
End of Month Reports

Relief in August 2023

Air Temperature

Highest Maximum 32.9°C 23rd
Lowest Maximum 26.6°C 7th
Highest Minimum 25.3°C 26th
Lowest Minimum 19.2°C 9th


Mean Maximum 30.0°C
Mean Minimum 22.8°C
Mean 26.4°C


Relative Humidity

Highest Relative Humidity 95% Numerous days
Lowest Relative Humidity 41% 24th


Mean Relative Humidity 76.1%



Highest Gust 49.9km/h 5th


Mean Wind Speed 9.7km/h
Most Frequent Wind Direction Northwest


Atmospheric Pressure

Highest Atmospheric Pressure 1020.5hPa 11th
Lowest Atmospheric Pressure 1008.7hPa 4th


Mean Atmospheric Pressure 1014.6hPa



Total Rainfall During August 2023 9.1 mm
Total Rainfall Since Last 01/09 585.7 mm


Highest 24 Hour Total 9.1 mm 21st


Rain Days 1 day
Thunderstorm Days 2 days
Hail Days 0 days


August 2023 Compared to the Climate Means

  Climate Mean August 2023 Anomaly
Mean Maximum Temperature 31.8°C 30.0°C  -1.8°C
Mean Minimum Temperature 23.3°C 22.8°C -0.5°C
Mean Temperature 27.6°C 26.4°C -1.2°C
Mean Relative Humidity 73.3% 76.1% +2.8%
Mean Atmospheric Pressure 1014.1hPa 1014.6hPa +0.5hPa
Total Rainfall 10.9 mm 9.1 mm -1.8 mm
Total Rainfall Since Last 01/09 531.4 mm 585.7 mm +54.3 mm
Total Rain Days 1 day 1 day /
Total Thunderstorm Days 1 day 2 days +1 day
Total Hail Days 0 days 0 days /


Relief in August 2023


After a record-breaking 10-day heat wave in July, August 2023 proved a breath of fresh air for the Maltese Islands. With a mean temperature of 26.4°C at our weather station in Għarb, last month was 1.2°C cooler than the climate norm. The mean maximum temperature of 30.0°C was a staggering 1.8°C below the norm. The mean minimum temperature of 22.8°C, on the other hand, was 0.5°C below the average. The maximum temperature last month peaked at 32.9°C on the 23rd. Elsewhere in the Maltese Islands, the hottest days over the course of last August registered a maximum temperature of ‘only’ 35°C, a far cry from what these values normally stand at in a normal August. Maximum temperatures failed to exceed the 30°C mark on half of all days last month. There were also two nights where the minimum temperature dropped to below 20°C. Not all was perfect, however. Values of relative humidity were higher than the norm, particularly after the thunderstorm on the 21st. This made the air feel rather clammy and uncomfortable at times.

August rain is not unheard of across the Maltese Islands, particularly as the month nears its end. August 2023 was characterised by two separate rainfall events. There were two separate isolated thunderstorms on the 21st. One struck Gozo in the predawn hours. Another formed over central Malta in the daylight hours. 9.1 mm of rain were measured by our rain gauge in Għarb on the day. Whilst this was to be the only day with rain across Gozo, another stronger thunderstorm struck Malta on the month’s final day. August went out with a bang for some localities, particularly Mosta, where over 40 mm of rain were measured.

There were two outbreaks of strong wind, one towards the beginning and another towards the end. The highest wind gust was recorded on the 5th, and measured at 49.9 km/h (almost Force 7) from a Northwesterly direction.

Rainfall Totals around the Maltese Islands in August 2023 (and since last September 1st):

Għarb: 9.1 mm (585.7 mm)

Victoria: 6.1 mm (514.3 mm)

Xewkija: 4.6 mm (509.8 mm)

Nadur: 2.3 mm (508.1 mm)

Marsalforn: 1.5 mm (534.9 mm)

Mellieħa: 17.8 mm (490.9 mm)

Buġibba: 18.3 mm (570.0 mm)

Mġarr: 37.5 mm (546.8 mm)

Naxxar: 37.4 mm (687.1 mm)

Mosta: 45.4 mm (662.4 mm)

Dingli: 7.6 mm (544.8 mm)

Msida: 14.3 mm (719.1 mm)

Valletta: 7.3 mm (535.8 mm)

Imqabba: 8.6 mm (596.4 mm)

Żabbar: 8.7 mm (591.9 mm)

Birżebbuġa: 7.6 mm (493.9 mm)

Sliema: 11.2 (687.5 mm)

NATIONAL MEAN: 14.4 mm (575.3 mm)

Rainfall Reports

September 2022 to August 2023 Rainfall Report

The report is based on rainfall readings from our main weather station in Għarb. using a manual rain gauge set-up as per standards established by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). Obviously, rainfall distribution varies widely from one location to another. For this reason, we have included a list of localities around the Maltese Islands along with their respective rainfall totals at the end of the report.


Precipitation Totals

Total Rainfall in September 2022 87.2 mm
Total Rainfall in October 2022 27.7 mm
Total Rainfall in November 2022 176.8 mm
Total Rainfall in December 2022 7.0 mm
Total Rainfall in January 2023 58.4 mm
Total Rainfall in February 2023 149.4 mm
Total Rainfall in March 2023 11.6 mm
Total Rainfall in April 2023 29.1 mm
Total Rainfall in May 2023 23.6 mm
Total Rainfall in June 2023 5.8 mm
Total Rainfall in July 2023 0.0 mm
Total Rainfall in August 2023 9.1 mm


Total Rainfall from 1st September 2022 till 31st August 2023 585.7 mm


Highest 24 Hour Total 121.1 mm 9th February 2023


Rain Days 62 days
Thunderstorm Days 32 days
Hail Days 15 days


2022/2023 Precipitation Compared to the Climate Means

  Climate Mean 2022/2023 Anomaly
Total Rainfall in September 2022 55.8 mm 87.2 mm +31.4 mm
Total Rainfall in October 2022 86.4 mm 27.7 mm -58.7 mm
Total Rainfall in November 2022 94.9 mm 176.8 mm +81.9 mm
Total Rainfall in December 2022 83.3 mm 7.0 mm -76.3 mm
Total Rainfall in January 2023 69.4 mm 58.4 mm -11.0 mm
Total Rainfall in February 2023 59.5 mm 149.4 mm +89.9 mm
Total Rainfall in March 2023 41.0 mm 11.6 mm -12.5 mm
Total Rainfall in April 2023 16.6 mm 29.1 mm +12.5 mm
Total Rainfall in May 2023 9.4 mm 23.6 mm +14.2 mm
Total Rainfall in June 2023 4.0 mm 5.8 mm +1.8 mm
Total Rainfall in July 2023 0.2 mm 0.0 mm -0.2 mm
Total Rainfall in August 2023 10.9 mm 9.1 mm -1.8 mm


Total Rainfall Since Last 01/09 531.4 mm 585.7 mm +54.3 mm


Total Rain Days 84 62 -22 days
Total Thunderstorm Days 26 32 +6 days
Total Hail Days 8 15 +7 days


Rainfall Events

Date Rainfall Description
22/09/2022 40.9 mm Steady Light Rain; P.M. Thunderstorm
23/09/2022 39.2 mm A.M. Thunderstorm
25/09/2022 5.7 mm A.M. Showers
30/09/2022 1.4 mm P.M. Shower; Distant Thunder
10/10/2022 27.7 mm Thunderstorm with Hail
05/11/2022 21.2 mm Isolated Showers; Thunderstorm with Hail
12/11/2022 21.2 mm Thunderstorm with Hail
13/11/2022 2.4 mm Isolated Shower
14/11/2022 22.1 mm Thunderstorm with Hail
17/11/2022 9.3 mm Shower; Distant Thunder
20/11/2022 21.0 mm Thunderstorm; Isolated Showers
21/11/2022 10.4 mm Showers
22/11/2022 1.4 mm Isolated Showers
23/11/2022 1.8 mm Isolated Showers
24/11/2022 1.8 mm Isolated Showers
26/11/2022 15.9 mm Thunderstorm; Severe Thunderstorm with Hail
27/11/2022 11.7 mm Showers
29/11/2022 23.5 mm Thunderstorms with Hail
30/11/2022 13.1 mm Thunderstorm with Hail
02/12/2022 1.3 mm Light Showers
06/12/2022 0.2 mm Mist/Fog and Dew
07/12/2022 0.3 mm Light Showers
10/12/2022 2.5 mm Showers; Distant Thunder
11/12/2022 0.2 mm Light Showers
20/12/2022 0.5 mm Mist/Fog and Dew
26/12/2022 0.3 mm Mist/Fog and Dew
27/12/2022 0.5 mm Mist/Fog and Dew
28/12/2022 0.5 mm Mist/Fog and Dew
29/12/2022 0.2 mm Mist/Fog and Dew
30/12/2022 0.3 mm Mist/Fog and Dew
31/12/2022 0.2 mm Mist/Fog and Dew
01/01/2023 0.3 mm Dew
02/01/2023 0.2 mm Light Rain
03/01/2023 0.3 mm Light Rain
09/01/2023 2.8 mm Rain and Hail Showers
10/01/2023 0.8 mm Rain Showers
12/01/2023 1.8 mm Light Rain
19/01/2023 1.3 mm Rain Showers; Distant Thunder
20/01/2023 3.1 mm A.M. Thunderstorm with Hail
21/01/2023 0.5 mm Light Rain
22/01/2023 9.3 mm Showers and Thunderstorms with Hail
24/01/2023 9.3 mm Steady Rain; Distant Thunder
25/01/2023 0.8 mm A.M. Light Rain; Distant Thunder
26/01/2023 9.8 mm Thunderstorm with Hail
27/01/2023 9.8 mm Thunderstorm; Rain and Hail Showers
28/01/2023 8.3 mm Thunderstorm with Hail; Showers
29/01/2023 0.0 mm Distant Thunder and Hail
02/02/2023 1.1 mm Light Rain
07/02/2023 3.0 mm Light Rain
08/02/2023 18.7 mm P.M. Steady Rain
09/02/2023 121.1 mm Steady Rain; Thunderstorms
10/02/2023 2.5 mm A.M. Steady Rain; Distant Thunder and Hail
13/02/2023 1.5 mm Light Rain
14/02/2023 0.5 mm Light Rain
21/02/2023 0.3 mm Dew; Fog
22/02/2023 0.2 mm Dew; Fog
23/02/2023 0.3 mm Dew; Fog
24/02/2023 0.2 mm Dew; Fog
02/03/2023 7.5 mm Thunderstorm with Hail
03/03/2023 4.1 mm Showers
02/04/2023 15.8 mm P.M. Rainy
03/04/2023 4.2 mm A.M. Showers
05/04/2023 0.3 mm Light Rain; Distant Thunder
16/04/2023 8.8 mm Rainy
02/05/2023   Distant Showers
07/05/2023   Fog
08/05/2023 1.0 Light Rain
09/05/2023 2.4 Light Rain
11/05/2023   Mist
12/05/2023 0.5 Light Rain
13/05/2023 1.9 Light Rain; Distant Thunder
14/05/2023   Haze
15/05/2023 4.0 Thunderstorm
16/05/2023   Distant Showers
19/05/2023   Distant Showers
20/05/2023   Haze; Widespread Dust
21/05/2023 13.8 Thunderstorm
22/05/2023   Distant Showers
25/05/2023   Distant Thunder
26/05/2023   Distant Showers
28/05/2023   Fog
29/05/2023   Fog
30/05/2023   Haze
02/06/2023   Distant Showers
05/06/2023 1.8 Thunderstorm
06/06/2023 2.4 Thunderstorm
10/06/2023 1.3 Showers
11/06/2023 0.3 Light Rain
19/06/2023   Fog
30/06/2023   Fog
01/07/2023   Mist
10/07/2023   Mist
12/07/2023   Haze
16/07/2023   Fog
21/08/2023 9.1 Thunderstorm
26/08/2023   Widespread Dust
27/08/2023   Fog
31/08/2023   Distant Thunderstorm


Comparing 2022/2023 to Past Decade

2012/2013 – 461.3 mm (below average)

2013/2014 – 454.7 mm (below average)

2014/2015 – 657.0 mm (above average)

2015/2016 – 265.0 mm (below average)

2016/2017 – 349.1 mm (below average)

2017/2018 – 441.2 mm (below average)

2018/2019 – 505.2 mm (below average)

2019/2020 – 406.0 mm (below average)

2020/2021 – 414.7 mm (below average)

2021/2022 – 586.0 mm (above average)

2022/2023 – 585.7 mm (above average)


Comparing Different Localities around the Maltese Islands

Għarb – 585.7 mm

Victoria – 514.3 mm

Xewkija – 509.8 mm

Nadur – 508.1 mm

Marsalforn – 534.9 mm

Mellieħa – 490.9 mm

Buġibba – 570.0 mm

Mġarr – 546.8 mm

Naxxar – 687.4 mm

Mosta – 662.4 mm

Ħad-Dingli – 544.8 mm

Msida – 719.1 mm

Tas-Sliema – 687.5 mm

Valletta – 535.8 mm

Imqabba – 596.5 mm

Ħaż-Żabbar – 591.9 mm

Birżebbuġa – 493.9 mm

NATIONAL MEAN – 575.3 mm

End of Month Reports

Sweltering in July 2023

Air Temperature

Highest Maximum 39.8°C 24th
Lowest Maximum 26.8°C 3rd
Highest Minimum 28.5°C 25th
Lowest Minimum 19.8°C 14th


Mean Maximum 32.9°C
Mean Minimum 23.4°C
Mean 28.2°C


Relative Humidity

Highest Relative Humidity 94% Numerous days
Lowest Relative Humidity 13% 21st


Mean Relative Humidity 68.9%



Highest Gust 54.7km/h 26th


Mean Wind Speed 8.5km/h
Most Frequent Wind Direction South


Atmospheric Pressure

Highest Atmospheric Pressure 1020.2hPa 8th and 10th
Lowest Atmospheric Pressure 1009.8hPa 25th


Mean Atmospheric Pressure 1016.1hPa



Total Rainfall During July 2023 0.0 mm
Total Rainfall Since Last 01/09 576.6 mm


Highest 24 Hour Total 0.0 mm /


Rain Days 0 days
Thunderstorm Days 0 days
Hail Days 0 days


July 2023 Compared to the Climate Means

  Climate Mean July 2023 Anomaly
Mean Maximum Temperature 31.5°C 32.9°C  +1.4°C
Mean Minimum Temperature 22.4°C 23.4°C +1.0°C
Mean Temperature 27.0°C 28.2°C +1.2°C
Mean Relative Humidity 70.6% 68.9% -1.7%
Mean Atmospheric Pressure 1014.6hPa 1016.1hPa +1.5hPa
Total Rainfall 0.2 mm 0.0 mm -0.2 mm
Total Rainfall Since Last 01/09 520.5 mm 576.6 mm +56.1 mm
Total Rain Days 0 days 0 days /
Total Thunderstorm Days 0 days 0 days /
Total Hail Days 0 days 0 days /


Sweltering in July 2023


The first few days of July 2023 continued where June left off. It didn’t take long for this state of affairs to change, however.

The mean temperature of 28.2°C, registered at our weather station in Għarb, exceeded the norm by 1.2°C. The mean maximum temperature of 32.9°C surpassed the norm by 1.4°C. The mean minimum temperature of 23.4°C, on the other hand, stood a full 1°C above the norm. Being the smaller island and under a stronger moderating effect of the sea, Gozo was spared the worst of the heat. Temperature values measured in Malta painted a far more worrying picture. Mean temperatures there were overall a staggering 3.5°C over the climate average. This made it officially the hottest July on record.

Using the national criteria for a heatwave, we conclude that the Maltese Islands experienced one heatwave last month. Lasting from 16th July through to 25th July (both days included), it proved to be record-breaking too. Whilst the temperature peaked at 39.8°C across Gozo, the maximum temperature across central Malta spiked to 42.7°C on the 24th. This was the joint hottest temperature measured during July along with the record set back on 9th July 1988. A deeper look into readings from central Malta show how the air temperature exceeded 40°C on a record-breaking six consecutive days. These are 41.0°C on the 20th, 40.2°C on the 21st, 41.1°C on the 22nd, 42.3°C on the 23rd, 42.7°C on the 24th and 40.0°C on the 25th. July’s long-lasting heat wave also broke the record for the warmest night. The minimum temperature on the night between the 24th and 25th remained at a hot 30.6°C at the airport. The value in Għarb on the night was of 28.5°C.

July 2023 also lived up to its expectation of being a completely dry month. No rain made it to the Maltese Islands throughout. Some mist or fog patches were observed prior to and during the heat wave.

The wind only reached Force 6 or stronger on two days, one at the beginning and the other towards the end. The highest wind gusts, at 54.7km/h (Force 7), was recorded on the 26th.

Rainfall Totals around the Maltese Islands in July 2023 (and since last September 1st):

Għarb: 0.0 mm (576.6 mm)

Victoria: 0.0 mm (508.2 mm)

Xewkija: 0.0 mm (505.2 mm)

Nadur: 0.0 mm (505.8 mm)

Marsalforn: 0.0 mm (533.4 mm)

Mellieħa: 0.0 mm (473.1 mm)

Buġibba: 0.0 mm (551.7 mm)

Mġarr: 0.0 mm (509.3 mm)

Naxxar: 0.0 mm (649.7 mm)

Mosta: 0.0 mm (617.0 mm)

Dingli: 0.0 mm (537.2 mm)

Msida: 0.0 mm (704.8 mm)

Valletta: 0.0 mm (528.5 mm)

Imqabba: 0.0 mm (587.8 mm)

Żabbar: 0.0 mm (583.2 mm)

Birżebbuġa: 0.0 mm (486.3 mm)

Sliema: 0.0 (676.3 mm)

NATIONAL MEAN: 0.0 mm (560.8 mm)

End of Month Reports

Significantly Cooler in June 2023

Air Temperature

Highest Maximum 31.9°C 21st
Lowest Maximum 22.2°C 6th
Highest Minimum 23.7°C 23rd
Lowest Minimum 16.0°C 3rd


Mean Maximum 26.6°C
Mean Minimum 19.7°C
Mean 23.2°C


Relative Humidity

Highest Relative Humidity 95% Numerous days
Lowest Relative Humidity 30% 21st


Mean Relative Humidity 79.0%



Highest Gust 45.1km/h 5th


Mean Wind Speed 9.7km/h
Most Frequent Wind Direction Northwest


Atmospheric Pressure

Highest Atmospheric Pressure 1020.5hPa 5th
Lowest Atmospheric Pressure 1008.6hPa 14th


Mean Atmospheric Pressure 1014.8hPa



Total Rainfall During June 2023 5.8 mm
Total Rainfall Since Last 01/09 576.6 mm


Highest 24 Hour Total 2.4 mm 6th


Rain Days 4 days
Thunderstorm Days 2 days
Hail Days 0 days


Rainfall Events

02/06/2023 Distant Showers
05/06/2023 1.8 Thunderstorm
06/06/2023 2.4 Thunderstorm
10/06/2023 1.3 Showers
11/06/2023 0.3 Light Rain
19/06/2023 Fog
30/06/2023 Fog


June 2023 Compared to the Climate Means

  Climate Mean June 2023 Anomaly
Mean Maximum Temperature 28.5°C 26.6°C  -1.9°C
Mean Minimum Temperature 19.8°C 19.7°C -0.1°C
Mean Temperature 24.2°C 23.2°C -1.0°C
Mean Relative Humidity 69.0% 79.0% +10.0%
Mean Atmospheric Pressure 1015.1hPa 1014.8hPa -0.3hPa
Total Rainfall 4.0 mm 5.8 mm +1.8 mm
Total Rainfall Since Last 01/09 520.3 mm 576.6 mm +56.3 mm
Total Rain Days 1 day 4 days +3 days
Total Thunderstorm Days 1 day 2 days +1 day
Total Hail Days 0 days 0 days /


Significantly Cooler in June 2023


An overall unstable June with air temperatures that were cooler than the norm and more rain than average kicked off the meteorological summer on the Maltese Islands.

Throughout June, the air temperature ranged from a 16.0°C minimum on the 3rd to a 31.9°C maximum on the 21st. Localities across central Malta recorded higher temperature values on that day. Last month’s mean minimum temperature of 19.7°C was just a fraction of a degree cooler than the norm. The anomaly in mean maximum temperatures was steeper, with the 26.6°C value for June 2023 falling a staggering 1.9°C below the climate norm. June 2023 was a breath of fresh air from the previous two record-breaking Junes.

June’s 5.8 mm of precipitation spilled over the climate norm by almost 2 mm. Some localities were even wetter. Rain fell on four days. Two of these were accompanied by thunder. All wet days occurred during a particularly unstable first half of the month. The unstable start to the month took many by surprise, but meteorological records show that a wet start to summer is not that uncommon. It was still, however, the first June in four years to register any rain. The meteorological situation stabilized somewhat in the final two weeks of the month, with the showery weather giving way to longer hours of sunshine.

The fact that showers persisted well into the first half of June had a noticeable impact on most meteorological parameters. The rain recharged the soil with moisture. Subsequent sunshine evaporated this, elevating levels of humidity. In fact, relative humidity was a staggering 10% higher than the norm. This prevented air temperatures from soaring to extreme levels. In fact, no heat spells were registered in June. The rain was also heavy enough to cause runoff from roads and valleys. This created an influx of colder fresh water in most bays, cooling down the sea slightly. The late showers also had a visible impact on vegetation. Wild small trees and bushes were given that much-needed boost of surface water ahead of the dry season. Mature trees will utilize this later on in the season. Wilting will take longer to occur.


Rainfall Totals around the Maltese Islands in June 2023 (and since last September 1st):

Għarb: 5.8 mm (576.6 mm)

Victoria: 6.6 mm (508.2 mm)

Xewkija: 8.4 mm (505.2 mm)

Nadur: 8.5 mm (505.8 mm)

Marsalforn: 9.2 mm (533.4 mm)

Mellieħa: 3.2 mm (473.1 mm)

Buġibba: 4.9 mm (551.7 mm)

Mġarr: 3.7 mm (509.3 mm)

Naxxar: 12.2 mm (649.7 mm)

Mosta: 11.4 mm (617.0 mm)

Dingli: 5.5 mm (537.2 mm)

Msida: 3.8 mm (704.8 mm)

Valletta: 1.4 mm (528.5 mm)

Imqabba: 5.4 mm (587.8 mm)

Żabbar: 2.2 mm (583.2 mm)

Birżebbuġa: 3.4 mm (486.3 mm)

Sliema: 2.0 (676.3 mm)

NATIONAL MEAN: 5.7 mm (560.8 mm)

End of Month Reports

Colder and Wetter in May 2023

Air Temperature

Highest Maximum 25.7°C 27th
Lowest Maximum 17.8°C 9th
Highest Minimum 18.8°C 31st
Lowest Minimum 12.8°C 7th


Mean Maximum 21.9°C
Mean Minimum 16.0°C
Mean 18.9°C


Relative Humidity

Highest Relative Humidity 95% Numerous days
Lowest Relative Humidity 45% 18th


Mean Relative Humidity 81.8%



Highest Gust 48.3km/h 19th


Mean Wind Speed 11.0km/h
Most Frequent Wind Direction South


Atmospheric Pressure

Highest Atmospheric Pressure 1020.4hPa 5th
Lowest Atmospheric Pressure 998.1hPa 20th


Mean Atmospheric Pressure 1012.8hPa



Total Rainfall During May 2023 23.6 mm
Total Rainfall Since Last 01/09 570.8 mm


Highest 24 Hour Total 13.8 mm 21st


Rain Days 6 days
Thunderstorm Days 4 days
Hail Days 0 days


Rainfall Events

02/05/2023 Distant Showers
07/05/2023 Fog
08/05/2023 1.0 Light Rain
09/05/2023 2.4 Light Rain
11/05/2023 Mist
12/05/2023 0.5 Light Rain
13/05/2023 1.9 Light Rain; Distant Thunder
14/05/2023 Haze
15/05/2023 4.0 Thunderstorm
16/05/2023 Distant Showers
19/05/2023 Distant Showers
20/05/2023 Haze; Widespread Dust
21/05/2023 13.8 Thunderstorm
22/05/2023 Distant Showers
25/05/2023 Distant Thunder
26/05/2023 Distant Showers
28/05/2023 Fog
29/05/2023 Fog
30/05/2023 Haze


May 2023 Compared to the Climate Means

  Climate Mean May 2023 Anomaly
Mean Maximum Temperature 23.9°C 21.9°C  -2.0°C
Mean Minimum Temperature 15.9°C 16.0°C +0.1°C
Mean Temperature 19.9°C 18.9°C -1.0°C
Mean Relative Humidity 73.3% 81.8% +8.5%
Mean Atmospheric Pressure 1015.9hPa 1012.8hPa -3.1hPa
Total Rainfall 9.4 mm 23.6 mm +14.2 mm
Total Rainfall Since Last 01/09 516.3 mm 570.8 mm +54.5 mm
Total Rain Days 3 days 6 days +3 days
Total Thunderstorm Days 1 day 4 days + 3 days
Total Hail Days 0 days 0 days /


Colder and Wetter in May 2023

May 2023 maintained its cool, with the overall mean temperature being a full degree colder than the climate norm. The mean maximum temperature over the course of last month was a staggering 2.0°C below the mean. In fact, the mean maximum temperature of 23.9°C was reached or exceeded on only 6 days out of the 31 in May. Mean minimum temperatures, on the other hand, were more conforming with the value for a typical May. They exceeded the mean by a fraction of a degree. Unseasonal anticyclones persisted over the British Isles and Scandinavia throughout the month, deflecting zones of instability towards our region of the Mediterranean. This instability brought with it frequent blasts of colder air from the north, allowing temperatures to remain colder than average throughout, especially during daylight hours.

The total rainfall measured at our weather station in Għarb stood at 23.6 mm, or more than double the mean for this time of year. The number of days with rain and thunderstorms at our weather station, at 6 and 4 respectively, were also greater than the norm. Rain was also recorded in other localities on an additional 6 days, raising the total number of days with at least one shower somewhere around the Maltese Islands to 12. This observation is also the result of prevailing anticyclones over northern Europe.

A number of windy days dotted May. Winds were significantly stronger than the average for May. The wind reached Force 6 or higher on 11 days. This was a consequence of frequent low pressure systems of north African origin. The wind blew mainly from the Southeast quadrant on the blustery days. In fact, the number of days characterized by airborne fine desert sand throughout the month were numerous. The strongest wind gust, registered on the 19th, was of ‘only’ 48.3 km/h.

An impressive 7 low pressure systems traversed the central Mediterranean over the course of May 2023. This is reflected in the mean atmospheric pressure reading of 1012.8hPa. This value is just over 3hPa below the historical mean. The reading dropped to below 1000hPa on two separate occasions. The lowest, on the 20th, was registered at 998.1hPa.


Rainfall Totals around the Maltese Islands in May 2023 (and since last September 1st):

Għarb: 23.6 mm (570.8 mm)

Victoria: 18.1 mm (501.6 mm)

Xewkija: 19.0 mm (496.8 mm)

Nadur: 29.2 mm (497.3 mm)

Marsalforn: 29.5 mm (494.7 mm)

Mellieħa: 27.8 mm (524.2 mm)

Buġibba: 24.2 mm (469.9 mm)

Mġarr: 24.6 mm (546.8 mm)

Naxxar: 20.8 mm (505.6 mm)

Mosta: 22.3 mm (605.6 mm)

Dingli: 24.0 mm (531.7 mm)

Msida: 17.3 mm (701.0 mm)

Valletta: 28.3 mm (527.1 mm)

Imqabba: 21.7 mm (582.4 mm)

Żabbar: 19.6 mm (581.0 mm)

Birżebbuġa: 17.4 mm (482.9 mm)

Sliema: 26.9 (647.3 mm)

NATIONAL MEAN: 23.2 mm (555.1 mm)

End of Month Reports

Colder and Wetter in April 2023

Air Temperature

Highest Maximum 22.5°C 22nd
Lowest Maximum 15.4°C 6th
Highest Minimum 16.6°C 30th
Lowest Minimum 6.7°C 7th


Mean Maximum 18.7°C
Mean Minimum 12.6°C
Mean 15.7°C


Relative Humidity

Highest Relative Humidity 94% Numerous days
Lowest Relative Humidity 39% 19th


Mean Relative Humidity 79.5%



Highest Gust 48.3km/h 3rd


Mean Wind Speed 12.3km/h
Most Frequent Wind Direction West Northwest


Atmospheric Pressure

Highest Atmospheric Pressure 1023.4hPa 28th
Lowest Atmospheric Pressure 999.0hPa 3rd


Mean Atmospheric Pressure 1014.3hPa



Total Rainfall During April 2023 29.1 mm
Total Rainfall Since Last 01/09 547.2 mm


Highest 24 Hour Total 15.8 mm 2nd


Rain Days 4 days
Thunderstorm Days 1 day
Hail Days 0 days


Rainfall Events

02/04/2023 15.8 mm P.M. Rainy
03/04/2023 4.2 mm A.M. Showers
05/04/2023 0.3 mm Light Rain; Distant Thunder
16/04/2023 8.8 mm Rainy


April 2023 Compared to the Climate Means

  Climate Mean April 2023 Anomaly
Mean Maximum Temperature 19.8°C 18.7°C  -1.1°C
Mean Minimum Temperature 13.0°C 12.6°C -0.4°C
Mean Temperature 16.4°C 15.7°C -0.7°C
Mean Relative Humidity 76.7% 79.5% +2.8%
Mean Atmospheric Pressure 1016.3hPa 1014.3hPa -2.0hPa
Total Rainfall 16.6 mm 29.1 mm +12.5 mm
Total Rainfall Since Last 01/09 506.9 mm 547.2 mm +40.3 mm
Total Rain Days 6 days 4 days -2 days
Total Thunderstorm Days 1 day 1 day /
Total Hail Days 0 days 0 days /


Colder and Wetter in April 2023

Stormy weather ushered in April, the second month of meteorological spring. The 2nd day of the month accounted for the highest value of precipitation in a day. A period of steady rainfall produced 15.8 mm of rainfall on the day. Another two days of rain followed that same week, with the 5th also being the only day of the month with thunder. There was only one day with rain in the rest of the month. Despite the number of rainy days being less than the norm, the total rainfall measured over the course of April 2023 stood at 29.1 mm, 75% more than what one would normally anticipate.

It was also a colder than average month. The mean temperature of 15.7°C was 0.7°C cooler than the climate norm. The difference from the mean was by far more prominent in the mean maximum temperatures. The mean maximum temperature of 18.7°C was just over a degree cooler. Much of April kept locals guessing when the first taste of spring would be felt. In fact, the minimum temperature in the early hours of the 7th dipped to a chilly 6.7°C. The final week and a half of the month brought with it some noticeably warmer temperatures, however, with the 20th accounting for April 2023’s warmest maximum temperature of 22.5°C.

No gale events were recorded last month. The highest wind gust registered at 52km/h (Force 7) from a north-westerly direction. This was after the passage of a cold front on the 3rd. The wind reached Force 6 on only three other occasions in the following three weeks, culminating in a significantly calm month overall.


Rainfall Totals around the Maltese Islands in April 2023 (and since last September 1st):

Għarb: 29.1 mm (547.2 mm)

Victoria: 24.7 mm (483.5 mm)

Xewkija: 25.6 mm (478.4 mm)

Nadur: 23.1 mm (470.1 mm)

Marsalforn: 20.9 mm (494.7 mm)

Mellieħa: 24.4 mm (442.1 mm)

Buġibba: 23.4 mm (522.4 mm)

Mġarr: 33.2 mm (481.0 mm)

Naxxar: 27.7 mm (616.7 mm)

Mosta: 29.4 mm (591.8 mm)

Dingli: 31.9 mm (507.7 mm)

Msida: 24.4 mm (683.7 mm)

Valletta: 17.2 mm (498.8 mm)

Imqabba: 30.0 mm (560.7 mm)

Żabbar: 23.3 mm (561.4 mm)

Birżebbuġa: 24.3 mm (465.5 mm)

Sliema: 24.8 (647.4 mm)

NATIONAL MEAN: 25.7 mm (532.4 mm)

End of Month Reports

Warmer and Drier in March 2023

Air Temperature

Highest Maximum 20.2°C 26th
Lowest Maximum 15.1°C 3rd
Highest Minimum 14.3°C 11th
Lowest Minimum 5.9°C 18th


Mean Maximum 17.4°C
Mean Minimum 11.4°C
Mean 14.4°C


Relative Humidity

Highest Relative Humidity 95% Numerous days
Lowest Relative Humidity 50% 1st


Mean Relative Humidity 80.6%



Highest Gust 56.3km/h 15th


Mean Wind Speed 11.4km/h
Most Frequent Wind Direction South


Atmospheric Pressure

Highest Atmospheric Pressure 1030.8hPa 29th
Lowest Atmospheric Pressure 1008.9hPa 12th


Mean Atmospheric Pressure 1016.9hPa



Total Rainfall During March 2023 11.6 mm
Total Rainfall Since Last 01/09 518.1 mm


Highest 24 Hour Total 7.5 mm 2nd


Rain Days 2 days
Thunderstorm Days 1 day
Hail Days 1 day


Rainfall Events

02/03/2023 7.5 mm Thunderstorm with Hail
03/03/2023 4.1 mm Showers


March 2023 Compared to the Climate Means

  Climate Mean March 2023 Anomaly
Mean Maximum Temperature 17.1°C 17.4°C +0.3°C
Mean Minimum Temperature 10.9°C 11.4°C +0.5°C
Mean Temperature 14.0°C 14.4°C +0.4°C
Mean Relative Humidity 77.6% 80.6% +3.0%
Mean Atmospheric Pressure 1017.3hPa 1016.9hPa -0.4hPa
Total Rainfall 41.0 mm 11.6 mm -29.4 mm
Total Rainfall Since Last 01/09 536.9 mm 518.1 mm -18.8 mm
Total Rain Days 9 days 2 days -7 days
Total Thunderstorm Days 2 days 1 day -1 day
Total Hail Days 1 day 1 day /


Warmer and Drier in March 2023

The warmer and drier than average weather that characterized March 2023 gave the Maltese Islands a taste of spring.

The mean air temperature of 14.4°C surpassed the climate norm by 0.4°C. With a maximum temperature of 20.2°C, the 26th registered last month’s warmest day. Despite temperatures registering an overall warmer than average trend, some nights were considerably chilly. The coldest night, that of the 18th, registered a minimum temperature of 5.9°C.

March 2023 lacked rainfall. The 11.6 mm of precipitation measured last month amounted for just over a quarter of the climate norm of 41.0 mm. The national mean stood at a poorer 5.4 mm. The rain fell over two days, the 2nd and the 3rd. One of them was a brief intense thundery shower with hail. A series of showers were observed across the Maltese Islands in the opening five days of the month. A trace of dusty rain was also reported around the 20th.

March 2023 wasn’t a particularly windy month. The highest wind gust of 56.3 km/h from a West Northwesterly direction was registered on the 15th. At least three other windy days were noted.



Rainfall Totals around the Maltese Islands in March 2023 (and since last September 1st):

Għarb: 11.6 mm (518.1 mm)

Victoria: 8.2 mm (458.8 mm)

Xewkija: 8.4 mm (452.8 mm)

Nadur: 8.8 mm (447.0 mm)

Marsalforn: 6.4 mm (473.8 mm)

Mellieħa: 3.6 mm (417.7 mm)

Buġibba: 4.3 mm (499.0 mm)

Mġarr: 4.4 mm (447.8 mm)

Naxxar: 5.1 mm (589.0 mm)

Mosta: 6.1 mm (562.4 mm)

Dingli: 5.2 mm (475.8 mm)

Msida: 4.3 mm (659.3 mm)

Valletta: 3.5 mm (481.6 mm)

Imqabba: 1.8 mm (530.7 mm)

Żabbar: 2.8 mm (538.1 mm)

Birżebbuġa: 3.2 mm (441.2 mm)

Sliema: 4.7 (622.6 mm)

NATIONAL MEAN: 5.4 mm (506.7 mm)

End of Month Reports

An Eventful February 2023

Air Temperature

Highest Maximum 20.0°C 28th
Lowest Maximum 10.6°C 8th
Highest Minimum 14.6°C 27th
Lowest Minimum 5.1°C 16th


Mean Maximum 15.4°C
Mean Minimum 8.7°C
Mean 12.0°C


Relative Humidity

Highest Relative Humidity 96% Numerous days
Lowest Relative Humidity 40% 5th


Mean Relative Humidity 78.9%



Highest Gust 56.3km/h 10th


Mean Wind Speed 9.0km/h
Most Frequent Wind Direction North Northwest


 Atmospheric Pressure

Highest Atmospheric Pressure 1034.0hPa 14th
Lowest Atmospheric Pressure 1000.9hPa 26th


Mean Atmospheric Pressure 1022.8hPa



Total Rainfall During February 2023 149.4 mm
Total Rainfall Since Last 01/09 506.5 mm


Highest 24 Hour Total 121.1 mm 9th


Rain Days 7 days
Thunderstorm Days 2 days
Hail Days 1 day


Rainfall Events

02/02/2023 1.1 mm Light Rain
07/02/2023 3.0 mm Light Rain
08/02/2023 18.7 mm P.M. Steady Rain
09/02/2023 121.1 mm Steady Rain; Thunderstorms
10/02/2023 2.5 mm A.M. Steady Rain; Distant Thunder and Hail
13/02/2023 1.5 mm Light Rain
14/02/2023 0.5 mm Light Rain
21/02/2023 0.3 mm Dew; Fog
22/02/2023 0.2 mm Dew; Fog
23/02/2023 0.3 mm Dew; Fog
24/02/2023 0.2 mm Dew; Fog


February 2023 Compared to the Climate Means

  Climate Mean February 2023 Anomaly
Mean Maximum Temperature 15.6°C 15.4°C -0.2°C
Mean Minimum Temperature 9.7°C 8.7°C -1.0°C
Mean Temperature 12.7°C 12.0°C -0.7°C
Mean Relative Humidity 78.1% 78.9% +0.8%
Mean Atmospheric Pressure 1019.6hPa 1022.8hPa +3.2hPa
Total Rainfall 59.5 mm 149.4 mm +89.9 mm
Total Rainfall Since Last 01/09 495.9 mm 506.5 mm +10.6 mm
Total Rain Days 11 days 7 days -4 days
Total Thunderstorm Days 3 days 2 days -1 day
Total Hail Days 2 days 1 day -1 day


An Eventful FEBRUARY 2023

The third and final month of the 2022/2023 meteorological winter proved to be a very eventful one.

149.4 mm of rain were measured over the course of last February. 95% of this were measured in a staggering 35 hours of incessant rainfall from later in the afternoon on the 8th through to the predawn hours of the 10th. The 9th will be remembered for being the wettest February day on record. This was produced by Storm Helios, an intense Mediterranean cyclone which developed over the central Mediterranean. These 35 hours of intense rainfall also accounted for the two days of thunder and one day of hail recorded last month. The rest of the month was relatively stable.

February 2023 was colder than average overall. Whilst the mean maximum temperature of 15.4°C was only marginally below the climate norm, the mean minimum temperature of 8.7°C was a full degree colder than normal. February’s mean temperature of 12.0°C was 0.7°C lower than the typical value for the time of year. Most nights were colder than average. This could be due to the anticyclonic conditions that maintained clear skies and calm winds overnight, allowing for the cooling of the air. The mercury dipped to its coldest point in the early hours of the 16th, when a chilly 5.1°C was measured. The only exception to the fresh conditions that dominated much of February was the month’s closing week. A current of warm, humid air off the Sahara Desert, formed by the passage of a zone of low pressure across our area. The final day of February 2023 was to be the month’s warmest. The temperature on the 28th shot up to 20°C.

Rounding off the month with a mean of 1022.8hPa, atmospheric pressure was significantly higher than norm. This had a profound impact on the sea-level around the Maltese Islands. The atmospheric pressure shot up from 1005.7hPa (stormy weather) on Friday 10th February to 1032.7hPa (fine weather) on Saturday 11th February. It remained at consistently high levels for a number of days, with the highest values peaking at 1034hPa on the 14th. This spike in atmospheric pressure increased the force the air exerted on the sea. On average, a column of air with a cross-sectional area of 1 square centimeter squared, measured from the sea level to the top of the Earth’s atmosphere, has a mass of approximately 1 kilogram. A 1hPa increase in atmospheric pressure on a regional level temporarily lowers the sea-level by approximately 1 centimeter. When this phenomenon happens on a regional the fall in sea-level is significant. In fact, the temporary fall in sea-level last month was one of the most drastic in recent years.

In the morning of the 23rd, people across the Maltese Islands woke up to widespread fog. This persisted for a long while and caused some delays to flights at the airport. That morning’s fog, termed radiation fog in meteorology, was a product of the great stability the Maltese Islands were experiencing at that point. Radiation fog is formed by the cooling of land after sunset by infrared thermal radiation in calm conditions with a clear sky. The cooling ground cools adjacent air by conduction, causing the air temperature to fall and reach the dew point (the temperature at which an air mass becomes saturated and the water vapor in it condenses), forming fog. Radiation fog occurs at night, and often does not last long after sunrise. That morning’s fog was denser and more persistent than usual for one reason. The land was still wet from the abundant precipitation received from Storm Helios earlier on in February. The moisture available for the formation of fog was far more plentiful than in a typical year.



Rainfall Totals around the Maltese Islands in February 2023 (and since last September 1st):

Għarb: 149.4 mm (506.5 mm)

Victoria: 142.2 mm (450.6 mm)

Xewkija: 126.0 mm (444.4 mm)

Nadur: 139.6 mm (438.2 mm)

Marsalforn: 143.9 mm (467.4 mm)

Mellieħa: 134.7 mm (414.1 mm)

Buġibba: 153.2 mm (494.7 mm)

Mġarr: 129.5 mm (443.4 mm)

Naxxar: 179.0 mm (583.9 mm)

Mosta: 170.1 mm (556.3 mm)

Dingli: 145.2 mm (470.6 mm)

Msida: 202.6 mm (655.0 mm)

Valletta: 133.8 mm (478.1 mm)

Imqabba: 172.2 mm (528.9 mm)

Żabbar: 172.5 mm (535.3 mm)

Birżebbuġa: 151.7 mm (438.0 mm)

Sliema: 167.9 mm (617.9 mm)

NATIONAL MEAN: 153.7 mm (501.3 mm)

End of Month Reports

The Two Faces of January 2023

Air Temperature

Highest Maximum 19.3°C 2nd and 3rd
Lowest Maximum 13.1°C 22nd and 28th
Highest Minimum 15.2°C 17th
Lowest Minimum 4.9°C 24th


Mean Maximum 16.2°C
Mean Minimum 10.0°C
Mean 13.1°C


Relative Humidity

Highest Relative Humidity 95% Numerous days
Lowest Relative Humidity 52% 20th


Mean Relative Humidity 78.5%



Highest Gust 67.6km/h 10th


Mean Wind Speed 10.7km/h
Most Frequent Wind Direction Northwest


Atmospheric Pressure

Highest Atmospheric Pressure 1032.1hPa 1st
Lowest Atmospheric Pressure 1002.6hPa 27th


Mean Atmospheric Pressure 1018.6hPa



Total Rainfall During January 2023 58.4 mm
Total Rainfall Since Last 01/09 357.1 mm


Highest 24 Hour Total 9.8 mm 26th and 27th


Rain Days 15 days
Thunderstorm Days 9 days
Hail Days 6 days


Rainfall Events

01/01/2023 0.3 mm Dew
02/01/2023 0.2 mm Light Rain
03/01/2023 0.3 mm Light Rain
09/01/2023 2.8 mm Rain and Hail Showers
10/01/2023 0.8 mm Rain Showers
12/01/2023 1.8 mm Light Rain
19/01/2023 1.3 mm Rain Showers; Distant Thunder
20/01/2023 3.1 mm A.M. Thunderstorm with Hail
21/01/2023 0.5 mm Light Rain
22/01/2023 9.3 mm Showers and Thunderstorms with Hail
24/01/2023 9.3 mm Steady Rain; Distant Thunder
25/01/2023 0.8 mm A.M. Light Rain; Distant Thunder
26/01/2023 9.8 mm Thunderstorm with Hail
27/01/2023 9.8 mm Thunderstorm; Rain and Hail Showers
28/01/2023 8.3 mm Thunderstorm with Hail; Showers
29/01/2023 0.0 mm Distant Thunder and Hail


January 2023 Compared to the Climate Means

  Climate Mean January 2023 Anomaly
Mean Maximum Temperature 15.6°C 16.2°C  +0.6°C
Mean Minimum Temperature 9.8°C 10.0°C +0.2°C
Mean Temperature 12.7°C 13.1°C +0.4°C
Mean Relative Humidity 79.0% 78.4% -0.6%
Mean Atmospheric Pressure 1018.2hPa 1018.6hPa +0.4hPa
Total Rainfall 94.1 mm 58.4 mm -35.7 mm
Total Rainfall Since Last 01/09 436.4 mm 357.1 mm -79.3 mm
Total Rain Days 14 days 15 days +1 day
Total Thunderstorm Days 4 days 9 days +5 days
Total Hail Days 1 day 6 days +5 days


The Two Faces of January 2023

The New Year started off with bright sunshine, warm temperatures and calm winds. This was the product of a persistent anticyclone that had covered the central Mediterranean since the start of meteorological winter. The anticyclone started fading away slowly, with the second week of January 2023 registering the first gale of the year. An abrupt cold snap bringing typical wintry weather started overnight on the 19th and lasted till the end of the month. This was the result of deep low pressure extending from mainland Europe towards the Mediterranean. It brought colder temperatures and eleven consecutive days with at least one shower being recorded at some point during the day.

Overall, where temperature is concerned, January 2023 turned out to be marginally warmer than average. Last month’s mean temperature of 13.1°C was just under half a degree above the climate norm. An episode of wintry temperatures in the final ten days of the month was not enough to tip the balance in favour of a colder than average trend. The rest of the month was marked by consistently warmer than average temperatures. The maximum temperature for last month was of 19.3°C, measured on both the 2nd and 3rd. In the early hours of the 24th, after a calm, clear and frosty night, the mercury dipped to last month’s coldest point of 4.9°C.

Around half of all days in January 2023 were characterized by showers. The rumbling thunder was heard on a staggering nine days. Hail was registered on six days. This wasn’t enough to produce the amount of rainfall expected in a typical January. In fact, the month’s total of 58.4 mm fell a third short of the climate norm. Although the average for January was not reached, the countryside still got a much-needed boost. For this boost to be enhanced, February needs to give us more of this precious rainfall. The last February to give us more rainfall that average was way back in 2018.

The highest wind gust recorded last month reached 67.6 km/h during a Mistral gale. This was also the first gale of 2023.



Rainfall Totals around the Maltese Islands in January 2023 (and since last September 1st):

Għarb: 58.4 mm (357.1 mm)

Victoria: 49.9 mm (308.4 mm)

Xewkija: 47.6 mm (318.4 mm)

Nadur: 51.6 mm (298.6 mm)

Marsalforn: 47.6 mm (323.5 mm)

Mellieħa: 45.6 mm (279.4 mm)

Buġibba: 64.2 mm (341.5 mm)

Mġarr: 71.0 mm (313.9 mm)

Naxxar: 92.5 mm (404.9 mm)

Mosta: 80.2 mm (386.2 mm)

Dingli: 70.6 mm (325.4 mm)

Msida: 89.4 mm (452.4 mm)

Valletta: 76.1 mm (344.3 mm)

Imqabba: 66.7 mm (356.7 mm)

Żabbar: 75.0 mm (362.8 mm)

Birżebbuġa: 75.7 mm (286.3 mm)

Sliema: 91.5 mm (450.0 mm)

NATIONAL MEAN: 67.9 mm (347.6 mm)

End of Year Reports

2022 – A Year that Shattered Records

Air Temperature

Highest Maximum 38.3°C 17th August 2022
Lowest Maximum 9.3°C 25th January 2022
Highest Minimum 28.0°C 18th August 2022
Lowest Minimum 2.9°C 25th January 2022


Mean Maximum 23.0°C
Mean Minimum 16.2°C
Mean 19.6°C



Relative Humidity

Mean Relative Humidity 75.8%



Atmospheric Pressure

Highest Atmospheric Pressure 1035.0hPa 15th March 2022
Lowest Atmospheric Pressure 996.1hPa 21st April 2022


Mean Atmospheric Pressure 1017.6hPa




Highest Gust 64.4 km/h (Force 8) 28th November 2022


Mean Wind Speed 10.8 km/h
Most Frequent Wind Direction Northwest




Total Rainfall During 2022 394.5 mm


Highest 24 Hour Total 40.9 mm 22nd September 2022


Rain Days 57 days
Thunderstorm Days 20 days
Hail Days 11 days



Rainfall Events

06/01/2022 1.3 mm Light Rain
09/01/2022 2.5 mm Showers
10/01/2022 6.6 mm Showers
12/01/2022 4.6 mm Showers
13/01/2022 18.1 mm Rainy
21/01/2022 0.5 mm Light Rain
24/01/2022 1.5 mm Rain and Hail Shower; Thunder
01/02/2022 3.3 mm Rain and Hail Showers
11/02/2022 0.3 mm Dew
13/02/2022 0.3 mm Dew
14/02/2022 0.3 mm Light Rain
16/02/2022 0.5 mm Light Rain
23/02/2022 0.3 mm Light Rain
01/03/2022 0.3 mm Light Rain Shower. Hail and Thunder in Vicinity.
05/03/2022 0.5 mm Light Rain
07/03/2022 0.8 mm Light Rain
12/03/2022 3.3 mm P.M. Rain
13/03/2022 13.7 mm A.M. Rain. Thunder in Vicinity.
19/03/2022 0.8 mm Light Rain
20/03/2022 0.5 mm Light Rain
21/03/2022 0.5 mm Light Rain
30/03/2022 0.5 mm Light Rain
31/03/2022 0.3 mm Light Rain
01/04/2022 0.5 mm Light Rain
07/04/2022 0.3 mm Light Rain
15/04/2022 0.8 mm Light Rain
16/04/2022 1.8 mm Isolated Shower
17/04/2022 0.8 mm Isolated Shower
18/04/2022 0.5 mm Light Rain
01/05/2022 0.8 mm Light Rain
02/05/2022 0.3 mm Light Rain
08/05/2022 6.1 mm Rain Shower; Distant Thunder
09/05/2022 0.3 mm Light Rain
29/05/2022 12.6 mm Rain Shower; Distant Thunder and Hail
10/08/2022 4.6 mm Showers, Thunder in Vicinity
11/08/2022 5.1 mm Showers, Thunder in Vicinity, Waterspouts
12/08/2022 0.0 mm Thunder in Vicinity
22/09/2022 40.9 mm Steady Light Rain; P.M. Thunderstorm
23/09/2022 39.2 mm A.M. Thunderstorm
25/09/2022 5.7 mm A.M. Showers
30/09/2022 1.4 mm P.M. Shower; Distant Thunder
10/10/2022 27.7 mm Thunderstorm with Hail
05/11/2022 21.2 mm Isolated Showers; Thunderstorm with Hail
12/11/2022 21.2 mm Thunderstorm with Hail
13/11/2022 2.4 mm Isolated Shower
14/11/2022 22.1 mm Thunderstorm with Hail
17/11/2022 9.3 mm Shower; Distant Thunder
20/11/2022 21.0 mm Thunderstorm; Isolated Showers
21/11/2022 10.4 mm Showers
22/11/2022 1.4 mm Isolated Showers
23/11/2022 1.8 mm Isolated Showers
24/11/2022 1.8 mm Isolated Showers
26/11/2022 15.9 mm Thunderstorm; Severe Thunderstorm with Hail
27/11/2022 11.7 mm Showers
29/11/2022 23.5 mm Thunderstorms with Hail
30/11/2022 13.1 mm Thunderstorm with Hail
02/12/2022 1.3 mm Light Showers
06/12/2022 0.2 mm Mist/Fog and Dew
07/12/2022 0.3 mm Light Showers
10/12/2022 2.5 mm Showers; Distant Thunder
11/12/2022 0.2 mm Light Showers
20/12/2022 0.5 mm Mist/Fog and Dew
26/12/2022 0.3 mm Mist/Fog and Dew
27/12/2022 0.5 mm Mist/Fog and Dew
28/12/2022 0.5 mm Mist/Fog and Dew
29/12/2022 0.2 mm Mist/Fog and Dew
30/12/2022 0.3 mm Mist/Fog and Dew
31/12/2022 0.2 mm Mist/Fog and Dew


2022 Compared to the Climate Means

  Climate Mean 2022 Anomaly
Mean Maximum Temperature 20.8°C 23.0°C +2.2°C
Mean Minimum Temperature 15.6°C 16.2°C +0.6°C
Mean Temperature 18.2°C 19.6°C +1.4°C
Mean Relative Humidity 76% 75.8% -0.2%
Mean Atmospheric Pressure 1016.5hPa 1017.6hPa +1.1hPa
Mean Wind Speed 16.4 km/h 10.8 km/h -5.6 km/h
Most Frequent Wind Direction West Northwest Northwest +22.5°
Total Rainfall 585.6 mm 394.5 mm -191.1 mm
Total Rain Days 84 days 57 days -27 days
Total Thunderstorm Days 26 days 20 days -6 day
Total Hail Days 8 days 11 days +3 days


Month-by-Month Summary for 2022


February 2022 – Colder and Drier (AMONG THE DRIEST ON RECORD)

March 2022 – Colder and Drier (THE COLDEST IN DECADES)

April 2022 – Colder and Drier

May 2022 – Average Temperatures but Wetter

June 2022 – Warmer and Drier (HOTTEST ON RECORD)

July 2022 – Warmer with Average Rainfall

August 2022 – Warmer and Wetter

September 2022 – Warmer and Wetter

October 2022 – Warmer and Drier (NOTICEABLY CALM)

November 2022 – Warmer and Wetter

December 2022 – Warmer and Drier (WARMEST AND DRIEST ON RECORD)


2022: A Year that Shattered Records

2022 was a year that saw long-standing temperature and precipitation records fall. Numerous phenomena worth mentioning were observed.

2022 was significantly warmer than the climate norm. The mean temperature of 19.6˚C was 1.4 ˚C warmer that the norm. The greatest difference from the climate mean was registered in maximum temperatures. With a mean maximum temperature of 23.0˚C, days in 2022 were overall a staggering 2.2˚C warmer. The margin for mean minimum temperatures was of a far lower, but nonetheless significant, 0.6˚C. If we look at 2022 from a month-by-month point of view, however, we notice that it was indeed a year of two faces. The first four months (January to April) were colder than average. January’s mean minimum temperature was calculated at a chilly 8.9°C. January 25th accounted for 2022’s coldest night. The mercury that night dipped to a frosty 2.9°C. This was the coldest night in seven years. The day of January 25th also marked the first time in five years that the maximum temperature failed to reach the 10°C level. With a mean maximum temperature of 15.5°C and mean minimum temperature of 9.4°C, March 2022 was the coldest March in decades. The chilly 3.9°C recorded in the early hours of March 25th, made that night one of the coldest March nights on record. The synoptic situation for the first quarter of 2022 was marked by persistent high pressure across western Europe and successive zones of low pressure over the Balkans. This meteorological setting caused a series of cold snaps to traverse the central and eastern Mediterranean. This persistent cold also had implications on precipitation. The cold air masses that dominated our region prevented zones of low pressure from reaching our shores. Consequently, the first quarter of 2022 was drier than average by a wide margin. Rainfall was particularly scarce during February, causing it to be one of the driest on records.

The month of May was the only month with temperatures around norm. From then on, the atmosphere’s thermostat switched. The summer months were off to a sizzling start. With the mean temperature at an astounding 2.4°C warmer than the climatic mean, June 2022 broke the record for the hottest June on record. The rest of summer maintained the same warmer than average trend. Despite the intense heat, the summer months were lacking the persistent stability we are accustomed to. Cloud cover was greater than the norm throughout. The first rains came earlier too. The months of August 2022 and September 2022 both reported rainfall values higher than the climate norm. Towering cumulus clouds featured on the vast majority of days. The air closer to the surface was hot and humid. Simultaneously, cold air was present in the upper levels of the atmosphere. On numerous occasions, the hot and humid air was forced to rise. Upon reaching the colder air aloft, moisture within the air mass condensed to form dense clouds. These clouds typically start forming in the late morning and dissipate by the late afternoon, peaking in the mid-afternoon. They generated some intense downpours across parts of the Maltese Islands. Whilst temperatures remained very warm heading into autumn, October 2022 failed to deliver its promise of plentiful rainfall. November 2022, the third and final month of meteorological autumn was the wettest month of the year, registering more rain than double the amount of a typical November. Out of November’s 14 rainy days, the 26th was to produce last year’s most notable event. A severe thunderstorm produced very large hailstones of  up to 2 centimetres diameter in Ħ’Attard. Damaging wind gusts were also recorded by weather stations in neighboring localities. The month of December 2022 rounded off a year of extremes by becoming the warmest and driest on record. The mean temperature of 16.2°C broke a decades-old record set in the 1960s by a fraction of a degree. Moreover, not a single day last month registered maximum temperatures at or below the climate norm of 17.1°C. December is statistically the wettest month of the year locally, but in 2022, even August would turn out to have produced more precipitation. December 2022 broke an almost century-old record set in the 1920s to become the driest December yet.

2022 will also be remembered for the unprecedented periods of calm it registered, especially in the later months. Wind in the Maltese Islands is very common because it is an island in the middle of the mid-latitude depressions’ path and in a band of pressure difference. On average, 92% of all days experience winds of at least Force 2. This means that only 25 days a year are windless. For a total of 15 consecutive days, in October, the wind speed averaged 1.7km/h (Force 1). No wind gusts were reported for days on end. A similar pattern was observed during Christmastime. The calm spell in late December was accompanied by incredibly high levels of humidity. The mean humidity in December was a damp 85.4%, with its levels failing to drop below the 80% mark on almost half of all days. Unsurprisingly, these humid conditions caused a lot of days with mist or fog patches and dewfall. Dewfall was heavy enough to measure on a staggering eight days.