorm Days 3 days 2 days -1 day
Total Hail Days 2 days 1 day -1 day


Warmer and Drier in FEBRUARY 2024 

Overall, February was a continuation of the warmer and drier than average trend set by all previous autumn and winter months. The third and final month of meteorological winter was marked by frequently changing weather conditions due to the passage of several areas of low pressure across the central Mediterranean.

The mean temperature of 14.0°C was 1.3°C warmer than the norm. This comprised a mean maximum temperature of 16.8°C and mean minimum temperature of 11.1°C. These values were 1.2°C and 1.4°C warmer than average respectively.

Total rainfall at our weather station in Għarb amounted to 50.2 mm, or just over 80% of the climate norm. The national mean stood at 49.5 mm. This brought the total amount of rainfall since last September 1st to 235.4 mm. This is just 53% of what the Maltese Islands are typically accustomed to. The month’s meteorological highlight, a hailstorm, struck central localities of Malta on the 11th. This hailstorm coincided with the Sunday celebrations of Carnival. The hail was fairly large and abundant. The town of Mosta was particularly hard hit. The second half of the month brought with it the first widespread rainfall event in more than a month. The 25th produced 23.3 mm of rain. It was Għarb’s and numerous other localities’ highest 24-hour total for February. The 21st followed closely behind. There were 9 days of rain. 3 of these were accompanied by thunder. Hail was observed on two of them.

February 2024 was a relatively breezy, but at the same time, not too windy month. The wind reached Force 6 or stronger on 10 days. It reached Force 8 on only one of these days. This was the 25th.

Rainfall Totals around the Maltese Islands in February 2024 (and since last September 1st):

Għarb: 50.2 mm (235.4 mm)

Victoria: 57.3 mm (256.9 mm)

Xewkija: 35.9 mm (159.7 mm)

Nadur: 40.2 mm (246.2 mm)

Marsalforn: 46.0 mm (185.4 mm)

Mellieħa: 51.8 mm (194.4 mm)

Buġibba: 72.5 mm (248.1 mm)

Mġarr: 53.3 mm (223.0 mm)

Naxxar: 53.1 mm (251.3 mm)

Mosta: 51.5 mm (245.4 mm)

Dingli: 57.5 mm (237.8 mm)

Msida: 54.1 mm (249.5 mm)

Valletta: 48.1 mm (192.5 mm)

Imqabba: 46.6 mm (239.5 mm)

Birżebbuġa: 35.2 mm (207.4 mm)

Sliema: 49.5 mm (224.1 mm)

Fgura: 39.1 mm (175.1 mm)

NATIONAL MEAN: 49.5 mm (214.2 mm)

End of Month Reports

Warmer and Drier in January 2024

Air Temperature

Highest Maximum 20.6°C 18th
Lowest Maximum 13.4°C 22nd
Highest Minimum 14.6°C 17th
Lowest Minimum 4.9°C 23rd


Mean Maximum 16.6°C
Mean Minimum 11.1°C
Mean 13.8°C


Relative Humidity

Highest Relative Humidity 95% Numerous days
Lowest Relative Humidity 52% 24th


Mean Relative Humidity 79.1%



Highest Gust 57.9km/h 6th


Mean Wind Speed 10.8km/h
Most Frequent Wind Direction Northwest


Atmospheric Pressure

Highest Atmospheric Pressure 1034.0hPa 31st
Lowest Atmospheric Pressure 999.6hPa 6th


Mean Atmospheric Pressure 1020.2hPa



Total Rainfall During January 2024 55.0 mm
Total Rainfall Since Last 01/09 185.2 mm


Highest 24 Hour Total 25.3 mm 12th


Rain Days 9 days
Thunderstorm Days 1 day
Hail Days 1 day


Rainfall Events

06/01/2024 10.3 mm Thundery Showers with Hail
07/01/2024 3.6 mm Showers
08/01/2024 4.2 mm Showers
09/01/2024 1.5 mm Light Rain
10/01/2024 4.6 mm Showers
12/01/2024 25.3 mm Thundery Showers
16/01/2024 1.2 mm Light Rain
20/01/2024 2.0 mm Light Rain
21/01/2024 2.3 mm Light Rain
23/01/2024 0.0 mm Distant Light Rain


January 2024 Compared to the Climate Means

  Climate Mean January 2024 Anomaly
Mean Maximum Temperature 15.6°C 16.6°C  +1.0°C
Mean Minimum Temperature 10.1°C 11.1°C +1.0°C
Mean Temperature 12.8°C 13.8°C +1.0°C
Mean Relative Humidity 78.4% 79.1% +0.7%
Mean Atmospheric Pressure 1021.7hPa 1020.2hPa -1.5hPa
Total Rainfall 69.4 mm 55.0 mm -14.4 mm
Total Rainfall Since Last 01/09 385.5 mm 185.2 mm -200.3 mm
Total Rain Days 14 days 9 days -5 days
Total Thunderstorm Days 4 days 1 day -3 days
Total Hail Days 2 days 1 day -1 day


Warmer and Drier in JANUARY 2024

Numerous showers and a thunderstorm during the first half of January made for a wet start to 2024. The year may have started with a splash, but January’s total precipitation – which amounted to 55.0 mm – did not measure up to the climate norm. The national mean was at an even lower 44.2 mm. There were 9 days of rain. Thunder and hail were recorded on just one day. The 12th, the day with the heaviest rain, accounted for 25.3 mm of last month’s tally. The 174.6 mm of rainfall measured since September 1st amount to just 48% of the climate norm.

Apart from being drier than the climate norm, the month was also a full degree warmer than expected. Averaging at 13.8°C, the air temperature for the month surpassed the climate norm by 13.8°C. The warmest air temperature was registered on the 18th, when thermometers hit 20.6°C. The month’s coldest temperature was measured in the early hours of the 23rd, with a 5.2°C minimum.

Rainfall Totals around the Maltese Islands in January 2024 (and since last September 1st):

Għarb: 55.0 mm (185.2 mm)

Victoria: 73.6 mm (199.6 mm)

Xewkija: 40.0 mm (123.8 mm)

Nadur: 65.3 mm (206.0 mm)

Marsalforn: 47.6 mm (139.4 mm)

Mellieħa: 41.0 mm (142.6 mm)

Buġibba: 42.0 mm (175.6 mm)

Mġarr: 32.2 mm (169.7 mm)

Naxxar: 46.1 mm (198.2 mm)

Mosta: 43.9 mm (193.9 mm)

Dingli: 24.5 mm (180.1 mm)

Msida: 53.8 mm (195.4 mm)

Valletta: 40.3 mm (144.4 mm)

Imqabba: 33.9 mm (192.9 mm)

Birżebbuġa: 36.6 mm (172.2 mm)

Sliema: 40.2 mm (174.6 mm)

Fgura: 35.2 mm (175.1 mm)

NATIONAL MEAN: 44.2 mm (174.6 mm)

End of Month Reports

Warmer and Drier in December 2023

Air Temperature

Highest Maximum 22.8°C 2nd
Lowest Maximum 15.6°C 18th
Highest Minimum 19.8°C 1st
Lowest Minimum 10.3°C 29th


Mean Maximum 17.9°C
Mean Minimum 13.6°C
Mean 15.7°C


Relative Humidity

Highest Relative Humidity 93% Numerous days
Lowest Relative Humidity 55% 16th


Mean Relative Humidity 76.7%



Highest Gust 53.1km/h 22nd


Mean Wind Speed 13.3km/h
Most Frequent Wind Direction Northwest


Atmospheric Pressure

Highest Atmospheric Pressure 1030.0hPa 18th
Lowest Atmospheric Pressure 1003.4hPa 9th


Mean Atmospheric Pressure 1018.6hPa



Total Rainfall During December 2023 37.2 mm
Total Rainfall Since Last 01/09 130.2 mm


Highest 24 Hour Total 17.6 mm 18th


Rain Days 14 days
Thunderstorm Days 1 day
Hail Days 1 day


Rainfall Events

5/12/2023 0.3 mm Light Rain
6/12/2023 0.9 mm Light Rain
7/12/2023 1.7 mm Light Rain
8/12/2023 1.3 mm Light Rain
9/12/2023 9.0 mm Showers
10/12/2023 0.3 mm Light Rain
14/12/2023 0.5 mm Light Rain
15/12/2023 1.0 mm Light Rain
16/12/2023 0.0 mm Distant Thunderstorms and Hail
17/12/2023 2.5 mm Showers
18/12/2023 17.6 mm Rainy
20/12/2023 1.0 mm Light Rain
21/12/2023 0.3 mm Light Rain
22/12/2023 0.8 mm Light Rain


December 2023 Compared to the Climate Means

  Climate Mean December 2023 Anomaly
Mean Maximum Temperature 17.1°C 17.9°C  +0.8°C
Mean Minimum Temperature 11.8°C 13.6°C +1.8°C
Mean Temperature 14.5°C 15.7°C +1.2°C
Mean Relative Humidity 79.3% 76.7% -2.6%
Mean Atmospheric Pressure 1018.0hPa 1018.6hPa +0.6hPa
Total Rainfall 83.3 mm 37.2 mm -46.1 mm
Total Rainfall Since Last 01/09 320.5 mm 130.2 mm -190.3 mm
Total Rain Days 12 days 14 days +2days
Total Thunderstorm Days 3 days 1 day -2days
Total Hail Days 2 days 1 day -1day


Warmer and Drier in December 2023

 December 2023, the final month of the year and the first month of the meteorological winter, continued the trend of warmer and drier than average weather set by previous months.

With a mean temperature of 15.7°C, December 2023 was 1.2°C warmer than the norm. The anomaly was more pronounced with minimum temperatures. Whilst maximum temperatures were  0.8°C warmer than average, minimum temperatures exceeded the climatic norm by a staggering 1.8°C. The opening two days were the month’s warmest, with a 22.8°C maximum temperature being registered on the 2nd. The coldest temperature last month was registered in the predawn hours of the 29th, when thermometers recorded a minimum temperature of 10.3°C. Minimum temperatures exceeded the climate norm on a staggering 22 nights.

December 2023 was significantly drier than average. A meagre 37.2 mm of rain was measured by our weather station in Għarb. At 45.4 mm, the national mean was only slightly higher. This is less than half what one would expect in December. Despite this, rain was observed on a total 14 days. The vast majority of these yielded less than 1 mm each, with light rain being the most common form of precipitation in December 2023. There were three main episodes of instability. The one from the 16th through to the 18th accounted for the month’s only day to feature thunder and hail. With a total of 17.6 mm over 24 hours, the 18th was last month’s wettest day.

There were also three episodes of strong wind. These coincided with the rainy days; one at the start of the month, another halfway through the month and another just before Christmas Day. The highest gust reached Force 8 from the Northwest on the 22nd of the month.

Rainfall Totals around the Maltese Islands in December 2023 (and since last December 1st):

Għarb: 37.2 mm (130.2 mm)

Victoria: 36.8 mm (126.0 mm)

Xewkija: 25.2 mm (83.8 mm)

Nadur: 39.3 mm (140.7 mm)

Marsalforn: 25.8 mm (91.8 mm)

Mellieħa: 27.4 mm (101.6 mm)

Buġibba: 47.4 mm (133.6 mm)

Mġarr: 45.9 mm (137.5 mm)

Naxxar: 57.1 mm (152.1 mm)

Mosta: 67.2 mm (150.0 mm)

Dingli: 62.6 mm (155.6 mm)

Msida: 43.7 mm (141.6 mm)

Valletta: 27.2 mm (104.1 mm)

Imqabba: 74.2 mm (159.0 mm)

Birżebbuġa: 46.6 mm (135.6 mm)

Sliema: 52.1 mm (134.4 mm)

Fgura: 56.2 mm (139.9 mm)

NATIONAL MEAN: 45.4 mm (130.4 mm)

End of Month Reports

Very Warm in November 2023

Air Temperature

Highest Maximum 26.9°C 1st
Lowest Maximum 15.4°C 26th
Highest Minimum 20.2°C 3rd
Lowest Minimum 11.7°C 24th


Mean Maximum 22.2°C
Mean Minimum 17.0°C
Mean 19.6°C


Relative Humidity

Highest Relative Humidity 93% Numerous days
Lowest Relative Humidity 39% 1st


Mean Relative Humidity 74.3%



Highest Gust 66.0km/h 25th


Mean Wind Speed 12.6km/h
Most Frequent Wind Direction West Northwest


Atmospheric Pressure

Highest Atmospheric Pressure 1025.1hPa 19th
Lowest Atmospheric Pressure 996.5hPa 25th


Mean Atmospheric Pressure 1015.0hPa



Total Rainfall During November 2023 86.0 mm
Total Rainfall Since Last 01/09 93.0 mm


Highest 24 Hour Total 31.3 mm 22nd


Rain Days 9 days
Thunderstorm Days 4 days
Hail Days 1 day


Rainfall Events

04/11/2023 8.1 mm Showers; Distant Thunder
11/11/2023 0.3 mm Light Rain
12/11/2023 1.2 mm Light Rain
22/11/2023 31.3 mm Thunderstorm
23/11/2023 8.8 mm Thuderstorms
24/11/2023 26.8 mm Thunderstorm with Hail
25/11/2023 2.4 mm Showers
28/11/2023 2.3 mm Showers
29/11/2023 4.8 mm Showers


November 2023 Compared to the Climate Means

  Climate Mean November 2023 Anomaly
Mean Maximum Temperature 20.8°C 22.2°C  +1.4°C
Mean Minimum Temperature 15.1°C 17.0°C +1.9°C
Mean Temperature 18.0°C 19.6°C +1.6°C
Mean Relative Humidity 78.2% 74.3% -3.9%
Mean Atmospheric Pressure 1016.3hPa 1015.0hPa -1.3hPa
Total Rainfall 94.9 mm 86.0 mm -8.9 mm
Total Rainfall Since Last 01/09 237.2 mm 93.0 mm -144.2 mm
Total Rain Days 11 days 9 days -2days
Total Thunderstorm Days 5 days 4 days -1day
Total Hail Days 1 day 1 day /


Very Warm in November 2023

November 2023 brought very warm temperatures to the Maltese Islands. Overall, the mean temperature of 19.6°C was a staggering 1.6°C above the climate norm. This comprised a 1.9°C margin with mean minimum temperatures and an anomaly of 1.4°C with mean maximum temperatures. The first day of November was the hottest day of the month ever recorded. The mercury at our station in Għarb peaked at 26.9°C. The corresponding value at the Malta International Airport was far higher, at 29.1°C. Temperatures exceeded the climate norm on most days through the first half of the month. This was accompanied by the continuation of a shortage of rain that had gripped the Maltese Islands throughout October.

The situation took a more seasonal turn as November started winding down. Temperatures cooled down to below 20°C for the first time. The month’s coolest temperature was measured in the early hours of the 24th, at 11.7°C. Precipitation also returned to our shores at this time. The 22nd  brought with it the first widespread rainfall since springtime. With 31.3 mm on the day, it was also the month’s highest 24-hour rainfall total. The rainy spell towards the end of November quenched some of the countryside’s thirst. The 86.0 mm of rainfall measured last month fell just short of the climate mean. Almost three-quarters of that amount fell during two rainfall events. There were 9 days of rain. 4 of these were marked by thunder. Hail was registered on 1 of these.

There was one gale event. This occurred on the 25th with the passage of a violent cold front. The highest wind speed on the day measured 66.0 km/h.

Rainfall Totals around the Maltese Islands in November 2023 (and since last November 1st):

Għarb: 86.0 mm (93.0 mm)

Victoria: 84.4 mm (89.2 mm)

Xewkija: 50.0 mm (58.6 mm)

Nadur: 92.0 mm (101.4 mm)

Marsalforn: 58.2 mm (66.0 mm)

Mellieħa: 52.2 mm (74.2 mm)

Buġibba: 61.3 mm (86.2 mm)

Mġarr: 70.2 mm (91.6 mm)

Naxxar: 70.2 mm (95.0 mm)

Mosta: 56.9 mm (82.8 mm)

Dingli: 80.5 mm (93.0 mm)

Msida: 53.6 mm (97.9 mm)

Valletta: 46.5 mm (76.9 mm)

Imqabba: 59.0 mm (84.8 mm)

Birżebbuġa: 62.8 mm (89.0 mm)

Sliema: 47.0 mm (82.3 mm)

Fgura: 49.4 mm (83.7 mm)

NATIONAL MEAN: 63.5 mm (85.0 mm)

End of Month Reports

October 2023 was Extremely Warm and the Driest in a Century

Air Temperature

Highest Maximum 29.7°C 10th
Lowest Maximum 25.1°C 26th
Highest Minimum 25.2°C 20th
Lowest Minimum 16.8°C 15th


Mean Maximum 27.1°C
Mean Minimum 19.6°C
Mean 23.3°C


Relative Humidity

Highest Relative Humidity 94% Numerous days
Lowest Relative Humidity 45% 10th


Mean Relative Humidity 79.0%



Highest Gust 43.5km/h 20th and 21st


Mean Wind Speed 7.5km/h
Most Frequent Wind Direction South Southeast


Atmospheric Pressure

Highest Atmospheric Pressure 1024.4hPa 3rd and 4th
Lowest Atmospheric Pressure 1003.4hPa 21st


Mean Atmospheric Pressure 1018.0hPa



Total Rainfall During October 2023 0.3 mm
Total Rainfall Since Last 01/09 7.0 mm


Highest 24 Hour Total 0.3 mm 19th


Rain Days 1 day
Thunderstorm Days 0 days
Hail Days 0 days


Rainfall Events

19/10/2023 0.3 mm Mist/Fog and Dew



October 2023 Compared to the Climate Means

  Climate Mean October 2023 Anomaly
Mean Maximum Temperature 24.8°C 27.1°C  +2.3°C
Mean Minimum Temperature 18.5°C 19.6°C +1.1°C
Mean Temperature 21.7°C 23.3°C +1.6°C
Mean Relative Humidity 77.4% 79.0% +1.6%
Mean Atmospheric Pressure 1017.8hPa 1018.0hPa +0.2hPa
Total Rainfall 86.4 mm 0.3 mm -86.1 mm
Total Rainfall Since Last 01/09 142.3 mm 7.0 mm -135.3 mm
Total Rain Days 10 days 1 day -9days
Total Thunderstorm Days 6 days 0 days -6days
Total Hail Days 1 day 0 days -1day


October 2023 was Extremely Warm and Driest in a Century

The second month of meteorological autumn, October 2023, was the warmest in decades and the driest in a century.

The overall mean temperature of 23.3°C registered by  our weather station, was a staggering 1.6°C warmer than the climate norm. The mean maximum temperature of 27.1°C exceeded the climate norm by 2.3°C! The mean minimum temperature of 19.6°C was 1.1°C warmer than in a typical October. With a maximum temperature of 29.7°C, the warmest day last October was the 10th. A spell of very warm temperatures was also recorded from the 18th till the 21st. Temperature values at the MetOffice in Malta International Airport were warm enough to be classified as a heatwave. The night from the 19th through to the 20th broke the record for the warmest October night on record. The minimum temperature that night was at a summery 25.2°C.

There was only one rainy episode of instability last month. This was on the 1st and brought a localized shower to parts of central Malta. Dew produced some measurable precipitation on a number of nights in the second half of October. Total rainfall at our weather station stood at 0.3 mm. This was a trace compared to the 86.4 mm expected in a typical October. October is normally the third wettest month of the year.

October 2023 was also marked by a lack of wind. There was also one episode of strong winds. This spanned the 20th and 21st with a very warm Southerly wind. The highest wind gust was registered at 45.6km/h. The mean wind speed last month was of 7.5km/h. Southerly winds were by far the predominant wind directions last month, blowing on more than half of all the days.

Rainfall Totals around the Maltese Islands in October 2023 (and since last October 1st):

Għarb: 0.3 mm (7.0 mm)

Victoria: 0.0 mm (4.8 mm)

Xewkija: 0.0 mm (8.6 mm)

Nadur: 0.0 mm (9.4 mm)

Marsalforn: 0.0 mm (7.8 mm)

Mellieħa: 0.0 mm (22.0 mm)

Buġibba: 0.0 mm (24.9 mm)

Mġarr: 0.0 mm (21.4 mm)

Naxxar: 0.0 mm (24.8 mm)

Mosta: 0.3 mm (25.9 mm)

Dingli: 0.0 mm (12.5 mm)

Msida: 0.0 mm (44.3 mm)

Valletta: 0.0 mm (30.4 mm)

Imqabba: 0.3 mm (25.8 mm)

Birżebbuġa: 1.0 mm (26.2 mm)

Sliema: 0.0 mm (35.3 mm)

Fgura: 0.0 mm (34.3 mm)

NATIONAL MEAN: 0.1 mm (21.5 mm)

End of Month Reports

Drier in September 2023

Air Temperature

Highest Maximum 31.4°C 19th
Lowest Maximum 25.5°C 25th
Highest Minimum 25.0°C 22nd
Lowest Minimum 18.1°C 26th


Mean Maximum 28.4°C
Mean Minimum 21.3°C
Mean 24.9°C


Relative Humidity

Highest Relative Humidity 94% Numerous days
Lowest Relative Humidity 21% 17th


Mean Relative Humidity 75.1%



Highest Gust 43.5km/h 23rd


Mean Wind Speed 9.6km/h
Most Frequent Wind Direction Northwest


Atmospheric Pressure

Highest Atmospheric Pressure 1021.7hPa 30th
Lowest Atmospheric Pressure 1008.0hPa 5th


Mean Atmospheric Pressure 1016.1hPa



Total Rainfall During September 2023 6.7 mm
Total Rainfall Since Last 01/09 6.7 mm


Highest 24 Hour Total 3.8 mm 7th


Rain Days 4 days
Thunderstorm Days 2 days
Hail Days 0 days


September 2023 Compared to the Climate Means

  Climate Mean September 2023 Anomaly
Mean Maximum Temperature 28.5°C 28.4°C  -0.1°C
Mean Minimum Temperature 21.6°C 21.3°C -0.3°C
Mean Temperature 25.1°C 24.9°C -0.2°C
Mean Relative Humidity 77.4% 75.1% -2.3%
Mean Atmospheric Pressure 1016.7hPa 1016.1hPa -0.6hPa
Total Rainfall 55.9 mm 6.7 mm -49.2 mm
Total Rainfall Since Last 01/09 55.9 mm 6.7 mm -49.2 mm
Total Rain Days 5 days 4 days -1day
Total Thunderstorm Days 3 days 2 days -1day
Total Hail Days 0 days 0 days /


Drier in September 2023 

September 2023, the first month of meteorological autumn, was significantly drier than the norm. Temperatures were marginally below average for the time of year.

The mean temperature of 24.9°C measured by  our weather station in Għarb, was 0.2°C cooler than the climate norm. This comprised a mean maximum temperature of 28.4°C and a mean minimum temperature of 21.3°C which were 0.1°C and 0.3°C below the norm respectively. The month’s hottest day was the 19th. The mercury soared to 31.4°C on the day. The day was part of a week of above-average temperatures. This heat spell didn’t qualify to become a heat wave. The coolest temperature last month was measured at 18.1°C in the early hours of the 28th.

There were two distinct episodes of instability during September 2023. The first was the one associated with Storm ‘Daniel’ from the 5th through to the 9th whilst the next was on the 25th and 26th. Both largely affected Malta, leaving Gozo almost completely dry. The national mean for the month of September stood at 21.4 mm, significantly lower than the climate norm of 55.9 mm. Mist or fog patches along with dew were observed on a number of mornings.

There were two main windy episodes. Both corresponded with the only two unstable zones that yielded precipitation. The highest wind gust was measured at 43.5km/h (Force 6) from a Northwesterly direction on the 23rd.

Rainfall Totals around the Maltese Islands in September 2023 (and since last September 1st):

Għarb: 6.7 mm (6.7 mm)

Victoria: 4.8 mm (4.8 mm)

Xewkija: 8.6 mm (8.6 mm)

Nadur: 9.4 mm (9.4 mm)

Marsalforn: 7.8 mm (7.8 mm)

Mellieħa: 22.0 mm (22.0 mm)

Buġibba: 24.9 mm (24.9 mm)

Mġarr: 21.4 mm (21.4 mm)

Naxxar: 24.8 mm (24.8 mm)

Mosta: 25.6 mm (25.6 mm)

Dingli: 12.5 mm (12.5 mm)

Msida: 44.3 mm (44.3 mm)

Valletta: 30.4 mm (30.4 mm)

Imqabba: 25.5 mm (25.5 mm)

Birżebbuġa: 25.2 mm (25.2 mm)

Sliema: 35.3 mm (35.3 mm)

Fgura: 34.3 mm (34.3 mm)

NATIONAL MEAN: 21.4 mm (21.4 mm)

End of Month Reports

Relief in August 2023

Air Temperature

Highest Maximum 32.9°C 23rd
Lowest Maximum 26.6°C 7th
Highest Minimum 25.3°C 26th
Lowest Minimum 19.2°C 9th


Mean Maximum 30.0°C
Mean Minimum 22.8°C
Mean 26.4°C


Relative Humidity

Highest Relative Humidity 95% Numerous days
Lowest Relative Humidity 41% 24th


Mean Relative Humidity 76.1%



Highest Gust 49.9km/h 5th


Mean Wind Speed 9.7km/h
Most Frequent Wind Direction Northwest


Atmospheric Pressure

Highest Atmospheric Pressure 1020.5hPa 11th
Lowest Atmospheric Pressure 1008.7hPa 4th


Mean Atmospheric Pressure 1014.6hPa



Total Rainfall During August 2023 9.1 mm
Total Rainfall Since Last 01/09 585.7 mm


Highest 24 Hour Total 9.1 mm 21st


Rain Days 1 day
Thunderstorm Days 2 days
Hail Days 0 days


August 2023 Compared to the Climate Means

  Climate Mean August 2023 Anomaly
Mean Maximum Temperature 31.8°C 30.0°C  -1.8°C
Mean Minimum Temperature 23.3°C 22.8°C -0.5°C
Mean Temperature 27.6°C 26.4°C -1.2°C
Mean Relative Humidity 73.3% 76.1% +2.8%
Mean Atmospheric Pressure 1014.1hPa 1014.6hPa +0.5hPa
Total Rainfall 10.9 mm 9.1 mm -1.8 mm
Total Rainfall Since Last 01/09 531.4 mm 585.7 mm +54.3 mm
Total Rain Days 1 day 1 day /
Total Thunderstorm Days 1 day 2 days +1 day
Total Hail Days 0 days 0 days /


Relief in August 2023


After a record-breaking 10-day heat wave in July, August 2023 proved a breath of fresh air for the Maltese Islands. With a mean temperature of 26.4°C at our weather station in Għarb, last month was 1.2°C cooler than the climate norm. The mean maximum temperature of 30.0°C was a staggering 1.8°C below the norm. The mean minimum temperature of 22.8°C, on the other hand, was 0.5°C below the average. The maximum temperature last month peaked at 32.9°C on the 23rd. Elsewhere in the Maltese Islands, the hottest days over the course of last August registered a maximum temperature of ‘only’ 35°C, a far cry from what these values normally stand at in a normal August. Maximum temperatures failed to exceed the 30°C mark on half of all days last month. There were also two nights where the minimum temperature dropped to below 20°C. Not all was perfect, however. Values of relative humidity were higher than the norm, particularly after the thunderstorm on the 21st. This made the air feel rather clammy and uncomfortable at times.

August rain is not unheard of across the Maltese Islands, particularly as the month nears its end. August 2023 was characterised by two separate rainfall events. There were two separate isolated thunderstorms on the 21st. One struck Gozo in the predawn hours. Another formed over central Malta in the daylight hours. 9.1 mm of rain were measured by our rain gauge in Għarb on the day. Whilst this was to be the only day with rain across Gozo, another stronger thunderstorm struck Malta on the month’s final day. August went out with a bang for some localities, particularly Mosta, where over 40 mm of rain were measured.

There were two outbreaks of strong wind, one towards the beginning and another towards the end. The highest wind gust was recorded on the 5th, and measured at 49.9 km/h (almost Force 7) from a Northwesterly direction.

Rainfall Totals around the Maltese Islands in August 2023 (and since last September 1st):

Għarb: 9.1 mm (585.7 mm)

Victoria: 6.1 mm (514.3 mm)

Xewkija: 4.6 mm (509.8 mm)

Nadur: 2.3 mm (508.1 mm)

Marsalforn: 1.5 mm (534.9 mm)

Mellieħa: 17.8 mm (490.9 mm)

Buġibba: 18.3 mm (570.0 mm)

Mġarr: 37.5 mm (546.8 mm)

Naxxar: 37.4 mm (687.1 mm)

Mosta: 45.4 mm (662.4 mm)

Dingli: 7.6 mm (544.8 mm)

Msida: 14.3 mm (719.1 mm)

Valletta: 7.3 mm (535.8 mm)

Imqabba: 8.6 mm (596.4 mm)

Żabbar: 8.7 mm (591.9 mm)

Birżebbuġa: 7.6 mm (493.9 mm)

Sliema: 11.2 (687.5 mm)

NATIONAL MEAN: 14.4 mm (575.3 mm)

End of Month Reports

Sweltering in July 2023

Air Temperature

Highest Maximum 39.8°C 24th
Lowest Maximum 26.8°C 3rd
Highest Minimum 28.5°C 25th
Lowest Minimum 19.8°C 14th


Mean Maximum 32.9°C
Mean Minimum 23.4°C
Mean 28.2°C


Relative Humidity

Highest Relative Humidity 94% Numerous days
Lowest Relative Humidity 13% 21st


Mean Relative Humidity 68.9%



Highest Gust 54.7km/h 26th


Mean Wind Speed 8.5km/h
Most Frequent Wind Direction South


Atmospheric Pressure

Highest Atmospheric Pressure 1020.2hPa 8th and 10th
Lowest Atmospheric Pressure 1009.8hPa 25th


Mean Atmospheric Pressure 1016.1hPa



Total Rainfall During July 2023 0.0 mm
Total Rainfall Since Last 01/09 576.6 mm


Highest 24 Hour Total 0.0 mm /


Rain Days 0 days
Thunderstorm Days 0 days
Hail Days 0 days


July 2023 Compared to the Climate Means

  Climate Mean July 2023 Anomaly
Mean Maximum Temperature 31.5°C 32.9°C  +1.4°C
Mean Minimum Temperature 22.4°C 23.4°C +1.0°C
Mean Temperature 27.0°C 28.2°C +1.2°C
Mean Relative Humidity 70.6% 68.9% -1.7%
Mean Atmospheric Pressure 1014.6hPa 1016.1hPa +1.5hPa
Total Rainfall 0.2 mm 0.0 mm -0.2 mm
Total Rainfall Since Last 01/09 520.5 mm 576.6 mm +56.1 mm
Total Rain Days 0 days 0 days /
Total Thunderstorm Days 0 days 0 days /
Total Hail Days 0 days 0 days /


Sweltering in July 2023


The first few days of July 2023 continued where June left off. It didn’t take long for this state of affairs to change, however.

The mean temperature of 28.2°C, registered at our weather station in Għarb, exceeded the norm by 1.2°C. The mean maximum temperature of 32.9°C surpassed the norm by 1.4°C. The mean minimum temperature of 23.4°C, on the other hand, stood a full 1°C above the norm. Being the smaller island and under a stronger moderating effect of the sea, Gozo was spared the worst of the heat. Temperature values measured in Malta painted a far more worrying picture. Mean temperatures there were overall a staggering 3.5°C over the climate average. This made it officially the hottest July on record.

Using the national criteria for a heatwave, we conclude that the Maltese Islands experienced one heatwave last month. Lasting from 16th July through to 25th July (both days included), it proved to be record-breaking too. Whilst the temperature peaked at 39.8°C across Gozo, the maximum temperature across central Malta spiked to 42.7°C on the 24th. This was the joint hottest temperature measured during July along with the record set back on 9th July 1988. A deeper look into readings from central Malta show how the air temperature exceeded 40°C on a record-breaking six consecutive days. These are 41.0°C on the 20th, 40.2°C on the 21st, 41.1°C on the 22nd, 42.3°C on the 23rd, 42.7°C on the 24th and 40.0°C on the 25th. July’s long-lasting heat wave also broke the record for the warmest night. The minimum temperature on the night between the 24th and 25th remained at a hot 30.6°C at the airport. The value in Għarb on the night was of 28.5°C.

July 2023 also lived up to its expectation of being a completely dry month. No rain made it to the Maltese Islands throughout. Some mist or fog patches were observed prior to and during the heat wave.

The wind only reached Force 6 or stronger on two days, one at the beginning and the other towards the end. The highest wind gusts, at 54.7km/h (Force 7), was recorded on the 26th.

Rainfall Totals around the Maltese Islands in July 2023 (and since last September 1st):

Għarb: 0.0 mm (576.6 mm)

Victoria: 0.0 mm (508.2 mm)

Xewkija: 0.0 mm (505.2 mm)

Nadur: 0.0 mm (505.8 mm)

Marsalforn: 0.0 mm (533.4 mm)

Mellieħa: 0.0 mm (473.1 mm)

Buġibba: 0.0 mm (551.7 mm)

Mġarr: 0.0 mm (509.3 mm)

Naxxar: 0.0 mm (649.7 mm)

Mosta: 0.0 mm (617.0 mm)

Dingli: 0.0 mm (537.2 mm)

Msida: 0.0 mm (704.8 mm)

Valletta: 0.0 mm (528.5 mm)

Imqabba: 0.0 mm (587.8 mm)

Żabbar: 0.0 mm (583.2 mm)

Birżebbuġa: 0.0 mm (486.3 mm)

Sliema: 0.0 (676.3 mm)

NATIONAL MEAN: 0.0 mm (560.8 mm)