Air Temperature
Highest Maximum |
19.7°C |
29th |
Lowest Maximum |
12.6°C |
23rd |
Highest Minimum |
13.3°C |
6th |
Lowest Minimum |
7.2°C |
23rd |
Mean Maximum |
16.4°C |
Mean Minimum |
11.2°C |
Mean |
13.8°C |
Relative Humidity
Highest Relative Humidity |
95% |
21st |
Lowest Relative Humidity |
40% |
15th |
Mean Relative Humidity |
75.4% |
Atmospheric Pressure
Highest Atmospheric Pressure |
1032.2hPa |
29th |
Lowest Atmospheric Pressure |
998.3hPa |
21st |
Mean Atmospheric Pressure |
1020.1hPa |
Highest Gust |
66.0km/h |
21st |
Mean Wind Speed |
11.2km/h |
Mean Gust Speed |
20.8km/h |
Mean Wind + Gust Speed |
16.0km/h |
Most Frequent Wind Direction |
Northwest |
Total Rainfall During March 2021 |
21.6 mm |
Total Rainfall Since Last 01/09 |
413.3 mm |
Highest 24 Hour Total |
5.6 mm |
23rd |
Rain Days |
10 |
Thunderstorm Days |
2 |
Hail Days |
2 |
Rainfall Events
08/03/2021 |
1.3 mm |
Light Rain |
09/03/2021 |
0.3 mm |
Light Rain |
10/03/2021 |
0.9 mm |
Light Rain |
16/03/2021 |
3.7 mm |
Isolated Showers; Thundery Shower with Hail |
18/03/2021 |
3.6 mm |
Isolated Showers |
20/03/2021 |
0.5 mm |
Light Rain (with heavy sand deposits) |
21/03/2021 |
4.6 mm |
Showers |
22/03/2021 |
0.8 mm |
Light Rain |
23/03/2021 |
5.6 mm |
Showers; Thundery Shower with Hail |
30/03/2021 |
0.3 mm |
Dew |
March 2021 Compared to the Climate Means
Climate Mean |
March 2021 |
Anomaly |
Mean Maximum Temperature |
17.0°C |
16.4°C |
-0.6°C |
Mean Minimum Temperature |
10.9°C |
11.2°C |
+0.3°C |
Mean Temperature |
14.0°C |
13.8°C |
-0.2°C |
Mean Relative Humidity |
79% |
75.4% |
-3.6% |
Mean Atmospheric Pressure |
1016.1hPa |
1020.1hPa |
+4.0hPa |
Mean Wind Speed |
18.9 km/h |
16.0 km/h |
-2.9 km/h |
Most Frequent Wind Direction |
Northwest |
Northwest |
0° |
Total Rainfall |
39.8 mm |
21.6 mm |
-18.2 mm |
Total Rainfall Since Last 01/09 |
512.8 mm |
413.3 mm |
-99.5 mm |
Total Rain Days |
7 days |
10 days |
+3 days |
Total Thunderstorm Days |
2 days |
2 days |
0 day |
Total Hail Days |
1 day |
2 days |
+1 day |
Cooler but Drier in March 2021
March 2021 was the first month in a while to register an overall temperature which was cooler than average. Overall, temperatures were 0.2°C. Whilst maximum temperatures were much cooler than the norm, nighttime lows were marginally warmer. This was due to anticyclones over Europe directing colder air from the north towards the central Mediterranean. The start of astronomical spring was marked by a week-long cold spell that brought temperatures as low as 7.2°C to our shores. The warmest day last month was the 29th, when a daytime high of 19.7°C was registered. This was unseasonably cool, as March is typically synonymous with the return of 20°C + temperatures locally.
With rainfall amounting to a total of 21.6 mm over the course of last month, March 2021 was drier than average. Rainfall was just over a half of the climate norm. The rain was spread over 10 days. Although this value incorporates one occurrence of a heavy dewfall, it still is more than the value expected for March. Thunder was heard on two days. Hail was recorded on two days as well.
A number of windy days dotted the month of March. In fact, 10 days last month featured a wind speed of at least Force 6. The highest wind gust last month was measured at 66.0 km/h (Force 6) from the East Southeast. This was early on the 21st, as a vigorous low pressure system emerged from north Africa and traversed the central Mediterranean. Accompanying this strong wind were dense fog patches and light rain which deposited copious amounts of desert sand.
Several episodes of sea fog were experienced last month. Sea fog forms when a warm and moist air mass from the south is advected over a cooler area of sea. The air mass cools and its temperature falls to the dew point (the temperature at which an air mass becomes saturated and the water vapour in it condenses). As the air slides over the cooler area of sea it becomes increasingly saturated, enhancing the formation of condensation. Normally, sea fog dissipates as it moves inland. However, given that the air on land is very similar to that of the sea at this time of year, the fog persists inland too.
Rainfall Totals around the Maltese Islands in March 2021 (and since last September 1st)
Għarb – 21.6 mm (413.3 mm)
Victoria – 31.5 mm (431.0 mm)
Xewkija – 23.8 mm (347.8 mm)
Nadur – 27.8 mm (486.6 mm)
Mellieħa – 20.2 mm (284.0 mm)
Buġibba – 32.0 mm (343.6 mm)
Mġarr – 17.6 mm (306.7 mm)
Għargħur – 22.8 mm (413.1 mm)
Attard – 36.9 mm (500.2 mm)
Rabat – 27.4 mm (331.0 mm)
Msida – 32.8 mm (449.7 mm)
Valletta – 12.9 mm (266.5 mm)
Luqa – 29.3 mm (443.8 mm)
Żabbar – 37.8 mm (478.0 mm)
Birżebbuġa – 23.4 mm (325.8 mm)