
For the latest updates related to the weather in the Maltese Islands. So keep yourself updated by visiting this page frequently or like our Facebook page.


This week: Persistent Sirocco

As explained last week, the Mediterranean region continues to be characterized by persistent low pressure over southern Europe and the western Mediterranean and a stationary ridge of high pressure across the eastern Mediterranean and Libya. This state of affairs will persist all week, with the situation possibly intensifying later in the week. The spell of springlike weather will be delayed, but will still likely follow at the end of this extended period of Sahara Desert weather. The first three days of this week will bring fine weather with plentiful sunshine. Conditions will take a duller turn as the weekend nears, with rain showers possible at the weekend. Hazy skies due to airborne fine desert will prevail on some days. Temperatures will follow a downward trend, with the 16°C daytime highs at the start of the week falling to a colder 13°C by the weekend. Nighttime lows will be more stable, with values likely to hover at the 11°C / 12°C mark. The wind will blow from the Southeast to East on all days this week. The light to moderate wind on the first few days of the week will strengthen as the weekend nears. A very strong Easterly is possible during the weekend. More details about this will be made available at a later date.


Sahara Desert weather / Temp tad-Deżert tas-Sahara


We’re expecting the coming days to be characterized by a Sirocco wind. This will be the result of persistent low pressure over southern Europe and a stationary ridge of high pressure across the eastern Mediterranean and Libya. This state of affairs will bring frequently changing weather conditions to the central Mediterranean. The weekend will be marked by overcast skies, with isolated showers from late in the afternoon on Saturday 12/3 till late in the morning on Sunday 13/3. Any rain is likely to deposit fine desert sand. The rain will also be accompanied by a strong southeasterly wind. The air will be hazy due to airborne fine dust too. The coming week will bring sunnier spells, although the dusty  haze will persist. The southeasterly wind will remain breezy for much of the week, before potentially dying for the following weekend. We advise you to not do much outdoor cleaning, as the airborne fine dust will continue to be deposited over the course of the coming week. It appears that temperatures will continue feeling rather cool, mainly due to the breezy wind. Springlike weather is looking increasingly likely after this spell of Sahara Desert weather. More about that at a later date.



Qed nistennew li l-jiem li ġejjin ikunu kkaratteriżżati minn riħ Xlokk. Dan se jkun il-kaġun ta’ pressjoni baxxa persistenti lejn in-naħa ta’ isfel ta’ l-Ewropa u firxa ta’ pressjoni għolja stazzjonarja fuq il-lvant tal-Mediterran u l-Libja. Din is-sistwazzjoni meterjoloġika se ġġib magħha temp instabbli li se jinbidel frekwentament lejn iċ-ċentru tal-Mediterran. Tmiem il-ġimgħa se jġib sema ċlampu, b’ħalbiet iżolati tax-xita minn tard wara nofsinhar tas-Sibt 12/3 sa tard filgħodu tal-Ħadd 13/3. Din ix-xita tkun tal-ħamrija. Ix-xita se tkun akkumpanjata minn riħ qawwi mix-Xlokk. L-arja se tkun imdaħħna minħabba trab fin fl-atmosfera. Jekk nagħtu ħarsa lejn il-ġimgħa li ġejja jidher li se ġġib magħha temp daqsxejn aktar xemx, għalkemm xorta waħda bi trab fin fl-arja. Ir-riħ mix-Xlokk jibqa kemmxejn qawwi għal biċċa l-kbira tal-ġimgħa, qabel ma potenzjalment jonqos lejn tmiemha. Navżawkhom biex ma tantx tnaddfu fuq barra, peress li t-trab fin fl-arja se jibqa jiġi depożitat tul il-ġimgħa li ġejja kollha. Jidher li t-temperaturi se jibqgħu jinħassu kesħin għal issa, speċjalment minħabba riħ qawwi. Temp aktar sinonimu mar-rebbiegħa jidher li se jkun possibbli wara dan il-perjodu ta’ temp tad-deżert tas-Sahara. Aktar informazzjoni dwar dan aktar tard.


Frigid days ahead / Ġejjin jiem ta’ kesħa ġelida


Temperatures are set to plummet in the Maltese Islands and neighboring countries, despite it being March and with spring just two weeks away. An intense low pressure system will develop over the eastern Mediterranean this week. Meanwhile, an anticyclone over eastern Europe will strengthen. This meteorological setting will draw in frigid air from Siberia, bringing colder temperatures to eastern and southern Europe. The Maltese Islands will be affected by this too. The air temperature will be colder than average throughout the coming week. Maximum temperatures will be in the range of 11°C to 14°C. Minimum temperatures will vary from 5°C to 8°C. The second half of the week will be particularly cold. Northerly winds will ensure much lower real-feels, especially at the weekend. While the weather will be mainly sunny to partly cloudy much of the time, a little light rain is possible on Monday 7/3 and Wednesday 9/3. No major strong winds are anticipated at this point. This spell of colder than average temperatures will last for around a week, from Monday 7/3 through to Monday 14/3.



Minkejja li ninsabu f’Marzu u l-istaġun tar-rebbiegħa qiegħed biss ħmistax bogħod, it-temperaturi fil-Gżejjer Maltin u pajjiżi ġirien mistennija jiksħu sew. Se jerġgħu jinżlu fil-livelli ta’ l-eqqel tax-xitwa. Sistema ta’ pressjoni baxxa instensa se tiżviluppa fuq il-lvant tal-Mediterran. Sadattant, antiċiklun fuq il-lvant ta’ l-Ewropa se jissaħħaħ. Din is-sitwazzjoni meterjoloġika se toħloq kurrenti ta’ arja ġelida minn fuq is-Siberja. Din l-arja kiesħa diġa qed tmiss il-lvant ta’ l-Ewropa, u għandha tkompli testendi lejn in-nofsinhar. Il-Gżejjer Maltin se jkunu affetwati wkoll. It-temperaturi ta’ l-arja se jkunu aktar kesħin minn normal għal matul il-ġimgħa li ġejja kollha. It-temperaturi massimi se jvarjaw minn 11°C sa 14°C. It-temperaturi minimi se jkun fil-livelli ta’ 5°C sa 8°C. It-tieni nofs ta’ din il-ġimgħa se jkun partikolarment kiesaħ. Ir-riħ mit-tramuntana se jwassal biex it-temperaturi jinħassu aktar kesħin minn kemm se jkunu wkoll, speċjalment lejn tmiem il-ġimgħa. It-temp se jkun il-biċċa l-kbira xemxi jew ftit imsaħħab għal biċċa l-kbira tal-ħin, bi ftit xita ħafifa tkun possibbli nhar it-Tnejn 7/3 u l-Erbgħa 9/3. Mhux qed nistennew riħ qawwi ħafna għalissa. Il-perjodu kiesaħ se jkopri madwar ġimgħa, mit-Tnejn 7/3 sat-Tnejn 14/3.


This week: Plentiful bright sunshine, but becoming colder

The atmosphere above the central Mediterranean will stabilize slightly, allowing plentiful bright sunshine across the Maltese Islands over the coming week. Still, some light rain remains possible, particularly on Monday 7/3 and Wednesday 9/3. The remaining days are likely to be characterized by mainly sunny or partly cloudy skies. The wind will be mainly light to moderate, with wind direction gradually shifting from westerly to easterly as the week progresses. This week will bring a cold snap to our shores. A flow of cold Siberian air will lower temperatures across our region in the coming days. We’re expecting daytime highs in the region of 11°C to 14°C. Nighttime lows will vary from 5°C to 8°C. The coldest part of the week will be at the weekend. These temperatures will be colder than average. A cold snap in March is not that common.


Weather to remain unstable for now / It-temp se jibqa nstabbli għalissa


A zone of instability across the central Mediterranean will intensify, bringing an episode of unsettled weather to the Maltese Islands. This will last much of the first half of March. We expect most days to be characterized by partly to variably cloudy skies. Whilst there will be spells of dappled sunshine, there will also be a number of isolated showers. These showers will occur on a number of days. Rain is unlikely to be widespread, however, and will mostly be in the form of short-lived showers. Any rain will be an improvement after a dry February. Temperatures will vary considerably, ranging from colder than average on some days to warmer than average on others. The wind will be vary too, with light to moderate winds alternating with brief episodes of stronger winds. Since the coming days will bring a mix of changeable weather conditions we advise you to stay updated through our frequent updates.



Żona ta’ instabbilita’ madwar iċ-ċentru tal-Mediterran se tintensifika daqsxejn, u se twassal biex episodju ta’ temp instabbli fil-Gżejjer Maltin ikompli. Dan mistenni jkopri l-biċċa l-kbira ta’ l-ewwel nofs ta’ Marzu. Qed nistennew sema ftit jew varjabbilment imsaħħab fil-maġġoranza tal-jiem li ġejjin. Minkejja li waqtiet xemxin se jkunu numerużi, xorta se nkunu qed nistennew ukoll numru ta’ ħalbiet iżolati tax-xita. Dawn il-ħalbiet tax-xita mistennija f’numru ta’ jiem. Ix-xita mhux mistennija tkun mifruxa u x’aktarx tkun fil-forma ta’ ħalbiet qosra wkoll. Kull ħalba xita timmarka kambjament fuq in-nixfa li kellna matul Frar. It-temperaturi se jvarjaw sew, b’jiem aktar kesħin minn normal u oħrajn aktar sħan mill-medja. Ir-riħ ukoll se jkun qed jinbidel sew, b’jiem ta’ riħ ħafif għal moderat jalternaw ma’ episodji ta’ riħ aktar qawwi. Minħabba li l-jiem li ġejjin se jġibu temp imħawwad nissuġerulkhom li ssegwu r-rapporti tat-temp tagħna bir-reqqa.


This week: Turning colder

An area of high pressure will build up across eastern Europe. Troughs of lower pressure will characterize the Mediterranean region. This meteorological setting will create flows of cold air from eastern Europe towards the central Mediterranean. This means colder than average temperatures over the Maltese Islands this week, particularly on weekdays. We’re looking at 13°C / 14°C highs and 6°C to 8°C lows. It will become slightly warmer for the weekend. There will be long spells of bright sunshine around. The dullest days will be Monday and Tuesday. We may also get a bit of rain on both. The wind will be mainly light to moderate from a predominantly westerly direction.


Turning colder / Se jiksaħ


An area of high pressure will build up across eastern Europe. Troughs of lower pressure will characterize the Mediterranean region. This meteorological setting will create flows of cold air from eastern Europe towards the central Mediterranean. Starting from Sunday 27/2, temperatures in the Maltese Islands will be colder than the average for this time of year. We’re expecting daytime highs of 13°C to 15°C and nighttime lows of 7°C to 9°C. Temperatures will feel colder, particularly in episodes of strong wind. Whilst sunshine will be plentiful, a few isolated showers should be possible next week, particularly on Monday 28/2 and Tuesday 1/3. Long-term models indicate the possibility of cooler than average weather for March. Tuesday 1/3 is the start of meteorological spring.



Firxa ta’ pressjoni għolja se tiżviluppa madwar il-lvant ta’ l-Ewropa. Fl-istess waqt, irqajja ta’ arja bi pressjoni baxxa se jkunu qed jiċċirkolaw il-Mediterran. Din is-sitwazzjoni meterjoloġika se toħloq kurrenti li se jġibu arja kiesħa minn fuq il-lvant ta’ l-Ewropa lejn iċ-ċentru tal-Mediterran. Minn nhar il-Ħadd 27/2, it-temperaturi fil-Gżejjer Maltin se jkunu aktar kesħin mill-medja ta’ dan iż-żmien tas-sena. Qed nistennew temperaturi massimi ta’ 13°C sa 15°C u temperaturi minimi ta’ 7°C sa 9°C. It-temperaturi se jinħassu aktar kesħin, partikolarment meta jonfoħ ir-riħ. Se nesperjenzaw jiem b’sigħat twal ta’ xemx, għalkemm għandna nistennew xi ħalbiet iżolati tax-xita kultant, speċjalment nhar it-Tnejn 28/2 u t-Tlieta 1/3. Il-mudelli tat-temp fit-tul qed jindikaw possibilita’ li t-temperaturi matul Marzu jkunu aktar friski minn normal. Nhar it-Tlieta 1/3 nagħtu bidu għar-rebbiegħa meterjoloġika.




An intense low pressure system migrating across the Adriatic Sea will draw air in from higher pressure over the Iberian Peninsula. This will generate a strong to very strong wind from the West Northwest to Northwest across the central Mediterranean. This warning is valid from noon on Monday 21st February till 03:00 on Wednesday 23rd February. This warning will be updated if necessary. The information below describes how the situation will develop during this time period:


Monday 21/2

12:00 to 15:00 – West Northwest Force 6 to 7

15:00 to 18:00 – West Northwest Force 7 to 8

18:00 to 21:00 – West Northwest Force 6 to 7

21:00 to 23:59 – West Northwest Force 6 to 7

Tuesday 22/2

00:00 to 03:00 – West Northwest Force 6 to 7

03:00 to 06:00 – West Northwest Force 6 to 7

06:00 to 09:00 – West Northwest Force 7 to 8

09:00 to 12:00 – West Northwest Force 7 to 8

12:00 to 15:00 – Northwest Force 7 to 8

15:00 to 18:00 – Northwest Force 7 to 8

18:00 to 21:00 – Northwest Force 7 to 8

21:00 to 23:59 – North Northwest Force 6 to 7

Wednesday 23/2

00:00 to 03:00 – North Northwest Force 6 to 7


The peak gusts will blow across the Maltese Islands throughout the day on Tuesday 22nd February, when they will reach Force 8 at times across exposed areas of the Maltese Islands. The sea will be very rough, with wave heights of up to 4 metres from the Northwest in peak gusts. The map below shows the coast most exposed to this very rough sea.

The wind will decrease gradually over the course of Wednesday 23rd February, and will become light by evening.




Sistema’ ta’ pressjoni baxxa intensa li se tkun qed tgħaddi minn fuq il-Baħar Adrijatiku mistennija tikkawża riħ qawwi għal qawwi ħafna mill-Punent Majjistru għal Majjistral fuq iċ-ċentru tal-Mediterran. Din it-twissija tkun fis-seħħ minn nofsinhar tat-Tnejn 21 ta’ Frar sa 03:00 ta’ l-Erbgħa 23 ta’ Frar. It-twissija tkun aġġornata kif ikun hemm bżonn. Id-dettalji ta’ hawn taħt jindikaw kif se tiżviluppa din is-sitwazzjoni matul dan il-ħin:


It-Tnejn 21/2

12:00 sa 15:00 – Punent Majjistru Forza 6 għal 7

15:00 sa 18:00 – Punent Majjistru Forza 7 għal 8

18:00 sa 21:00 – Punent Majjistru Forza 6 għal 7

21:00 sa 23:59 – Punent Majjistru Forza 6 għal 7

It-Tlieta 22/2

00:00 sa 03:00 – Punent Majjistru Forza 6 għal 7

03:00 sa 06:00 – Punent Majjistru Forza 6 għal 7

06:00 sa 09:00 – Punent Majjistru Forza 7 għal 8

09:00 sa 12:00 – Punent Majjistru Forza 7 għal 8

12:00 sa 15:00 – Majjistral Forza 7 għal 8

15:00 sa 18:00 – Majjistral Forza 7 għal 8

18:00 sa 21:00 – Majjistral Forza 7 għal 8

21:00 sa 23:59 – Majjistral it-Tramuntana Forza 6 għal 7

L-Erbgħa 23/2

00:00 sa 03:00 – Majjistral it-Tramuntana Forza 6 għal 7


Il-buffuri l-aktar qawwija se jolqtu lill-Gżejjer Maltin matul il-jum tat-Tlieta 22 ta’ Frar, x’ħin se jilħqu sa Forza 8 kultant fl-inħawi l-aktar esposti tal-Gżejjer Maltin. Il-baħar se jkun imqalleb ħafna, b’mewġ għoli 4 metri fil-buffuri l-aktar qawwija. Il-mappa ta’ hawn taħt turi l-kosta l-aktar esposta għal dan il-baħar qawwi ħafna.

Ir-riħ se jonqos gradwalment matul il-jum ta’ l-Erbgħa 23 ta’ Frar, u jsir ħafif sa filgħaxija.


This week: A mix of calm and windy days

Frequently changing pressure patterns across the central Mediterranean will mean a mixture of weather conditions for the Maltese Islands, particularly where wind is concerned. There will be windy days, with a few calmer days in between. The windier days will be Monday and Tuesday, with further strong winds possible at the weekend. The stronger winds will be from the Northwest to West Northwest. Most days will be dry. A little rain, mainly light and localized, is possible on Tuesday and again over the weekend. There will be plentiful bright sunshine along the way. Air temperatures will vary considerably. We’re looking at daytime highs in the region of 14°C to 18°C. Nighttime lows will range from 8°C to 12°C.


This week: Possible midweek rain

An anticyclone that has dominated across the central Mediterranean lately will weaken slightly this week. The first half of the week will be characterized by cloudier weather. Some rain, possibly in the form of an isolated thunderstorm, may occur halfway through the week. Wednesday 16/2 is also set to be this week’s coolest and windiest day. The wind will be light to moderate on all other days. The wind will be southerly at the start of the wind, but will shift to a more westerly/northwesterly direction by midweek. The second half of the week is likely to bring more bright sunshine. With the exception of Wednesday 16/2, daytime highs will be at or slightly above the average for this time of year. They will be in the region of 16°C to 18°C (or warmer) on most days. Clear nights will feature temperatures below 10°C. Cloudier nights will be warmer, with temperatures not dipping below 10°C. Morning mist will prevail after a clear night.