End of Month Reports

End of Month Reports

Warmer and Drier December 2019

Air Temperature

Highest Maximum 22.5°C 3rd
Lowest Maximum 12.0°C 29th
Highest Minimum 16.4°C 3rd and 18th 
Lowest Minimum 6.5°C 30th


Mean Maximum 17.5°C
Mean Minimum 13.5°C
Mean 15.5°C


Relative Humidity

Highest Relative Humidity 100% Several days
Lowest Relative Humidity 54% 28th


Mean Relative Humidity 83.5%


Atmospheric Pressure

Highest Atmospheric Pressure 1028.9hPa 31st
Lowest Atmospheric Pressure 1000.8hPa 14th


Mean Atmospheric Pressure 1017.7hPa



Highest Gust 82.1km/h 14th


Mean Wind Speed 14.0km/h
Mean Gust Speed 45.6km/h
Mean Wind + Gust Speed 29.8km/h
Most Frequent Wind Direction Northwest



Total Rainfall During December 2019 34.6 mm https://southafrica-ed.com/kamagra-in-south-africa/
Total Rainfall Since Last 01/09 348.3 mm


Highest 24 Hour Total 11.0 mm 10th


Rain Days 10
Thunderstorm Days 3
Hail Days 4


Rainfall Events

09/12/2019 0.2 mm Drizzle
10/12/2019 9.2 mm Rain/Hail Showers
11/12/2019 0.3 mm Drizzle
12/12/2019 11.0 mm Intermittent Rain/Hail
13/12/2019 3.5 mm Isolated Showers
14/12/2019 0.8 mm Drizzle
22/12/2019 1.0 mm Drizzle
23/12/2019 0.3 mm Drizzle
30/12/2019 2.8 mm Rain/Hail Showers
31/12/2019 5.5 mm Rain/Hail Showers


December 2019 Compared to the Climate Means 

  Climate Mean December 2019 Anomaly
Mean Maximum Temperature 17.1°C 20.7°C +0.4°C
Mean Minimum Temperature 11.8°C 15.6°C +1.7°C
Mean Temperature 14.5°C 18.2°C +1.0°C
Mean Relative Humidity 79% 71.7% +4.5%
Mean Atmospheric Pressure 1017.3hPa 1012.3hPa +0.4hPa
Mean Wind Speed 18.2 km/h 10.0km/h -4.2km/h
Most Frequent Wind Direction Northwest South
Total Rainfall 109.7 mm 129.3 mm -75.1 mm
Total Rainfall Since Last 01/09 342.1 mm 313.7 mm +6.2 mm
Total Rain Days 14 10 -4
Total Thunderstorm Days 4 3 -1
Total Hail Days 1 4 +3

Warmer and Drier December 2019

Temperatures throughout the last month of 2019 followed the trend set in previous months. Daytime highs exceeded the norm by just less than half a degree. Nighttime lows, on the other hand, were almost a solid 2˚C warmer than average. December 2019 started on a very warm note, with maximum temperatures of around 20˚C throughout the first week. Nighttime lows never dipped below the 16˚C mark for the duration of the first week. A few days with cooler than average temperature values followed. This didn’t last long, however, as warm conditions returned to the Maltese Islands by mid-December. These prevailed till after Christmas, when the first cold snap of winter gripped the central Mediterranean. It was at this time, that the coldest day and night were measured, with temperatures of 12.0˚C and 6.5˚C respectively.

In a stark contrast to the previous autumnal months, December 2019 was very dry. The 34.6 mm accumulated during the month were a full 75 mm short of the climate average. A typical December is the wettest month of the year. This was the result of anticyclonic conditions that prevailed over the central and eastern Mediterranean. These acted as a barrier, deviating the majority of storm systems to the north. The 10 days of rain and 3 days of thunder observed last month less than the average for this time of year. The 4 days of hail exceeded the climate average, however.

Averaging at 14.0 km/h, the wind speed was weaker than the norm. Weaker winds have been a dominant feature of autumn so far. The month’s windiest day was the 14th, when a gust of 82.1 km/h (Force 9) blowing from a Northwest direction was recorded.

Atmospheric pressure conformed with the norm.

Last month’s highlight was a severe Mistral on the 14th. A depression (980hPa) formed over the Gulf of Genoa, and migrated across Italy and into central/southern Adriatic Sea. Simultaneously, a ridge of high pressure developed to its east, over France. The pressure difference generated a severe gale from the Northwest across the central Mediterranean. The depression was derived from one which had produced a windstorm across the British Isles and northwest Europe some days before. This was only the second gale in an otherwise unusually calm autumn. The bulk of last month’s precipitation was produced by this system. The severe gale-force winds and heavy rain from the system caused disruption and some light damage.

End of Month Reports

November 2019 brings more Wetter than Average Weather

Air Temperature

Highest Maximum 25.9°C 6th
Lowest Maximum 16.7°C 12th
Highest Minimum 19.1°C 3rd
Lowest Minimum 11.6°C 11th


Mean Maximum 20.7°C
Mean Minimum 15.6°C
Mean 18.2°C


Relative Humidity

Highest Relative Humidity 100% Several days
Lowest Relative Humidity 39% 10th


Mean Relative Humidity 71.7%


Atmospheric Pressure

Highest Atmospheric Pressure 1021.3hPa 30th
Lowest Atmospheric Pressure 996.2hPa 12th


Mean Atmospheric Pressure 1012.3hPa



Highest Gust 61.2km/h 25th


Mean Wind Speed 10.0km/h
Mean Gust Speed 37.6km/h
Mean Wind + Gust Speed 23.8km/h
Most Frequent Wind Direction South



Total Rainfall During November 2019 129.3 mm
Total Rainfall Since Last 01/09 313.7 mm


Highest 24 Hour Total 47.8 mm 11th


Rain Days 14
Thunderstorm Days 4
Hail Days 3


Rainfall Events

01/11/2019 11.4 mm Thunderstorm
06/11/2019 3.6 mm Steady Light Rain
07/11/2019 5.4 mm Steady Light Rain
08/11/2019 TR mm Drizzle
09/11/2019 5.5 mm Isolated Showers
10/11/2019 0.8 mm Drizzle
11/11/2019 47.8 mm Thunderstorms
12/11/2019 24.7 mm Rainy
13/11/2019 1.8 mm Light Rain
17/11/2019 0.1 mm Drizzle
19/11/2019 1.5 mm Light Rain
24/11/2019 12.4 mm Thunderstorms
25/11/2019 14.0 mm Thunderstorms
26/11/2019 0.3 mm Drizzle


November 2019 Compared to the Climate Means 

  Climate Mean November 2019 Anomaly
Mean Maximum Temperature 20.6°C 20.7°C +0.1°C
Mean Minimum Temperature 14.5°C 15.6°C +1.1°C
Mean Temperature 17.6°C 18.2°C +0.6°C
Mean Relative Humidity 77% 71.7% -5.3%
Mean Atmospheric Pressure 1017.9hPa 1012.3hPa -5.6hPa
Mean Wind Speed 16.3 km/h 10.0km/h -6.3km/h
Most Frequent Wind Direction Northwest South 135°
Total Rainfall 93.6 mm 129.3 mm +35.7 mm
Total Rainfall Since Last 01/09 232.4 mm 313.7 mm +81.3 mm
Total Rain Days 11 14 +3
Total Thunderstorm Days 4 4 0
Total Hail Days 1 3 +2

November 2019 brings more Wetter than Average Weather

The autumnal transition continued over the course of November. However, air temperatures remained relatively warm throughout the month, rising to over 20°C on most days. Daytime highs followed typical patterns. Nighttime lows were particularly warm, however. At 20.7˚C, daytime highs exceeded the norm by only a fraction of a degree. At 19.4˚C, nights were just more than a degree warmer than average. Temperatures were fairly consistent over the past four weeks. November air temperatures ranged from a pleasant maximum of 25.9˚C to a cool minimum of 11.6˚C.

The 129.3 mm of rain measured last month exceeded the 93.6 mm expected in November of a typical year. This was the result of spells of bad weather brought about by unstable weather patterns which traversed the central Mediterranean on a consistent basis. The 14 days of rain and 3 days of hail observed last month were greater than the average for this time of year. The 4 days of thunder conformed with the climate average.

Averaging at 10.0 km/h, the wind speed was weaker than the norm. Weaker winds have been a dominant feature of autumn so far. The month’s windiest day was the 25th, when a gust of 61.2 km/h (Force 8) blowing from a Northwest direction.

Atmospheric pressure was lower than the norm, perhaps due to the intense low pressure of a Mediterranean Tropical-Like Cyclone on the 11th and 12th.

Last mnth’s highlight was a Mediterranean Tropical-Like Cyclone on the 11th and 12th. It was responsible for most records this month. It accounted for the only single occasion when the air temperature varied considerably from one day to the next. The margin from the 11th to the 12th was of 5˚C. More than half of November 2019’s rain fell over a span of the two days. The highest 24 hour rainfall was measured at 47.8 mm on the 12th. The severe gale-force winds and heavy rain from the system caused disruption and some light damage.

End of Month Reports

Warmer but Wetter October 2019

Air Temperature

Highest Maximum 27.7°C 2nd
Lowest Maximum 21.3°C 27th
Highest Minimum 22.2°C 1st
Lowest Minimum 15.7°C 28th


Mean Maximum 25.0°C
Mean Minimum 19.4°C
Mean 22.2°C


Relative Humidity

Highest Relative Humidity 72% Several days
Lowest Relative Humidity 41% 4th brasil-libido.com


Mean Relative Humidity 62.4%


Atmospheric Pressure

Highest Atmospheric Pressure 1023.9hPa 13th
Lowest Atmospheric Pressure 1002.9hPa 7th


Mean Atmospheric Pressure 1016.7hPa



Highest Gust 59.5km/h 8th


Mean Wind Speed 7.9km/h
Mean Gust Speed 31.3km/h
Mean Wind + Gust Speed 19.6km/h
Most Frequent Wind Direction Northwest



Total Rainfall During October 2019 106.0 mm
Total Rainfall Since Last 01/09 184.4 mm


Highest 24 Hour Total 24.6 mm 28th


Rain Days 11
Thunderstorm Days 8
Hail Days 1


Rainfall Events

07/10/2019 24.1 mm Thunderstorm; Steady Light Rain
08/10/2019 1.4 mm Isolated Shower
09/10/2019 15.0 mm Thunderstorms
10/10/2019 0.3 mm Isolated Shower
16/10/2019 4.8 mm Thunderstorm
25/10/2019 13.9 mm Thunderstorm
27/10/2019 6.4 mm Thunderstorm
28/10/2019 24.6 mm Thunderstorms
29/10/2019 10.0 mm Thunderstorm
30/10/2019 4.5 mm Thunderstorm
31/10/2019 1.0 mm Isolated Shower


October 2019 Compared to the Climate Means 

  Climate Mean October 2019 Anomaly
Mean Maximum Temperature 24.8°C 25.0°C +0.2°C
Mean Minimum Temperature 17.9°C 19.4°C +1.5°C
Mean Temperature 21.4°C 22.2°C +0.8°C
Mean Relative Humidity 78% 62.4% -15.6%
Mean Atmospheric Pressure 1017.6hPa 1017.3hPa -0.3hPa
Mean Wind Speed 14.1 km/h 7.9km/h +6.2km/h
Most Frequent Wind Direction Northwest Northwest
Total Rainfall 83.3 mm 106.0 mm +22.7 mm
Total Rainfall Since Last 01/09 138.8 mm 184.4 mm +45.6 mm
Total Rain Days 10 11 +1
Total Thunderstorm Days 5 8 +3
Total Hail Days 1 1 0

Warmer but Wetter October 2019

October air temperatures ranged from a pleasant maximum of 27.7˚C and a cool minimum of 15.7˚C. They were recorded towards the start and the end of the month respectively. With a mean air temperature of 22.2˚C, October was warmer than average. At 25.0˚C, daytime highs almost conformed with the norm. At 19.4˚C, nights were much warmer than average. Overall, temperatures were consistent throughout October, with no notable heat or cold spells.

The 106.0 mm of rain measured last month exceeded the 83.3 mm expected in October of a typical year. More than half of October 2019’s rain fell in the last week of the month. This was the result of showers and thunderstorms produced by an unstable air mass which remained almost stationary over the central Mediterranean. The 11 days of rain and 8 days of thunder observed last month were greater than the average for this time of year. The highest 24 hour rainfall was measured at 24.6 mm on the 28th, during a set of thunderstorms. The 7th, with a total of 24.1 mm, came in at a close second. A notable pattern observed throughout October were the long periods of dry weather in between equally long periods of wet weather.

Averaging at 7.9 km/h, the wind speed was lower than the norm by half. Weaker winds have been a dominant feature of autumn so far. The month’s windiest day was the 8th, on which a maximum gust of 59.5 km/h blowing from an easterly direction was recorded.

Atmospheric pressure was in line with the norm.


End of Month Reports

Warmer but Wetter September 2019

Air Temperature

Highest Maximum 29.9°C 3rd
Lowest Maximum 25.7°C 10th
Highest Minimum 24.5°C 1st
Lowest Minimum 18.6°C 11th


Mean Maximum 28.7°C
Mean Minimum 22.3°C
Mean 25.5°C


Relative Humidity

Highest Relative Humidity 72% Several days
Lowest Relative Humidity 40% 13th


Mean Relative Humidity 62.4%


Atmospheric Pressure

Highest Atmospheric Pressure 1025.2hPa 12th
Lowest Atmospheric Pressure 1009.8hPa 10th


Mean Atmospheric Pressure 1017.3hPa



Highest Gust 48.3km/h 7th


Mean Wind Speed 8.2km/h
Mean Gust Speed 29.7km/h
Mean Wind + Gust Speed 19.0km/h
Most Frequent Wind Direction Northwest



Total Rainfall During September 2019 78.4 mm
Total Rainfall Since Last 01/09 78.4 mm


Highest 24 Hour Total 44.7 mm 10th


Rain Days 8
Thunderstorm Days 4
Hail Days 1


Rainfall Events

01/09/2019 1.0 mm Light Rain
02/09/2019 17.9 mm Thunderstorm
04/09/2019 6.7 mm Thunderstorm
05/09/2019 0.5 mm Light Rain; Distant Thunder
09/09/2019 1.5 mm Isolated Shower
10/09/2019 44.7 mm Thunderstorm with Hail
11/09/2019 5.4 mm Isolated Showers
22/09/2019 0.7 mm Light Rain


September 2019 Compared to the Climate Means 

  Climate Mean September 2019 Anomaly
Mean Maximum Temperature 28.3°C 28.7°C +0.4°C
Mean Minimum Temperature 20.8°C 22.3°C +1.5°C
Mean Temperature 24.6°C 25.5°C +0.9°C
Mean Relative Humidity 77% ed-hrvatski.com 62.4% -14.6%
Mean Atmospheric Pressure 1017.4hPa 1017.3hPa -0.1hPa
Mean Wind Speed 13.7 km/h 19.0km/h +5.3km/h
Most Frequent Wind Direction Northwest Northwest
Total Rainfall 55.5 mm 78.4 mm +22.9 mm
Total Rainfall Since Last 01/09 55.5 mm 78.4 mm +22.9 mm
Total Rain Days 4 8 +4
Total Thunderstorm Days 3 4 +1
Total Hail Days 1 1 0

Warmer but Wetter September 2019

A warmer than average September brought summer 2019 to a close. The mean temperature was calculated at 25.5°C, 0.9°C higher than the climate norm. Nights were particularly warm. Temperatures were consistent throughout September, with no extreme values. The warmest day was the 3rd with a high of 29.9°C. The coolest temperature was recorded at 18.6°C, during a thunderstorm on the 11th.

September 2019 produced 78.4 mm of precipitation at our weather station in Għarb. The first half of the month was especially wet, with 99% of the month’s rainfall falling during the initial two weeks. The second half of the month was practically completely dry. The highest 24 hour rainfall was measured at 44.7 mm on the 10th, during a heavy thunderstorm. Another notable rainfall event this month was a thunderstorm on the 2nd. The striking feature in this particular storm was the incessant lightning that affected the Maltese Islands, particularly Gozo. There were 8 days of rain in September 2019. 4 of these were accompanied by thunder. Some hail was observed on 1 of these.

Humidity was also low when compared to the norm. This was due to the higher than average temperatures. Another contributing factor was the plentiful sunshine that characterized the final two weeks of September 2019.

Atmospheric pressure was in line with the norm. A relatively stable second half of the month compensated for the instability experienced in the first half of September 2019.

The wind was stronger than usual. Despite this, no extremes were measured. The strongest gust was measured at only 48.3 km/h from the Northwest on the 7th.


End of Month Reports

Hotter August 2019

Air Temperature

Highest Maximum 35.8°C 1st
Lowest Maximum 29.8°C 19th
Highest Minimum 25.6°C 14th
Lowest Minimum 22.7°C 1st


Mean Maximum 32.3°C
Mean Minimum 24.2°C
Mean 28.3°C


Relative Humidity

Highest Relative Humidity 73% Several days
Lowest Relative Humidity 17% 1st


Mean Relative Humidity 59.3%


Atmospheric Pressure

Highest Atmospheric Pressure 1019.0hPa 21st
Lowest Atmospheric Pressure 1009.5hPa 14th


Mean Atmospheric Pressure 1015.1hPa



Highest Gust 53.1km/h 14th


Mean Wind Speed 5.8km/h
Mean Gust Speed 25.2km/h
Mean Wind + Gust Speed 15.5km/h
Most Frequent Wind Direction Northwest



Total Rainfall During August 2019 0.2 mm
Total Rainfall Since Last 01/09 https://southafrica-ed.com/kamagra-in-south-africa/ 505.2 mm


Highest 24 Hour Total 0.2 mm 29th


Rain Days 1
Thunderstorm Days 0
Hail Days 0


Rainfall Events


0.2 mm

Light Rain Shower

August 2019 Compared to the Climate Means

  Climate Mean August 2019 Anomaly
Mean Maximum Temperature 31.4°C 32.3°C +0.9°C
Mean Minimum Temperature 22.7°C 24.2°C +1.5°C
Mean Temperature 27.1°C 28.3°C +1.2°C
Mean Relative Humidity 73% 59.3% -13.7%
Mean Atmospheric Pressure 1015.4hPa 1015.1hPa -0.3hPa
Mean Wind Speed 13.0 km/h 15.5km/h +2.5km/h
Most Frequent Wind Direction Northwest Northwest
Total Rainfall 8.6 mm 0.2 mm -8.4 mm
Total Rainfall Since Last 01/09 585.6 mm 505.2 mm -80.4 mm
Total Rain Days 1 1 0
Total Thunderstorm Days 0 0 0
Total Hail Days 0 0 0

Hotter August 2019

The intense above-average summer heat showed no signs of cooling off in August. In fact, the average temperature exceeded the climate average of 27.1°C on a total of 26 out of 31 days. The maximum temperature for August was registered at the height of a heat spell starting in July and spanning into August, when the mercury hit 35.8°C on the 1st. The 14th and 29th, on the other hand, proved to be a breath of fresh air to the Maltese Islands, when the maximum temperature remained below 30°C. A strong wind characterised the former, whilst some rain was measured on the latter.

Our weather station in Għarb recorded precipitation on one day, the 29th. A total of 0.2 mm were measured. This fell in a brief light rain shower. Total rainfall in August was 8.4 mm lower than average. It is quite common to experience a completely dry August.

Humidity was also low when compared to the norm. This was due to the higher than average temperatures over the course of this month.

Atmospheric pressure was fractionally lower than what one would expect in August. This may be attributed to the fact that two zones of low pressure affected us this month. Anticyclonic conditions dominated the rest of the month.

The wind was also stronger than usual. This is the result of lower than average atmospheric pressure. The strongest gust was measured at 53 km/h from the Northwest on the 19th, during an unstable patch in the middle of August.


End of Month Reports

Hotter July 2019

Air Temperature

Highest Maximum 38°C 9th
Lowest Maximum 28°C 16th
Highest Minimum 26°C 9th
Lowest Minimum 22°C Several nights


Mean Maximum 31.4°C
Mean Minimum 23.5°C
Mean 27.5°C


Relative Humidity

Highest Relative Humidity 73% Several days
Lowest Relative Humidity 14% 9th


Mean Relative Humidity 60.3%


Atmospheric Pressure

Highest Atmospheric Pressure 1021.1hPa 21st
Lowest Atmospheric Pressure 1004.6hPa 28th


Mean Atmospheric Pressure 1013.7hPa



Highest Gust 51km/h 16th


Mean Wind Speed 8.8km/h
Mean Gust Speed 29.5km/h
Mean Wind + Gust Speed 19.2km/h
Most Frequent Wind Direction West Northwest



Total Rainfall During July 2019 1.3 mm
Total Rainfall Since Last 01/09 https://southafrica-ed.com/kamagra-in-south-africa/ 505.0 mm


Highest 24 Hour Total 1.3 mm 16th


Rain Days 1
Thunderstorm Days 1
Hail Days 0


Rainfall Events

15/07/2019 0.0 mm Showers
16/07/2019 1.3 mm Heavy Rain Shower


July 2019 Compared to the Climate Means 

  Climate Mean July 2019 Anomaly
Mean Maximum Temperature 31.2°C 31.4°C +0.2°C
Mean Minimum Temperature 21.8°C 23.5°C +1.7°C
Mean Temperature 26.5°C 27.5°C +1.0°C
Mean Relative Humidity 69% 60.3% -8.7%
Mean Atmospheric Pressure 1015.7hPa 1013.7hPa -2.0hPa
Mean Wind Speed 13.3 km/h 19.2km/h +5.9km/h
Most Frequent Wind Direction Northwest West Northwest -22.5°
Total Rainfall 0.3 mm 1.3 mm +1.0 mm
Total Rainfall Since Last 01/09 577.0 mm 505.0 mm -72.0 mm
Total Rain Days 0 1 +1
Total Thunderstorm Days 0 1 +1
Total Hail Days 0 0 0

Hotter July 2019

2019’s July weather was characterised by air temperatures that were higher than the climate norm. Standing at 27.5°C, the mean air temperature was a solid 1.0°C higher than the norm. The average maximum temperature was calculated at 31.4°C, a marginal 0.2°C higher than the average for a normal July. The average minimum temperature, at 23.5°C, exceeded the climate value by a significant 1.7°C. Using the national criteria for a heatwave, we can say that no heat waves affected the Maltese Islands in July 2019. Several heat spells did though. The hottest day was the 9th, when the maximum temperature soared to 38.3°C. The sea offered little respite from the intense heat, as its temperature shot up to a maximum of 27°C on some days.

Our weather station in Għarb recorded precipitation on one day, the 16th. A total of 1.3 mm were measured. This fell in a heavy rain shower which lasted for only a minute. Rain in July is rare, but not unheard of. Thunder was also heard on one day. This was in the form of a rumble or two of thunder as an isolated thunderstorm skimmed past the Maltese Islands early on the 15th.

Humidity was also low when compared to the norm. This was due to the higher than average temperatures over the course of this month.

Atmospheric pressure was lower than what one would expect in July. This may be attributed to the fact that three zones of low pressure affected us this month. Two of these were quite intense for this time of year.

The wind was also stronger than usual. This is the result of lower than average atmospheric pressure. The strongest gust was measured at 51 km/h from the West Northwest on the 16th, during an unstable patch in the middle of July.

End of Month Reports

June 2019 was the Hottest June on Record

Air Temperature

Highest Maximum 37°C 9th
Lowest Maximum 22°C 1st
Highest Minimum 25°C 10th
Lowest Minimum 15°C 1st


Mean Maximum 30.7°C
Mean Minimum 21.5°C
Mean 26.1°C


Relative Humidity

Highest Relative Humidity 73% 18th, 24th, 25th and 26th
Lowest Relative Humidity 5% 22nd


Mean Relative Humidity 50.5%


Atmospheric Pressure

Highest Atmospheric Pressure 1022.4hPa 8th
Lowest Atmospheric Pressure 1009.1hPa 12th


Mean Atmospheric Pressure 1015.6hPa



Highest Gust 50km/h 15th


Mean Wind Speed 6.7km/h
Mean Gust Speed 21.0km/h
Mean Wind + Gust Speed 13.9km/h
Most Frequent Wind Direction South Southwest



Total Rainfall During June 2019 0.0 mm
Total Rainfall Since Last 01/09 503.7 mm


Highest 24 Hour Total 0.0 mm


Rain Days 0
Thunderstorm Days 0
Hail Days 0


June 2019 Compared to the Climate Means 

  Climate Mean June 2019 Anomaly
Mean Maximum Temperature 28.2°C 30.7°C +2.5°C
Mean Minimum Temperature 19.3°C 21.5°C +2.2°C
Mean Temperature 23.8°C 26.1°C +2.3°C
Mean Relative Humidity 71% 50.5% -20.5%
Mean Atmospheric Pressure 1015.8hPa 1015.6hPa -0.2hPa
Mean Wind Speed 15.2 km/h 13.9km/h -1.3km/h
Most Frequent Wind Direction Northwest South Southwest -112.5°
Total Rainfall 4.4 mm 0.0 mm -4.4 mm
Total Rainfall Since Last 01/09 576.7 mm 503.7 mm -73.0 mm
Total Rain Days 1 0 -1
Total Thunderstorm Days 0 0 0
Total Hail Days 0 0 0

June 2019 was the Hottest June on Record

With a monthly average temperature of 26.1°C, June 2019 was the hottest June on record in the Maltese Islands. It broke the record set in June 2003. The average maximum temperature was calculated at 30.7°C, a solid 2.5°C higher than the average for a normal June. Nights were also rather warm. The average minimum temperature of 21.5°C was 2.2°C warmer than what one would expect in a typical June. Using the national criteria for a heatwave, we can conclude that the Maltese Islands experienced two heatwaves during this month. The first lasted for a period of four days, from 09/06/2019 to 12/06/2019. The maximum temperature measured during the first heatwave was of 37°C on 09/06/2019. The second heatwave also lasted for four days, from 21/06/2019 till 24/06/2019. The maximum temperature measured during the second heatwave was of 35°C on 24/06/2019. Despite this, it was the persistence of above average temperatures, rather than the hot temperatures themselves, that led to this June becoming the hottest on record. Another thing worth noting was the unseasonably cool first week of June. With an average temperature of just 20.9°C, the first week of June was the coolest on record.

For the first time in a number of years, June 2019 was also completely dry. Not a drop of rain was measured at our weather station in Għarb. Thunder was not heard at any point in June.

Humidity was also extremely low when compared to the norm. This was due to the relentless intense heat over the course of this month.

Atmospheric pressure conformed with the mean for this time of year, as normal anticyclonic behaviour was noted.

The wind was also lighter than usual. The strongest gust was measured at 50.0 km/h from the East Southeast on the 14th, during a brief break in between the two heatwaves.


End of Month Reports

Cooler and Wetter in May 2019

Air Temperature

Highest Maximum 24°C 11th, 24th, 25th and 29th
Lowest Maximum 18°C 6th, 7th and 16th
Highest Minimum 17°C 26th, 28th and 29th
Lowest Minimum 12°C 3rd, 8th and 17th


Mean Maximum 21.0°C
Mean Minimum 14.0°C
Mean 17.5°C


Relative Humidity

Highest Relative Humidity 73% 2nd and 3rd
Lowest Relative Humidity 29% 22nd


Mean Relative Humidity 61.0%


Atmospheric Pressure

Highest Atmospheric Pressure 1022.0hPa 30th
Lowest Atmospheric Pressure 1000.0hPa 4th


Mean Atmospheric Pressure 1014.0hPa



Highest Gust 68km/h 6th


Mean Wind Speed 12km/h
Mean Gust Speed 30km/h
Mean Wind + Gust Speed 21.5km/h
Most Frequent Wind Direction Northwest



Total Rainfall During May 2019 21.1 mm
Total Rainfall Since Last 01/09 503.7 mm


Highest 24 Hour Total 7.8 mm 3rd


Rain Days 8
Thunderstorm Days 4
Hail Days 0


Rainfall Events

03/05/2019 7.8 mm Showers
04/05/2019 0.5 mm Thunderstorm
12/05/2019 2.5 mm Thunderstorm
13/05/2019 0.3 mm Light Rain
14/05/2019 2.3 mm Light Rain
16/05/2019 5.6 mm Thunderstorm
26/05/2019 1.8 mm Thunderstorm
30/05/2019 0.3 mm Light Rain


May 2019 Compared to the Climate Means 

  Climate Mean May 2019 Anomaly
Mean Maximum Temperature 23.9°C 21.0°C -2.9°C
Mean Minimum Temperature 15.7°C 14.0°C -1.7°C
Mean Temperature 19.8°C 17.5°C -2.3°C
Mean Relative Humidity 74% 61% -13%
Mean Atmospheric Pressure 1015.3hPa 1014.0hPa +1.3hPa
Mean Wind Speed 17.0 km/h 21.5km/h +4.5km/h
Most Frequent Wind Direction Northwest Northwest Nil
Total Rainfall 10.6 mm 21.1 mm +10.5 mm
Total Rainfall Since Last 01/09 572.3 mm 503.7 mm -68.6 mm
Total Rain Days 3 5 +2
Total Thunderstorm Days 1 2 +1
Total Hail Days 0 0 0

Cooler and Wetter in May 2019

May 2019 was rather cool, as below-average temperatures were recorded throughout. The mean maximum temperature of 23.9°C was exceeded on only 4 days out of 31 days. Overall, the air temperature was 2.3°C colder than the norm. Once again, the biggest margin from the mean was registered by the daytime highs. May 2019 was infact one of the coldest ever. Unseasonal anticyclones over Scandinavia persisted throughout the month. This deflected bad weather towards the Mediterranean. This bad weather brought with it frequent blasts of cold air from the north, allowing temperatures to remain colder than average throughout.

Total rainfall measured at our weather station in Għarb, at 21.1 mm was above the mean for this time of year. The number of days with rain and thunderstorms, at 8 and 4 respectively, were also greater than the norm. This observation is also the result of prevailing anticyclones over Scandinavia, deviating bad weather to the south.

A number of windy days dotted May. Winds were significantly stronger than the average for May. The wind reached Force 6 or higher on 6 days. This was the consequence of air moving from high pressure over Scandinavia towards successive low pressure systems traversing the Mediterranean. The prevailing wind direction was the Northwest. The strongest wind gust was of 68 km/h, registered on the 6th.


End of Month Reports

Cooler and Drier in April 2019

Air Temperature

Highest Maximum 27°C 23rd
Lowest Maximum 15°C 1st and 2nd
Highest Minimum 16°C 25th
Lowest Minimum 10°C 1st and 8th


Mean Maximum 17.0°C
Mean Minimum 11.8°C
Mean 13.9°C


Relative Humidity

Highest Relative Humidity 78% 6th
Lowest Relative Humidity 24% 23rd


Mean Relative Humidity 72.0% ed-hrvatski.com


Atmospheric Pressure

Highest Atmospheric Pressure 1024.1hPa 19th
Lowest Atmospheric Pressure 1013.2hPa 21st


Mean Atmospheric Pressure 1019.3hPa



Highest Gust 68km/h 19th


Mean Wind Speed 12km/h
Mean Gust Speed 31km/h
Mean Wind + Gust Speed 21.5km/h
Most Frequent Wind Direction Southeast



Total Rainfall During April 2019 27.5 mm
Total Rainfall Since Last 01/09 482.6 mm


Highest 24 Hour Total 19.1 mm 5th


Rain Days 5
Thunderstorm Days 0
Hail Days 2


Rainfall Events

04/04/2019 1.8 mm Light Rain
05/04/2019 19.1 mm Thunderstorm
07/04/2019 4.3 mm Isolated Showers
14/04/2019 2.0 mm Isolated Showers
22/04/2019 0.3 mm Thunderstorm

April 2019 Compared to the Climate Means

  Climate Mean April 2019 Anomaly
Mean Maximum Temperature 19.6°C 17.0°C -2.6°C
Mean Minimum Temperature 12.5°C 11.8°C -0.7°C
Mean Temperature 16.2°C 13.9°C -2.3°C
Mean Relative Humidity 77% 72% -5%
Mean Atmospheric Pressure 1014.3hPa 1019.3hPa +5.0hPa
Mean Wind Speed 18.9 km/h 21.3km/h +2.4km/h
Most Frequent Wind Direction Northwest Southeast 135°
Total Rainfall 23.2 mm 27.5 mm +4.3 mm
Total Rainfall Since Last 01/09 561.7 mm 474.2 mm -87.5 mm
Total Rain Days 6 5 -1
Total Thunderstorm Days 1 2 +1
Total Hail Days 1 0 0

Cooler and Drier in April 2019

The air was significantly cooler than average over much of last month. Overall, air temperatures were 2.3°C colder than normal. The biggest difference from the average was registered by the daytime temperature (2.6°C cooler than usual). Nights were not as cold (0.7°C cooler than the norm). This could attributed to the fact that April was characterised by several days of overcast skies and airborne fine desert sand. In this case, light from the Sun would be reflected off the clouds and airborne fine desert sand back into space, preventing the air at ground level from heating up. Finally, temperatures returned to normal in the final week of April. The hottest day was the 23rd with a 27°C high. Conversely, the coldest was at 10°C  on the 1st and 8th.

Total rainfall measured at our weather station in Għarb, at 27.5 mm was below the mean for this time of year. April started off promisingly with regards to precipitation. 25.2 mm (or 91%) of April’s rainfall total fell in the first week of the month. The rest fell in light showers which deposited copious amounts of fine desert sand.

A number of windy days dotted the month of April. Winds were significantly stronger than the average for April. The wind reached Force 6 or stronger on 10 days. This is the Maltese Islands were caught up between high and low pressure systems several times. The strongest gust was of 68 km/h, registered on the 19th. The prevailing wind direction was from the Southeast. This was the result of successive north African low pressure systems passing by us.

End of Month Reports

Cooler Days but Warmer Nights in March 2019

Air Temperature

Highest Maximum 22°C 8th, 9th and 18th
Lowest Maximum 14°C 12th and 27th
Highest Minimum 14°C 20th
Lowest Minimum 10°C 4th, 21st, 27th and 28th


Mean Maximum 17.0°C
Mean Minimum 11.8°C
Mean 13.9°C


Relative Humidity

Highest Relative Humidity 75% 6th
Lowest Relative Humidity 28% 8th


Mean Relative Humidity 64.0%


Atmospheric Pressure

Highest Atmospheric Pressure 1028.1hPa 10th
Lowest Atmospheric Pressure 1013.2hPa 21st


Mean Atmospheric Pressure 1019.3hPa



Highest Gust 85.0km/h 12th


Mean Wind Speed 12.6km/h
Mean Gust Speed 29.9km/h
Mean Wind + Gust Speed 21.3km/h
Most Frequent Wind Direction Northwest



Total Rainfall During March 2019 56.8 mm
Total Rainfall Since Last 01/09 455.1 mm


Highest 24 Hour Total 27.4 mm 21st


Rain Days 6
Thunderstorm Days 1
Hail Days 1


Rainfall Events

02/03/2019 polska-ed.com 0.5 mm Isolated Shower
06/03/2019 0.5 mm Fog and Dew
10/03/2019 0.3 mm Fog and Dew
12/03/2019 0.3 mm Isolated Shower
15/03/2019 2.0 mm Light Rain
18/03/2019 0.3 mm Fog and Dew
21/03/2019 27.4 mm Thunderstorm
22/03/2019 2.5 mm Light Rain
24/03/2019 0.3 mm Fog and Dew
27/03/2019 22.7 mm Steady Rain


March 2019 Compared to the Climate Means

  Climate Mean March 2019 Anomaly
Mean Maximum Temperature 17.3°C 17.0°C -0.3°C
Mean Minimum Temperature 10.7°C 11.8°C +1.1°C
Mean Temperature 14.0°C 14.4°C +0.4°C
Mean Relative Humidity 79% 64.0% -15.0%
Mean Atmospheric Pressure 1016.1hPa 1019.3hPa +3.2hPa
Mean Wind Speed 18.9 km/h 21.3km/h +2.4km/h
Most Frequent Wind Direction Northwest Northwest
Total Rainfall 40.7 mm 56.8 mm +16.1 mm
Total Rainfall Since Last 01/09 538.5 mm 455.1 mm -83.4 mm
Total Rain Days 9 6 -3
Total Thunderstorm Days 2 1 -1
Total Hail Days 1 1 0


 Cooler Days but Warmer Nights in March 2019

Daytime highs last month were colder than normal (by 0.3°C at 17.0°C). Conversely, nighttime lows were warmer than average (by 1.1°C at 11.8°C). Overall, March 2019 was warmer than average by 0.4°C, with a value of 14.4°C. The warmest temperature in March 2019 clocked in at 22°C and was measured on a number of days, mainly in the first half of the month. The low of the month, of 10°C, was measured on three nights towards the end of the month.

For yet another month, winds were significantly stronger than average. It reached Force 8 on six days. The strongest was recorded at 85.0 km/h (Force 9) on March 13th. Most days were characterised by a Northwest wind. This conforms with the climate mean.

Total rainfall measured at our weather station in Għarb exceeded the norm for this time of year. With a total of 56.8 mm, March 2019 was wetter than average by 40%. 50.1 mm of this fell during two major rainfall events. These consisted of a thunderstorm on the 21st and periods of steady rain on the 27th. Thunder and hail affected us only during the thunderstorm on the 21st.