
The last day of June has brought with it cooler temperatures and strong winds from the East, a welcome relief from the consistently above-average temperatures that dominated throughout June. With highs of 30 C / 31 C and lows of 22 C / 23 C, the next few days will be average or slightly below average temperature-wise. Levels of humidity will be high, however, as a result of the Easterly wind. This will push realfeels up, still making it feel hot for some. This state of affairs will prevail till Wednesday 03/07, as an upper-level cold pool has evolved over the central Mediterranean. Cold pools aloft represent regions of relatively low stability, hence the strong winds we’re having at the moment. This will be very short-lived, however. An anticyclone will take hold of the Mediterranean by Thursday 04/07. This will be dragging hot to very hot air from over north Africa, marking the return of heat spells and heatwaves to the Maltese Islands. As described in an update earlier this week, July 2019 is expected to be the hottest in years. You can read all about this at: www.malteseislandsweather.com/july-to-be-the-hottest-in-years-lulju-se-jkun-l-aktar-shun-fi-snin/
L-aħħar jum ta’ Ġunju ġab miegħu temperaturi friski u riħ qawwi mill-Lvant, soljev sabiħ mit-temperaturi li b’mod konsistenti tul dan l-aħħar xahar kienu għola mill-medja. Bl-ogħla ta’ 30 C / 31 C u l-anqas ta’ 22 C / 23 C, il-jiem li ġejjin se jaraw temperaturi mal-medja jew daqsxejn anqas. Il-livelli ta’ l-umdita’ se jkunu għoljin pero’, minħabba r-riħ mill-Lvant. Dan ifisser li t-temperaturi se jkunu jinħassu kemmxejn aktar sħan minn kemm huma, u għalhekk is-sħana se tkompli għal xi wħud. Din is-sitwazzjoni se tippersisti sa l-Erbgħa 03/07, hekk kif roqgħa kiesħa fil-livelli għolja ta’ l-atmosfera żviluppat fuq iċ-ċentru tal-Mediterran. Roqgħa kiesħa fil-livelli għolja ta’ l-atmosfera hija sinjal ta’ instabbilita’. Għalhekk qed nesperjenzaw riħ qawwi illum. Dan mhux se jdum ħafna pero’. Antiċiklun mistenni li jerġa jieħu kontroll tal-Mediterran minn nhar il-Ħamis 04/07. Dan se jġib miegħu arja sħuna jew sħuna ħafna minn l-Afrika ta’ fuq, u b’hekk ikomplu l-mewġiet ta’ sħana f’pajjiżna. Kif deskritt aktar kmieni din il-ġimgħa, Lulju 2019 se jkun wieħed mill-aktar sħan fl-aħħar snin. Tistgħu taqraw dwar dan: www.malteseislandsweather.com/july-to-be-the-hottest-in-years-lulju-se-jkun-l-aktar-shun-fi-snin/
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