
For the latest updates related to the weather in the Maltese Islands. So keep yourself updated by visiting this page frequently or like our Facebook page.


What will the change in weather bring? / X’se ġġib magħha l-bidla fit-temp?


We’ve been hearing of an impending change in weather conditions for around the 22nd /23rd for weeks, but details have been constantly changing. What exactly are we expecting? Latest maps confirm that NO severe weather is being anticipated.

A zone of instability will develop across the central Mediterranean, as an area of colder air in the upper levels of the atmosphere comes into contact with the warmer conditions locally. It will bring a series of isolated showers possibly thundery at times on Thursday 22nd and Friday 23rd. Total rainfall will likely not be too much, but it will still serve as an indication that summer is on its way out. Much of the stormy weather will be to our islands’ east. This change in local weather will cause temperatures to dip. Maximum temperatures will dip to around 25°C from Thursday 22nd till the start of next week. Minimum temperatures could dip to just below 20°C on some nights. The contrast between high pressure over the Balkans and the lower pressure locally (especially over Italy) will maintain a breezy easterly to southeasterly wind for days on end over the Maltese Islands. The wind will blow at Force 4 to 5 for days, and may strengthen to become Force 6 at times. This will characterize our days from Thursday 22nd and could last till well into next week.

As things stand, no severe weather warnings are deemed necessary. We still advise you to be aware and keep yourself up to date with the latest developments, especially if you intend on spending some time at sea on these days. The sea will be particularly choppy, with challenging swell conditions likely to persist along the north and east coast of the Maltese Islands.



Ilna nisimgħu bil-bidla tant mistennija fit-temp li għandha sseħħ madwar it-22/23 għal dawn l-aħħar ġimgħat. Id-dettalji komplew jinbidlu kontinwament pero’. X’qed nistennew eżatt? L-aħħar mapep komplew jikkonfermaw li ma għandniex nistennew maltemp sever.

Żona ta’ nstabbilta’ se tiżviluppaw madwar iċ-ċentru tal-Mediterran , hekk kif massa ta’ arja kiesħa fil-livelli għoljin ta’ l-atmosfera se tiġi f’kuntatt ma’ l-arja aktar sħuna madwarna. Din se twassal għal serje ta’ ħalbiet iżolati tax-xita li jistgħu jkunu bir-ragħad kultant nhar il-Ħamis 22 u l-Ġimgħa 23. Għalkemm it-total ta’ xita mhux mistenni jkun għoli ħafna, it-temp xorta se jservi ta’ indikazzjoni li s-sajf se jidgħajjef sew. Il-maġġoranza tal-maltemp se jkun lejn il-lvant tal-gżejjer tagħna. Din il-bidla fit-temp se twassal biex it-temperaturi jiffriskaw sew. It-temperaturi massimi se jonqsu għal livell ta’ madwar 25°C mil-Ħamis 22 sal-bidu tal-ġimgħa li ġejja. It-temperaturi minimi jafu jinżlu taħt 20°C f’xi ljieli. Il-kuntrast bejn pressjoni għolja fuq il-Balkani u pressjoni baxxa lokalment (ċentrata fuq l-Italja), se tkun qed toħloq żiffa kemmxejn qawwija mill-lvant għal xlokk għal numru ta’ jiem. Ir-riħ se jkun b’qawwa ta’ Forza 4 għal 5 għal biċċa l-kbira tal-ħin, għalkemm għandu jitqawwa u jsir Forza 6 f’xi waqtiet. Dan se jibda nhar il-Ħamis 22 u jibqa sejjer sa minn ta’ l-anqas ġimgħa.

Kif jidhru l-affarijiet, ma narawx il-bżonn ta’ twissijiet speċjali. Xorta waħda navżawkhom biex tkunu kawti u żżommu ruħkhom aġġornati bl-aħħar żviluppi, speċjalment jekk se tkunu ħerġin fuq il-baħar. Il-baħar il-barra mill-kosta tat-tramuntana u l-lvant se jkun imċaqlaq sew, b’imbatt li kapaċi jkun ta’ sfida.


This weekend: A Northwesterly wind

General Situation: An area of high pressure spanning much of the Mediterranean will maintain fine weather across the central Mediterranean this weekend.

Weather Conditions: The sky will be mainly sunny to partly cloudy.

Temperature: Maximum temperatures will be above the norm for this time of year. The 29°C to 31°C maximum temperatures expected over the weekend will be up to 3°C above the norm. Minimum temperatures will be in the region of 24°C. This is also considered very warm for the time of year. The Northwesterly wind that will prevail over the weekend will help make the temperature more pleasant.

Wind: The wind will be mainly moderate and from a predominantly west-northwesterly direction for the entire weekend. It will be particularly strong during the night from Saturday 17th through to Sunday 18th, when it could reach Force 6 at times.


This weekend: Breezy on Sunday

General Situation: An anticyclone to the east of the Maltese Islands will maintain fine weather across the central Mediterranean this weekend.

Weather Conditions: The sky will be mainly sunny for much of the time. A haze that has prevailed for a number of days will clear on Sunday.

Temperature: Maximum temperatures will be well above the norm for this time of year. The 32°C / 33°C maximum temperatures expected over the weekend will be up to 5°C above the norm. Minimum temperatures will be in the region of 25°C / 26°C. This is also considered very warm for the time of year. The air will continue to feel sticky and uncomfortable at times due to high levels of relative humidity on Saturday. Sunday will bring temporary relief, though, as the wind turns briefly to the Northwest and strengthens.

Wind: The wind will be light to moderate from a predominantly south-westerly direction on Saturday. It will turn west northwest on Sunday and become strong at times (up to Force 6). This will be a one off episode of a breezy north-westerly. It will veer southerly again on Monday.


3 Hourly Forecast for Victory Day (8/9/2022)

00:00 to 03:00 – mainly clear; 26°C to 24°C; Calm
03:00 to 06:00 – mainly clear; 23°C / 24°C; Calm
06:00 to 09:00 – mainly clear; 24°C to 27°C; Calm to South Southwest Force 2 to 3
09:00 to 12:00 – mainly clear; 27°C to 30°C; South Southwest Force 3 to 4
12:00 to 15:00 – mainly clear; 30°C / 31°C; South Southwest Force 3 to 4
15:00 to 18:00 – mainly clear; 30°C to 29°C; South Southwest Force 3 to 4
18:00 to 21:00 – mainly clear; 29°C to 27°C; South Southwest Force 3 to 4 to Calm
21:00 to 00:00 – mainly clear; 27°C to 25°C; Calm

Victory Day recalls the end of three historical sieges: the Great Siege of Malta by the Ottoman Empire ending in 1565, the Siege of Valletta by the French Blockade ending in 1800, and, the Siege of Malta during the Second World War by the Italian army ending in 1943. This day also coincides with the commemoration of the birth of the Virgin Mary, better known as the Nativity, which is celebrated in the villages of Senglea, Naxxar and Mellieha in Malta, and Xagħra in Gozo. The traditional regatta featuring boat races in the Grand Harbour is held on Victory Day.


This weekend: Remaining fine and hot

General Situation: An anticyclone to the east of the Maltese Islands will maintain fine weather across the central Mediterranean this weekend.

Weather Conditions: The sky will be partly cloudy for much of the time with plentiful bright sunshine around.

Temperature: Maximum temperatures will be well above the norm for this time of year. The 33°C / 34°C maximum temperatures expected over the weekend will be a full 5°C above the norm. Minimum temperatures will be in the region of 24°C / 25°C. This is also considered very warm for the time of year. It will also feel sticky and uncomfortable at times due to high levels of relative humidity.

Wind: The wind will be mainly light and from a predominantly south-westerly direction. Nights will be calm.


This weekend: Dappled sunshine and calm

General Situation: The central Mediterranean will remain generally unstable, with persistent cooler air in the upper levels of the atmosphere encouraging continued development of convective clouds over central areas in the afternoon. This will be especially felt in neighbouring Sicily and Tunisia, where showers are expected. We expect to remain dry in the Maltese Islands.

Weather Conditions: The sky will be mainly sunny or partly cloudy for much of the time, with clouds building up in the afternoon over central areas. Whilst Tunisia and neighbouring Sicily will experience some showers, the Maltese Islands should remain dry.

Temperature: Maximum temperatures will hover at around the norm for this time of year, with 31°C / 32°C maximum temperatures and 23°C / 24°C minimum temperatures.

Wind: The wind will be mainly light and from a predominantly north-westerly direction. Nights will be calm.


This week: Hot throughout

A lengthy spell of above-average temperatures is about to start across the central Mediterranean. An anticyclone will settle over our region, maintaining a current of hot air from over the desert. Whilst the sky will be sunny much of the time, it may appear hazy at times. Maximum temperatures will hover at 34°C / 35°C during the week, before rising to 37°C / 38°C at the weekend. Minimum temperatures will be stable at 25°C throughout. The wind will be mainly light and variable at first, before becoming mainly light and from a predominantly northwesterly direction by midweek. An afternoon breeze will develop along the coast from midweek onward.


Becoming hotter by the weekend / Jerġa jisħon minn tmiem il-ġimgħa


The Maltese Islands are on the verge of another hot spell. An anticyclone over the western Europe will extend to cover the central Mediterranean by the weekend. A current of hot air from the Sahara Desert across the Mediterranean and into Europe will strengthen. Temperatures will rise to above average again from Saturday 16/7. The heat spell will be long-lasting, with maximum temperatures likely to be in the range of 33°C to 38°C. Minimum temperatures will be in the region of 25°C on most nights. The wind will be mainly light and from a predominantly westerly direction. A welcome sea breeze should be experienced along the coast on most afternoons. Skies will be mainly sunny.



Il-Gżejjer Maltin mistennija jesperjenzaw episodju ieħor ta’ sħana. Antiċiklun fuq il-punent ta’ l-Ewropa se jestendi lejn iċ-ċentru tal-Mediterran minn tmiem din il-ġimgħa. Kurrenti ta’ arja sħuna minn fuq id-deżert lejn l-Ewropa se jissaħħu. It-temperaturi se jerġgħu jogħlew u jibdew jilħqu livelli ogħla mill-medja mis-Sibt 16/7. Dan l-episodju ta’ sħana se jkun wieħed fit-tul, bit-temperaturi massimi mistennija jvarjaw minn 33°C sa 38°C. It-temperaturi minimi se jkunu fil-livell ta’ 25°C. Ir-riħ se jkun il-biċċa l-kbira ħafif u ħafna drabi mill-punent. Inħawi ħdejn il-baħar se jesperjenzaw żiffa ħafifa f’ħafna mill-jiem. Is-sema se jkun il-biċċa l-kbira xemxi.


This week: Cooler and windier by the weekend

The sweltering heat will prevail till Thursday 7/7, when maximum temperatures will hover at 35°C to 38°C. Minimum temperatures will be in the region of 24°C to 26°C on these days. The wind will continue to be mainly light to moderate from a predominant westerly direction. The sky will be mainly sunny but hazy. Things will change in the evening hours of Thursday 7/7. An anticyclone that has brought sweltering heat and high levels of humidity to our region in recent weeks will retreat slightly, allowing a zone of instability to develop over the central Mediterranean. This unstable zone will direct a current of cool air from the north across our region. Maximum temperatures will dip abruptly to 29°C / 30°C over the weekend. Minimum temperatures will dip to a more comfortable 22°C. A strong West Northwest wind will blow across the Maltese Islands; reaching Force 7 on Friday 8/7, Force 6 on Saturday 9/7 and Force 4 on Sunday 10/7. The haze will clear away and the sky may become cloudier at times.


This week: Heatwave conditions throughout

A heat dome covering the central Mediterranean will expand and intensify this week. We’re expecting heat wave conditions to prevail throughout. The sky will be sunny on all days. It will become increasingly hazy though, with the sky likely to take a whitish hue. Maximum temperatures will hover at 36°C to 39°C. Minimum temperatures will be in the region of 24°C, meaning nights may offer some relief from the sweltering heat. The wind will be calm early and late on most days, with a light breeze developing during the day. The UV Index will alternate between 10 and 11+ over the coming week. These are the highest values on the scale. A UV Index of 10 and 11+ means extreme risk of harm from unprotected exposure to the Sun.