
As we’ve been saying for days, cold days are definitely ahead for the Maltese Islands. The first cold snap of the season is now at the door. An intense low pressure system has developed over the eastern Mediterranean and the Balkans. The system has started drawing in frigid air from Russia’s Siberia. This frigid air is already bearing down on eastern Europe, and will spread further south in the coming hours. The Maltese Islands will be affected as well. Starting on Sunday 29/12, air temperatures are set to dip to below the average. The final three days of 2019 will be especially cold. Daytime highs should struggle to reach 11 / 12 C. Lows will dip to 5 C / 6 C. Real feels will be even lower. Monday 30/12 and Tuesday 31/12 will be characterised by a series of rain and/or hail showers. The hail could be abundant in some showers, and might persist over time in shaded spots. The weather will remain cold into the first week of 2020.
Kif ilna ngħidu għal dan l-aħħar jiem, ġejjin ġranet ta’ kesħa għal Gżejjer Maltin. L-ewwel perjodu ta’ bard għal dan l-istaġun tinsab wara l-bieb. Sistema ta’ pressjoni baxxa intensa għadha kemm żviluppat fuq il-lvant tal-Mediterran u l-Balkani. Din is-sistema qed tiġbed arja kiesħa ferm minn fuq is-Siberja tar-Russja. Din l-arja kiesħa diġa qed tmiss il-lvant ta’ l-Ewropa, u għandha tkompli testendi lejn in-nofsinhar fis-siegħat li ġejjin. Il-Gżejjer Maltin se jkunu affetwati wkoll. Minn nhar il-Ħadd 29/12, it-temperaturi ta’ l-arja se jaqgħu taħt il-medja klimatika. L-aħħar tlett ijiem ta’ 2019 se jkunu kesħin sewwa. L-ogħla matul il-jum se jbatu biex jilħqu 11 C / 12 C. L-anqas billejl jinżlu għal 5 C / 6 C. It-temperaturi se jkunu jinħassu ferm aktar kesħin. Nhar it-Tnejn 30/12 u t-Tlieta 31/12 se naraw xi ħalbiet tax-xita u/jew silġ. Is-silġ jaf ikun abbundanti, u jista wkoll jippersisti f’irqajja dellija. It-temp se jibqa kiesaħ fl-ewwel ġimgħa ta’ l-2020 ukoll.
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