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3 Hourly Forecast for l-Imnarja (29/06/2021)

00:00 to 03:00 – partly cloudy and hazy; 26°C / 27°C; South Force 3 to 4
03:00 to 06:00 – partly cloudy and hazy; 26°C / 27°C; South Force 3 to 4
06:00 to 09:00 – partly cloudy and hazy; 27°C to 33°C; South Force 3 to 4
09:00 to 12:00 – partly cloudy and hazy; 33°C to 38°C; South Force 3 to 4
12:00 to 15:00 – partly cloudy and hazy; 37°C / 38°C; South Force 3 to 4
15:00 to 18:00 – partly cloudy and hazy; 38°C to 35°C; South Force 3 to 4
18:00 to 21:00 – partly cloudy and hazy; 35°C to 30°C; South Force 3 to 4
21:00 to 00:00 – partly cloudy and hazy; 30°C to 27°C; South Force 3 to 4

L-Imnarja is a national festival dedicated to the feast of St. Peter and St. Paul. Its roots can be traced back to the Roman feast of Luminaria; when the early summer night of June 29 was illuminated by torches and bonfires. It is also a time when the people celebrate harvest. A national feast since the rule of the Order of St. John, l-Imnarja is a traditional Maltese festival of food, religion and music. Modern Mnarja celebrations are focused on the woodlands of Buskett, just outside the town of Rabat. It is said that under the Knights, this was the one day in the year when the Maltese were allowed to hunt and eat wild rabbit, which was otherwise reserved for the hunting pleasures of the Knights.


This week: Heat wave to continue, but relief by the weekend

In a continuation of the past week, the central Mediterranean will endure a heat wave for much of the coming week. An extension of the Sahara Desert high pressure system over the central Mediterranean will continue dragging very hot air from over north Africa towards our area. We’re expecting temperatures to be very hot throughout. Daytime highs will vary from 35°C to 40°C till the weekend. Also till the weekend, nights will offer little relief, as minimum temperatures look set to remain at 26°C / 27°C. The wind will be similar to the past week. A light will dominate, but gusty episodes of an unmistakable hot, dry wind will prevail. The sky will continue to be characterized by a whitish haze and variable amounts of high cloud. There is some hope, however. A welcome relief could arrive to the Maltese Islands in the form of a breezy northwest at the weekend. Nighttime lows may cool down to 23°C / 24°C as early as the weekend. A drop in daytime highs is expected for the start of the following week. The sky should clear up by then as well.


How will the heat wave continue? / Kif se tkompli l-mewġa ta’ sħana?


Over the past week or so, the Maltese Islands have sweltered in a record-breaking heat wave. We have seen a long-standing June temperature be shattered twice. 25th June registered the hottest ever June day in our archipelago’s meteorological history. The mercury soared to a dangerous 41.3°C at Malta International Airport. If the heat wave progresses as forecast, it is on the road to breaking another record: that of becoming Malta’s longest lasting heat wave. From reading the latest maps, we’re expecting maximum temperatures to continue rising to 35°C + till at least 4th July. It may also reach 40°C on one or two more days. These will likely be 29th June and 30th June. There’s some hope, however. A strong northwesterly wind could bring relief from the intense heat on 5th July. This would lower temperature to the seasonal 30°C / 31°C daytime highs and 22°C / 23°C nighttime lows. Although it’s becoming more likely that this will happen, it will be confirmed in the coming days.



Fl-aħħar ġimgħa, l-Gżejjer Maltin inxtwew fi sħana rekord. Rajna rekord minn għexieren ta’ snin ilu jisfaxxa darbtejn. Fil-jum tal-25 ta’ Ġunju ġiet imkejjla l-aktar ġurnata taħraq fl-istorja tal-metejoroloġija f’pajjiżna. It-temperatura fl-Ajruport Internazzjonali ta’ Malta laħqet il-livell perikoluż ta’ 41.3°C. Jekk din il-mewġa ta’ sħana tiżvolġi kif imbassar, se tkun qed tikser rekord ieħor: dak li ssir l-itwal mewġa ta’ sħana li qatt ġiet imkejjla fil-Gżejjer Maltin. Skont l-aħħar mapep, jidher li qed nistennew li t-temperaturi jkomplu jilħqu 35°C + sa minn ta’ l-anqas l-4 ta’ Lulju. Din taf terġa tilħaq 40°C f’xi jum jew tnejn. Il-probabilita’ hi li dawn il-jumejn ikunu d-29 ta’ Ġunju u t-30 ta’ Ġunju. Hemm ftit tama, pero’. Riħ qawwi mill-Majjistral għandu jwassal fi tmiemha din il-mewġa ta’ sħana bla preċedent nhar il-5 ta’ Lulju. Minn dakinhar it-temperatura tonqos għal livelli medji b’massimi ta’ 30°C / 31°C u minimi ta’ 22°C / 23°C. Għalkemm kull ma jmur iċ-ċans li sseħħ din qed jiżdied, dan nikkonfermawh fil-jiem li ġejjin.


This week: Very hot throughout

Exactly as expected at this time of year, we will experience an extension of the Sahara Desert high pressure system over the central Mediterranean. This will drag very hot air from over north Africa towards our area. We’re expecting temperatures to be very hot throughout. Daytime highs will vary from 35°C to 39°C. Nights will offer little relief, as minimum temperatures look set to remain at 26°C / 27°C. All days this week will be characterized by fine weather. A whitish haze will be present for much of the time. Meridional (winds from the south) winds will characterize much of this week brasil-libido.com. They will be mainly light, but potentially breezy at times.




The Maltese Islands will swelter in an intense heat wave in the coming week/s. Maximum temperatures will be at or above 35 °C on all days from Monday 21/6 onward. There is no end in sight for this imminent heat wave Any hope of sleep in comfortable temperatures has evaporated too, with nighttime temperatures set to be above 25°C throughout. By definition, a heatwave is a spell of three or more consecutive days with daytime highs exceeding the mean maximum temperature for that particular time of year by 5°C or more. This heat wave will bring temperatures more than 10°C the average for this time of year at times. Exactly as expected at this time of year, this heat wave will be caused by an extension of the Sahara Desert high pressure system over the central Mediterranean. This will drag very hot air from over north Africa. The relatively high humidity will push real-feel values up. They will reach 41°C at times early in the afternoon. These real-feel values can lead to some dangerous heat disorders with prolonged exposure and/or physical activity in the heat. Sea surface temperatures will gradually rise to 25°C as the heat wave progresses. This would be some two degrees above the norm for this time of year.

The UV Index will be at an extreme 11+. This means an extreme risk of harm from unprotected sun exposure. Take all precautions because unprotected skin and eyes can be damaged in minutes. UV is highest in the early afternoon.

The landscape is parched. Some spots are covered in tall dry grass. Many valleys are covered in reeds. The extreme heat will elevate the risk of grass fires in the coming days. As a result, The Fire Weather Index is at an extremely high level locally.

Be careful and follow these precautions to minimize the risk of any of the hazards mentioned earlier. Precautions include:

– Shut windows and pull down the shades when it is hotter outside. Open again when cool.

– Stay in the coolest part of any building if possible.

– Stay out of the sun and don’t go out between 11am and 4pm.

– Have cool baths or showers.

– Drink cold drinks regularly, such as water or juice. Avoid tea, coffee and alcohol.

– If outdoors, seek shade and wear protective clothing.

– Check up on friends, relatives and neighbors who may be less able to look after themselves.

– Seek medical attention in case of heat-related symptoms.

– Wear SPF 30+ sunscreen and sunglasses.

– Watch out for bright surfaces, like sand and water, which reflect UV and increase exposure.

– Keep all pets and possibly stray animals in a cool area.

– Do not take pets out for walks in the sun (you may have shoes to protect your feet but their paws are in contact with the hot ground).

– Never leave anyone (including pets) in closed vehicles.

– Be more careful with materials conducive to fires (such as BBQs, cigarettes, glass disposal, garden litter etc …)

– Be careful extremely careful with fireworks, especially burning debris falling from the sky.

Remember that babies, young children, people with underlying conditions, pregnant women, the elderly and others whose job includes being physically active are at a greater risk.



Il-Gżejjer Maltin se jgħaddu minn perjodu ta’ sħana qawwija ħafna matul il-ġimgħa/ġimgħat li ġejjin. It-temperaturi se jilħqu 35°C jew aktar fil-jiem kollha mit-Tnejn 21/6 ‘il quddiem. Sa issa ma jidhirx meta se jkun tmiem din il-mewġa ta’ sħana partikolari. Il-lejl ftit li xejn se jġib soljev. L-anqas billejl se jkunu ogħla minn 25°C matul l-iljieli kollha f’din il-mewġa ta’ sħana. Id-definizzjoni ta’ mewġa ta’ sħana hija tlett ijiem konsekuttivi jew aktar b’temperaturi massimi li jaqbżu l-medja għal dak iż-żmien tas-sena b’5°C jew aktar. Din il-mewġa ta’ sħana se ġġib magħha temperaturi li se jkunu 10°C ogħla mill-medja kultant. Bħal ma hu mistenni f’dan iż-żmien tas-sena, din il-mewġa ta’ sħana se tkun ikkawżata minn pressjoni għolja li se testendi minn fuq id-deżert tas-Sahara lejn iċ-ċentru tal-Mediterran. Din se ġġib magħha sħana qawwija minn fuq l-Afrika ta’ fuq. L-arja umda se twassal biex it-temperaturi jkunu jinħassu aktar sħan. L-ogħla temperaturi jafu jkunu jinħassu daqs li kieku 41°C f’xi ħinijiet kmieni wara nofsinhar. Dawn il-valuri jistgħu iwasslu għal numru ta’ kundizzjonijiet assoċjati ma’ sħana qawwija ħafna. Dawn jinkludu ‘heat cramps’, ‘heat exhaustion’ u ‘heat stroke’.

L-indiċi UV se tkun f’livell estrem ta’ 11+. Dan ifisser riskju estrem ta’ ħsara mix-xemx. Ħudu kull prekawzzjoni peress li ġilda u għajnejn mhux protetti jistgħu isofru ħsara f’ħin qasir. Il-UV tkun l-ogħla kmieni wara nofsinhar.

Il-kampanja bħalissa niexfa. Xi nħawi huma miksija b’ħaxix twil ħafna u niexef. Il-widien ikunu mimlija qasab. Is-sħana estrema se twassal biex ir-riskju ta’ nirien ikun elevat.

Oqgħodu attenti u segwu dawn il-messaġġi ta’ prekawzjonijiet biex tnaqqsu r-riskju tal-perikli msemmija hawn fuq.

– Agħlqu t-twieqi u l-blinds/shutters fl-eqqel tas-sħana. Erġa iftaħ x’ħin jiffriska.

– Oqgħodu fl-aktar parti friska tal-bini.

– Evitaw li toqgħodu fix-xemx bejn 11am u 4pm.

– Inħaslu b’ilma frisk.

– Ixorbu xarbiet kesħin ta’ spiss. Pruvaw evitaw te’, kafe’ u alkoħol.

– Jekk tkunu barra, sibu d-dell u lbsu lbies addattat, kappell u nuċċali tax-xemx.

– Iċċekjaw li qraba, ħbieb u ġirien li ma jistgħux jieħdu ħsieb tagħhom infushom, ikunu sew.

– Ikkonsulta tabib f’każ ta’ sintomi marbuta ma’ kundizzjonijiet ta’ sħana

– Użaw SPF 30% sunscreen u nuċċali tax-xemx.

– Żommu l-annimali tagħkom u anke dawk tat-triq jekk possibbli f’post frisk.

– Toħorġux lil klieb jimxi fix-xemx (intom għandkom żarbun jipproteġikom mil-art tikwi, l-annimali ma għandhomx).

– Qatt tħalli lil ħadd, inkluż annimali, f’vetturi.

– Użaw materjali fjammabbli b’aktar reqqa (bħal BBQs, sigaretti, ħġieġ, kimiċi tal-pool, skart organiku etc …).

– Oqogħdu attenti mill-logħob tan-nar.

Ftakkru li trabi, tfal żgħar, nies b’kundizzjonijiet li ma jidhrux, nisa tqal, xjuħ u nies li jaħdmu fuq barra għandhom riskju akbar.


First heat spell of the year / L-ewwel mewġa ta’ sħana din is-sena


The first heat spell of the summer is just days away. A blast of hot air from over north Africa will engulf the western and central Mediterranean, including the Maltese Islands, from this weekend. This will cause air temperatures to soar across the region. Temperatures will reach 33°C + (with real-feels of up to 38°C) in what promises to be a sizzling spell for the Maltese Islands. This heat spell looks set to last indefinitely, and may be upgraded to a heat wave, if future weather maps show even warmer temperatures. A heat spell classifies as a heat wave when maximum temperatures exceed the climate norm by at least 5°C for a period of at least three consecutive days. Nighttime lows will be very warm. Winds will be mainly light and variable. Skies will be sunny or mainly sunny.



L-ewwel mewġa ta’ sħana għal din is-sena tinsab biss jiem bogħod. Massa ta’ arja sħuna minn l-Afrika ta’ fuq mistennija tgħatti l-punent u ċ-ċentru tal-Mediterran, inkluż il-Gżejjer Maltin, minn tmiem din il-ġimgħa. Din se twassal biex it-temperaturi jibdew jikwu f’dawn l-inħawi. It-temperaturi se jilħqu 33°C + (u jinħassu sa 38°C) f’dak li għandu jkun perjodu jaqħraq ferm. Dan il-perjodu ta’ sħana se jdum għal żmien indefinit, u jaf jikkwalifika bħala ‘heat wave’ jekk il-mapep tat-temp tal-jiem li ġejjin jindikaw valuri ogħla. ‘Heat wave’ hija definita bħala perjodu ta’ minn ta’ l-anqas tlett ijiem konsekuttivi li fihom it-temperatura massima taqbeż il-medja b’xi 5°C. It-temperaturi billejl jibqgħu sħan ukoll. Ir-riħ se jkun il-biċċa l-kbira ħafif u varjabbli, filwaqt li s-sema jkun xemxi jew il-biċċa l-kbira xemxi.


This week: Temperatures to start exceeding 30°C

The meteorological situation across the central Mediterranean is finally stabilizing. Ridges of high pressure are likely to shape up our weather in the coming week, and probably much of the coming months too. We’re definitely at the start of a long summer. The weather over the course of this week will be sunny or mainly sunny, with early and late mist or fog patches. It’s looking increasingly likely that temperatures will rise substantially in the coming days. Daytime highs will rise from 28°C on weekdays to around 32°C / 33°C by the weekend. Nighttime lows will be somewhat stable, as they hover at 20°C / 21°C. All days this week will be characterized by light to moderate winds from a predominantly southerly direction.


This week: Breezy northwesterly gives way to humid southerly

The unstable start to June 2021 will likely continue into this week. A zone of low pressure spanning the eastern Mediterranean will help generate a strong northwesterly air flow across the central Mediterranean in the first half of this week. This will give way to a humid southerly over the weekend, under the influence of low pressure of north African origin. While much of this week will feature mainly sunny or partly cloudy skies, an episode of duller weather is possible towards its end. We’re expecting temperatures to be at the norm for this time of year, with daytime highs hovering at 27°C / 28°C and nighttime lows likely to dip to 19°C / 20°C. A bit of dust and a few drops of rain cannot be completely ruled out just yet, especially for the weekend.


3 Hourly Forecast for Sette Giugno (07/06/2021)

00:00 to 03:00 – partly cloudy; 21°C to 20°C; Variable Force 0 to 1
03:00 to 06:00 – partly cloudy; 19°C / 20°C; Variable Force 0 to 1
06:00 to 09:00 – partly cloudy; 20°C to 24°C; Variable, mainly East, Force 1 to 2
09:00 to 12:00 – mainly clear or partly cloudy; 24°C to 28°C; Variable, mainly East, Force 2 to 3
12:00 to 15:00 – mainly clear or partly cloudy; 27°C / 28°C; Variable, mainly East, Force 2 to 3
15:00 to 18:00 – mainly clear or partly cloudy; 28°C to 24°C; Northwest Force 2 to 3 increasing and becoming Force 4 to 5
18:00 to 21:00 – mainly clear or partly cloudy; 24°C to 20°C; Northwest Force 5 to 6
21:00 to 00:00 – mainly clear or partly cloudy; 20°C to 19°C; Northwest Force 5 to 6

Sette Giugno is a Maltese national holiday celebrated annually on June 7. In the aftermath of World War I, with the widespread disruptions in agriculture and industry across the whole of the European continent, the local colonial government couldn’t provide an adequate supply of basic food provisions for the island. In response to this, there were a series of riots in the Maltese Islands. On that day in 1919 when, following one of the riots by the Maltese population, British troops fired into the crowd, killing four.


Fine weather for the long weekend / Bnazzi għal tmiem il-ġimgħa twil


With Sette Guigno falling on Monday, a long weekend is at the door. Some may be looking forward to a relaxed long weekend. What has the weather got in store for us for this long weekend? A ridge of high pressure extending across the central Mediterranean will be characterizing our weather over the next few days. This means generally fine weather for the Maltese Islands. We’re expecting mainly sunny to partly cloudy skies, with early and late mist or fog patches. Temperatures will be very warm. Daytime highs are set to hover in the upper 20s, with real-feels over the 30°C mark. Nighttime lows will be of around 20°C. Winds will be light and from a southerly direction, meaning the vast majority of beaches will be excellent for a swim. A degree of instability will return to our shores in the form of a breezy northwesterly very late on Monday 7/6.



B’Sette Guigno se jaħbat it-Tnejn, qiegħdin fil-bidu ta’ tmiem il-ġimgħa twil. Xi wħud jaf qed jistennew tmiem il-ġimgħa ta’ rilassament. X’se jagħtina t-temp għal dawn il-jiem? Nistennew li t-temp fil-Gżejjer Maltin se jkun iddeterminat minn firxa ta’ pressjoni għolja li se testendi madwar iċ-ċentru tal-Mediterran għal dawn il-jiem. Dan ifisser temp il-biċċa l-kbira bnazzi. Qed inbassru sema l-biċċa l-kbira xemxi għal ftit imsaħħab, b’xi rqajja ta’ ċpar kmieni u tard. It-temperaturi se jkunu sħan. L-ogħla matul il-jum se jkunu fil-livell ta’ 29°C, u jinħassu aktar minn 30°C. L-anqas billejl se jkunu madwar 20°C. Nistennew riħ isfel ħafif, bil-maġġoranza tal-bajjiet għandhom ikunu tajbi għall-għawm. Temp ftit instabbli, l-aktar minħabba żiffa kemmxejn qawwija mill-Majjistral se tirritorna tard filgħaxija t-Tnejn 7/6.