
For the latest updates related to the weather in the Maltese Islands. So keep yourself updated by visiting this page frequently or like our Facebook page.


3 Hourly Forecast for Good Friday (15/4/2022)

00:00 to 03:00 – overcast; 14°C / 15°C; East to East Northeast Force 6 to 7
03:00 to 06:00 – overcast; 14°C / 15°C; East Northeast Force 6 to 7
06:00 to 09:00 – overcast; 14°C / 15°C to 16°C; East Northeast Force 7 to 8
09:00 to 12:00 – overcast; 16°C to 17°C; East Northeast Force 8 to 9
12:00 to 15:00 – overcast with the possibility of isolated light rain; 17°C / 18°C; East Northeast Force 8 to 9
15:00 to 18:00 – overcast with the possibility of isolated light rain; 17°C / 18°C to 16°C; East Northeast Force 7 to 8
18:00 to 21:00 – overcast with the possibility of isolated light rain; 16°C to 14°C / 15°C; East Northeast Force 6 to 7
21:00 to 00:00 – mostly cloudy; 14°C / 15°C; East Northeast Force 6 to 7

In the Maltese Islands it is commemorated with long standing traditions of religious celebrations. A solemn function is held in the hours of mid-afternoon marking Jesus’s death. With the participation of many, numerous communities hold processions which commemorate the Passion of Christ. In some parts of Malta, these processions may include some penitents dressed in white robes and hoods, walking barefoot and with chains tied to their ankles) as an act of penance or in fulfilment of a vow. This is a unique, medieval tradition which still survives today. These traditions will be practiced again this year, after a two year abscence due to pandemic restrictions.




An intense low pressure system migrating across Tunisia and Libya will contrast with an anticyclone over the eastern Mediterranean. This will generate a strong to very strong wind from the East to East Northeast across the central Mediterranean. The wind will reach gale-force at times. This warning is valid from 06:00 on Thursday 14th April till 03:00 on Saturday 16th April. This warning will be updated if necessary. The information below describes how the situation is expected to develop during this time period:

Thursday 14th April

06:00 to 09:00 – East Force 6 to 7

09:00 to 12:00 – East Force 7 to 8

12:00 to 15:00 – East Force 7 to 8

15:00 to 18:00 – East Force 7 to 8

18:00 to 21:00 – East Force 6 to 7

21:00 to 23:59 – East Force 6 to 7

Friday 15th April

00:00 to 03:00 – East to East Northeast Force 6 to 7

03:00 to 06:00 – East Northeast Force 6 to 7

06:00 to 09:00 – East Northeast Force 7 to 8

09:00 to 12:00 – East Northeast Force 8 to 9

12:00 to 15:00 – East Northeast Force 8 to 9

15:00 to 18:00 – East Northeast Force 7 to 8

18:00 to 21:00 – East Northeast Force 6 to 7

21:00 to 23:59 – East Northeast Force 6 to 7

Saturday 16th April

00:00 to 03:00 – East Northeast Force 6 to 7


The peak gusts will blow across the Maltese Islands in the late morning and early afternoon of Friday 15th April, when they could reach up to Force 10 across more exposed areas of the Maltese Islands. The sea will be very rough, with wave heights of up to 7 metres from the East to East Northeast in peak gusts. The map below shows the coast most exposed to this very rough sea.

The wind will decrease gradually over the course of Saturday 16th March, and will become moderate (Force 4 to 5) by evening. It will shift Northwest on Sunday 17th March and decrease further to become light (Force 3 to 4) by morning.




Sistema’ ta’ pressjoni baxxa intensa li se timxi bilmod lejn il-lvant minn fuq it-Tuneżija u l-Libja se tikkontrasta ma’ antiċklun fuq il-lvant tal-Mediterran. Dan se jwassal għal riħ qawwi għal qawwi ħafna mill-Lvant għal Grieg il-Lvant madwar iċ-ċentru tal-Mediterran. Ir-riħ se jilħaq il-qawwa ta’ riefnu kultant. Din it-twissija se tkun fis-seħħ minn 06:00 tal-Ħamis 14 ta’ April sa 03:00 tas-Sibt 16 ta’ April u tkun aġġornata jekk ikun hemm il-bżonn. Id-dettalji ta’ hawn taħt jagħtu ħjiel ta’ kif imbassra li tiżviluppa s-sistwazzjoni:

Il-Ħamis 14 ta’ April

06:00 sa 09:00 – Lvant Forza 6 għal 7

09:00 sa 12:00 – Lvant Forza 7 għal 8

12:00 sa 15:00 – Lvant Forza 7 għal 8

15:00 sa 18:00 – Lvant Forza 7 għal 8

18:00 sa 21:00 – Lvant Forza 6 għal 7

21:00 sa 23:59 – Lvant Forza 6 għal 7

Il-Ġimgħa 15 ta’ April

00:00 sa 03:00 – Lvant għal Grieg il-Lvant Forza 6 għal 7

03:00 sa 06:00 – Grieg il-Lvant Forza 6 għal 7

06:00 sa 09:00 – Grieg il-Lvant Forza 7 għal 8

09:00 sa 12:00 – Grieg il-Lvant Forza 8 għal 9

12:00 sa 15:00 – Grieg il-Lvant Forza 8 għal 9

15:00 sa 18:00 – Grieg il-Lvant Forza 7 għal 8

18:00 sa 21:00 – Grieg il-Lvant Forza 6 għal 7

21:00 sa 23:59 – Grieg il-Lvant Forza 6 għal 7

Is-Sibt 16 ta’ April

00:00 sa 03:00 – Grieg il-Lvant Forza 6 għal 7


Il-buffuri l-aktar qawwija se jolqtu lill-Gżejjer Maltin matul tard filgħodu u kmieni wara nofsinhar tal-Ġimgħa 15 ta’ April x’ħin mistennija jilħqu Forza 10 fl-aktar inħawi esposti tal-Gżejjer Maltin. Il-baħar se jkun qawwi ħafna b’mewġ għoli 7 metri mill-Lvant għal Grieg il-Lvant fl-aktar buffuri qawwijin. Il-mappa t’hawn taħt tindika l-kosta l-aktar esposta għal dan il-mewġ.

Ir-riħ se jonqos gradwalment matul il-jum tas-Sibt 16 ta’ April, u se jsir moderat (Force 4 għal 5) sa filgħaxija. Ir-riħ jaqleb Majjistral nhar il-Ħadd 17 ta’ April u jsir ħafif (Forza 3 għal 4) sa kmieni filgħodu.


More bad weather ahead / Ġej aktar maltemp


The sunny start to Holy Week will soon fade away, unfortunately. A low pressure system will develop over the Sahara Desert by Tuesday 12/4. This will migrate to the central Mediterranean, intensifying as it does so. This will bring another bout of Sahara Desert weather from Tuesday 12/4 through to early on Sunday 17/4.

Weather: The sky will be cloudy to overcast. The air will be hazy due to airborne fine desert sand. A few drops of rain may occur from time to time. A chance for isolated showers exists for Saturday 16/4. Any rain will deposit fine desert sand.

Wind: The wind shifts East on Monday 11/4. It will increase gradually over the next couple of days, before peaking from around noon on Thursday 14/4 till early evening on Saturday 16/4. Gusts could reach up to Force 8 then, and the wind may back slightly to the Northeast at times. The sea will be rough to very rough at exposed coasts. A detailed advisory will be posted at a closer date.

Will it be better on Easter Sunday? Yes, a ridge of high pressure could extend towards the central Mediterranean from the Balkans by Sunday 17/4. It appears that this could bring an improvement in weather conditions. Pockets of bright sunshine, a warmer temperature and a lighter wind that shifts to the Northwest could all be possible on Sunday. This will be confirmed as the week progresses.

Being Holy Week, a special 3-hourly forecast for the following day will be posted early every evening. This will be done for Good Friday and Easter Sunday.



Sfortunatament, il-bidu sabiħ għall-Ġimgħa Mqaddsa daqlwaqt jisfaxxa. Sistema ta’ pressjoni baxxa se tiżviluppa fuq id-Deżert tas-Sahara nhar it-Tlieta 12/4. Din mistennija tersaq bilmod lejn iċ-ċentru tal-Mediterran u tissaħħaħ. Magħha se ġġib episodju ieħor ta’ temp sinonimu mad-deżert mit-Tlieta 12/4 sa kmieni l-Ħadd 17/4.

Temp: Is-sema se jkun imsaħħab għal ċlampu. L-arja se tkun imdaħħna minħabba trab fin fl-arja. Xi taqtir tax-xita jista jolqotna kultant minn ħin għall-ieħor. Ikun hemm ċnas ta’ xi ħalbiet iżolati tax-xita nhar is-Sibt 16/4. Ix-xita se tkun tal-ħamrija.

Riħ: Ir-riħ se jaqleb Lvant illum it-Tnejn 11/4. Dan se jisaħħaħ gradwalment fil-jiem li ġejjin, qabel ma jilħaq il-qofol tiegħu minn madwar nofsinhar tal-Ħamis 14/4 sa kmieni filgħaxija tas-Sibt 16/4. Xi buffuri se jilħqu Forza 8 matul dak il-ħin, u r-riħ jaf jaqleb ftit mill-Grigal kultant ukoll. Il-baħar se jkun imqalleb għal imqalleb ħafna fejn jaqleb. Twissija dettaljata toħroġ aktar tard.

Għandna nistennew temp aħjar għal Jum l-Għid il-Kbir? Iva, jidher li firxa ta’ pressjoni għolja se testendi lejn iċ-ċentru tal-Mediterran minn fuq il-Balkani matul il-jum tal-Ħadd 17/4. Din tista ġġib xi forma ta’ kambjament fit-temp. Xi waqtiet xemxin, temperatura aktar sħuna u riħ ħafif li jaqleb mill-Majjistral huma possibbli għal jum tal-Ħadd. Dan nikkonfermawh matul din il-ġimgħa.

Peress li dan it-temp instabbli se jaħbat mal-Ġimgħa Mqaddsa, servizz speċjali ta’ temp għal kull 3 sigħat se jingħata għal l-għada minn kmieni filgħaxija. Dan se jsir għal Ġimgħa l-Kbira u L-Għid il-Kbir.


This week: Strong winds, overcast skies and fine dust for Holy Week

This week will be off to a very bright start, as Monday promises to bring long hours of uninterrupted bright sunshine to the Maltese Islands. The meteorological situation will deteriorate from then on, however. A low pressure system will be developing over the Sahara Desert by Tuesday. This will migrate towards the central Mediterranean as the week progresses, intensifying as it does so. Unstable weather conditions will prevail from Tuesday through to Saturday. The wind shifts to the East on Monday, and will strengthen gradually in the following days. It should climax on Friday, when gusts of up to Force 8 are possible. The wind will remain strong into Saturday, before potentially calming down for Easter Sunday. The sky will be overcast, with little or no sunshine from Tuesday through to Saturday. Easter Sunday should see the return of pockets of sunshine. The strong wind will blow fine desert sand across our region on most days. We might see some rain this week too, particularly on Saturday. A few drops of rain are possible on other days too. Any rain will deposit fine desert sand. Daytime highs will be in the region of 17°C to 20°C. Nighttime lows will vary more widely, rising from 10°C at the start of the week to 15°C by the weekend. It will continue feeling fresh though, especially in areas exposed to the strong wind.


Weather will remain unsettled / It-temp se jibqa ndeċiż


We’re a week into April, and the weather is yet to show initial signs of gradual improvement. Needless to say, it’s spring, and changeable weather is synonymous with these months of transitions. Temperatures will remain around or below average for the forseeable future. Wind direction will continue varying, shifting between the northwesterly and southeasterly from time to time. The northwesterly will be associated with episodes of bright sunshine. The southeasterly will bring about further spells of overcast and hazy skies. Bouts of strong wind will remain a frequent occurence. Pressure systems across the central Mediterranean will remain dynamic. A cosnequence of this is constantly changing short-term forecasts. We urge to continue following our 6-day forecast which is issued daily on our page and site. We will continue doing our best to bring you constantly-updated and reliable weather reports.



Kważi għaddiet ġimgħa minn April, u t-temp għadu jrid juri l-ewwel sinjali ta’ kambjament gradwali. Wara kollox ninsabu fir-rebbiegħa, żmien ta’ taqlib fit-temp. It-temperaturi għalissa se jibqgħu jkunu madwar jew anqas mill-medja. Id-direzzjoni tar-riħ se tibqa tvarja, u se tkompli taqleb minn Majjistral għal Xlokk sikwit. Ir-riħ fuq se jkun assoċjat ma’ episodji ta’ temp xemxi. Ir-riħ isfel se jkompli jġib miegħu jiem b’sema ċlampu u mdaħħan. Waqtiet ta’ riħ qawwi se jkomplu jolqtuna ta’ spiss. Is-sistemi atmosferiċi madwar iċ-ċentru tal-Mediterran se jibqgħu jinbidlu kontinwament u b’mod erratiku. Konsegwenza ta’ dan it-tbassir tat-temp se jkun qed ikompli jinbidel sikwit. Inħeġġukhom issegwu t-tbassir ta’ 6 ijiem li jkun aġġornat ta’ kuljum fuq il-paġna u s-sit tagħna. Sadattant se nkomplu bil-ħidma tagħna biex inkomplu nwasslu rapporti tat-temp li jkunu aġġornati kontinwament u preċiżi.


This week: Breezy but improving gradually

The weather will be decidedly more settled, albeit still rather breezy. The wind will persist as the central Mediterranean continues to be caught in between different pressure systems. This week will bring some days of frequently changing weather conditions, a distinct characteristic of springtime. Daytime highs will hover at 17°C to 19°C on weekdays. The weekend could be warmer, with daytime highs reaching or exceeding 20°C. Nighttime lows will be in the range of 12°C to 14°C  throughout the week. There will be a mix of sun and clouds on weekdays. Skies will be particularly cloudy and hazy on Monday 4/4 and Wednesday 6/4. The situation is likely to improve substantially by the weekend, with plentiful bright sunshine towards the end of the week. The wind will blow from a predominantly Easterly direction for the first half of the week, before shifting to the West Northwest for the final half. It will be breezy throughout, with the strongest wind expected on Monday 4/4 (from the East) and Thursday 7/4 (from the Northwest). A breezy Easterly wind is likely to blow some fine dust across the central Mediterranean, resulting in a light haze for the first few days.


3 Hourly Forecast for Freedom Day (31/3/2022)

00:00 to 03:00 – overcast and hazy; 15°C / 16°C; South Southeast to East Southeast Force 4 to 5
03:00 to 06:00 – overcast and hazy; 14°C / 15°C; East Southeast to East Northeast Force 3 to 4
06:00 to 09:00 – overcast and hazy; 14°C / 15°C to 19°C; East Northeast to East Force 2 to 3
09:00 to 12:00 – decreasing cloudiness and hazy; 19°C to 22°C / 23°C; East to West Southwest Force 2 to 3
12:00 to 15:00 – clear and hazy; 22°C / 23°C; West Southwest Force 3 to 4
15:00 to 18:00 – clear; 22C / 23°C to 18°C; West Southwest to West Force 3 to 4
18:00 to 21:00 – clear; 18°C to 15°C; West Force 3 to 4
21:00 to 00:00 – clear; 15°C to 13°C / 14°C; West Force 3 to 4

Freedom Day, or Jum il-Ħelsien in Maltese, is a Maltese national holiday celebrated annually on 31 March. This is the anniversary of the withdrawal of British troops and the Royal Navy from Malta in 1979. The Government had been wanting to re-negotiate the lease agreement with the United Kingdom throughout the 1970s. Following protracted and sometimes tense talks, a new agreement was signed whereby the lease was extended till the end of March 1979 at a vastly increased rent. On 31 March 1979 the last British Forces left Malta. For the first time in a millennium, Malta was no longer a military base of a foreign power and it became independent de facto as well as de jure. The main events of the activities commemorating this date take place at the Freedom Day Monument in Birgu and at the War Memorial in Floriana on the eve of the holiday and in the morning on the day itself. In the afternoon, the Grand Harbour hosts a competitive regatta.


This week: Becoming warmer, but remaining unsettled

Although temperatures have now reached seasonal values, the overall meteorological situation will continue to be marked by the instability that is characteristic of the spring months. This week is set to bring frequently changing weather conditions to the Maltese Islands. Whilst some days will be characterized by cloudy skies, others will bring plentiful bright sunshine. The possibility of a little light rain cannot be entirely ruled out either. The easterly wind that will dominate the first half of the week will give way to a westerly wind by the weekend. The wind will strengthen at times over the course of this week. The westerly wind will clear the atmosphere of airborne fine desert sand, at least for a few days. Temperatures will be largely stable and around average for this time of year. We’re looking at 17°C / 18°C  highs and 13°C  / 14°C  lows. 31/3, a national holiday, may bring the first 20°C  + temperature since last November.


This week: Daylight Saving Time begins on Sunday 27/3

The weather will be slightly better this week, at least overall. A ridge of high pressure will develop across the central Mediterranean at the start of the week, bringing a general improvement in weather conditions, at least on weekdays. The weather from Monday 21/3 through to Friday 25/3 will feature mainly sunny or partly cloudy skies. Residual light rain may still occur on Monday and Tuesday, however. Weekdays will be characterized by a light, and mainly easterly, wind. The weekend, which will also be the final weekend of March, may be marred by yet another north African low pressure system. A low pressure system will form over Tunisia, potentially bringing a second weekend of Sahara Desert weather. As things stand, Saturday 26/3 may see some light rain and a strong East Southeast wind. This strong wind could linger into Sunday 27/3. This would be accompanied by airborne fine desert sand too. Temperatures will experience an upward trend as the week progresses. Daytime highs will rise from an unseasonal 13°C to a more comfortable 19°C. Weeknights will be cold, with minimum temperatures likely to be below 10°C. Nights become warmer by the weekend, with values hovering around 12°C.

Daylight Saving Time begins early on Sunday 27/3. Do not forget to move your clock forward one hour before you go to bed on Saturday night. The sun rises at 06:55 and sets at 19:19 on Sunday 27/3, as summer slowly sets in.


Winter to end with a bang / Ix-xitwa se tagħlaq bil-kbir


The meteorological situation across the central Mediterranean is about to intensify. The coming days will see Malta continue to find itself sandwiched in between strengthening opposing pressure systems. Whilst a low pressure system over Tunisia will deepen, an anticyclone over eastern Europe will strengthen. This will cause the spell of Sahara Desert weather to linger on and intensify. Astronomical winter come to an end on Sunday 20/3. We’ll be experiencing this mainly from late on Thursday 17/3 through to early on Monday 21/3. The effects will be as follows:

Wind: The Sirocco will strengthen. The term Sirocco is an all-inclusive name given to hot and subsequently humid southeast to southwest winds originating over northern Africa and flowing into the southern Mediterranean basin. Siroccos occur in advance of a low pressure system moving eastward across the southern Mediterranean Sea or northern Africa. Air from high pressure over the Sahara Desert rushes in to fill this low pressure system. The wind will be mainly from the- East Southeast to East. It will reach Force 8 at times. A warning will provide all the details about this.

Wehttps://polska-ed.com/kupic-generic-cialis. Weather: The sky will be predominantly overcast. The air will be hazy at times due to airborne fine desert sand. This dust will be deposited in the rain showers that will affect the Maltese Islands from time to time. Rain is more likely on Saturday 19/3 and Sunday 20/3.

Temperature: Temperatures will once again drop to below average. Temperatures will fall gradually as the weekend progresses, with the cold being more profound at the start of next week. The maximum temperature on Sunday 20/3 may struggle to reach 11°C. Minimum temperatures will dip to as low as 7°C. The air will feel colder due to the strong wind.

We will update you regularly.



Is-sitwazzjoni meterjoloġika madwar iċ-ċentru tal-Mediterran se tkun qed tintensifika. Fil-jiem li ġejjin, Malta se tkun maqbuda bejn żewġ sistemi atmosferiċi opposti li kull ma jmur se jkunu qed jintensifikaw. Filwaqt li pressjoni baxxa fuq it-Tuneżija se ssir iżjed tempestuża, antiċklun fuq il-lvant ta’ l-Ewropa se jkun qed jissaħħaħ. Dan se jwassal biex il-perjodu ta’ temp sinonimu mad-Deżert tas-Sahara jippersisti u jżid. L-istaġun tax-xitwa jasal fi tmiemu nhar il-Ħadd 20/3. Dan se nesperjenzawh l-aktar minn tard il-Ħamis 17/3 sa kmieni t-Tnejn 21/3. L-effetti se jkunu kif deskritt:

Riħ: Ir-riħ Sirocco se jitqawwa. It-terminu Sirocco jinkludi fih ir-riħ jaħraq u umdu mill-Lbiċ u x-Xlokk li joriġina fl-Afrika ta’ Fuq u jonfoħ fuq in-nofsinhar tal-Mediterran. Arja minn pressjoni għolja fuq is-Sahara tonfoħ lejn pressjoni baxxa fuq in-naħa t’isfel tal-Mediterran jew l-Afrika ta’ Fuq. Din id-darba r-riħ se jkun l-aktar mix-Xlokk il-Lvant għal Lvant. Se jilħaq Forza 8 kultant. Twissija li se toħroġ aktar tard se tagħti d-dettalji kollha.

Temp: Is-sema se jkun il-biċċa l-kbira ċlampu. L-arja se tkun imdaħħna minħabba trab fin fl-ajru. Ix-xita li se tagħmel minn ħin għal ieħor se tkun tal-ħamrija. L-ogħla ċans ta’ xita bħalissa huwa nhar is-Sibt 19/3 u l-Ħadd 20/3.

Temperatura: It-temperaturi se jerġgħu jaqgħu taħt il-medja. It-temperaturi se jonqsu gradwalment fi tmiem il-ġimgħa, bil-kesħa tinħass l-aktar matul il-bidu tal-ġimgħa li ġejja. It-temperatura massima nhar il-Ħadd 20/3 se tbati biex tilħaq  11°C. It-temperaturi minimi kapaċi jmissu 7°C. L-arja se tinħass kiesħa ferm minħabba r-riħ qawwi.

Se nżommukhom aġġornati regolarment.