An intense cold front will be moving across the central Mediterranean late at night. The front will probably reach us at some point between 03:00 and 06:00 on Monday 12/10. This will be causing an abrupt change in weather conditions locally.


A sharp drop in temperatures will be experienced on Monday 12/10. They will dip to below 20°C when the cold front moves across at night. They will continue declining during the day, possibly going down to a chilly 14°C at some point during the day. Temperatures will recover gradually from Tuesday 13/10, with values rising to normal levels. Monday 12/10 will be really cold by local standards.


The wind will shift Northwest and suddenly start blowing strongly as soon as the cold front reaches in the very early hours of Monday 12/10. It will continue reaching Force 6/7 at times (with gusts of up to Force 8) throughout the day. It will likely be strongest in the evening. The worst of the wind will be over by Tuesday 13/10, although it will continue reaching Force 5/6 at times at some point on all days till at least Saturday 17/10. The wind direction will alternate between Northwest and Southwest.


The cold air moving in will clash with the warm sea locally, generating showers all around us. Some of these will be affecting us. Showers might be heavy, thundery and with hail at times. Rain will be possible from the very early hours of Monday 12/10 onward. In addition to the showery rain, an intense thunderstorm will be very close to the west of the Maltese Islands before dawn on Monday 12/10. This will either skim past or touch parts of our islands. A direct hit is not very likely. Residual showers from this front will linger into Tuesday 13/10. Another zone of instability may bring further showers as the week progresses.

Regular updates will be posted on our facebook page as the meteorological situation evolves.



Front kiesaħ u intens se jkun qed jgħaddi miċ-ċentru tal-Mediterran tard billejl. Il-probabilita hi li dan il-front jilħaqna f’xi ħin bejn 03:00 u 06:00 tat-Tnejn 1/10. Dan se jwassal għal bidla drastika u fi ftit ħin fit-temp lokali.


It-temperatura mistennija taqa nhar it-Tnejn 12/10. Din se tinżel taħt 20°C mal-wasla ta’ dan il-front kiesaħ. Se tkompli tonqos matul il-jum u kapaċi tinżel sa 14°C f’xi ħin matul il-jum. It-temperaturi jirkupraw mill-ġdid minn nhar it-Tlieta 13/10, b’numri mal-medja staġġjonali. Il-jum tat-Tnejn 12/10 se jkun kiesaħ sew f’termini lokali.


Ir-riħ se jaqleb Majjistral u jitqawwa malajr mal-wasla ta’ dan il-front kiesaħ fis-siegħat bikrija tat-Tnejn 12/10. Se jkompli jilħaq Forza 6/7 kultant (b’buffuri sa Forza 8) matul il-jum kollu. L-aqwa tiegħu se jkun filgħaxija. Għalkemm l-agħar se jkun għadda sa kmieni t-Tlieta 13/10, se jkun qed jilħaq Forza 5/6 kultant f’kull jum sa minn ta’ l-anqas is-Sibt 17/10. Id-direzzjoni tar-riħ se talterna bejn Majjistral u Lbiċ.


L-arja kiesħa abbinata ma’ dan il-front se toħloq kuntrast qawwi mal-baħar sħun madwarna, u għalhekk għandhom jiżviluppaw numru ta’ ħalbiet tax-xita. Uħud minn dawn se jaħkmuna. Ħalbiet tax-xita jistgħu jkunu qawwijin, bir-ragħad u silġ kultant. Ix-xita se tkun possibbli minn kmieni t-Tnejn 12/10 ‘il quddiem. Apparti dawn il-ħalbiet, maltempata bir-ragħad intensa se tkun qrib ħafna lejn il-punent tal-Gżejjer Maltin qabel sbieħ il-jum tat-Tnejn 12/10. Din se taqbiżna bi żbrixx jew tmiss biss xi nħawi tal-gżejjer tagħna. Mhux nistennew li taħkimna bi sħiħ. Xita residwa minn dan il-front se tibqa possibbli matul il-jum tat-Tlieta 13/10. Żoni oħrajn ta’ instabbilita jistgħu jġibu aktar ħalbiet tax-xita matul il-ġimgħa.

Aġġornamenti regolari se jsegwu fuq il-paġna ta’ facebook tagħna hekk kif is-sitwazzjoni tat-temp tiżviluppa.