According to climate data gathered over many years; the mean temperature in February is 12.6°C (15.7°C high and 9.5°C low). Long-term predictions show that February will be average or slightly above (+/- 0.5°C). With regards to precipitation, climate data gathered over several years indicates that the total precipitation in February amounts to 61.6 mm. According to long-term predictions, precipitation in February will be average or slightly below, unless we experience a major rainfall event.
February 2019 should be a rather average month. Temperatures will be average or slightly above, indicating the possibility of an early spring. The month should be marked by alternating short episodes of rough weather and long episodes of fine weather. Rainfall should be distributed fairly, with the majority of rainfall events being in the form of isolated showers. One or two brief cold spells are possible. No major rainfall events are expected. At least one or two gale events may occur. The sea surface temperature will remain stable over the course of the month, but will still be above-average
March 2019 – Average
April 2019 – Average
May 2019 – Average
March 2019 – Average
April 2019 – Average
May 2019 – Average
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