Air Temperature

Highest Maximum 19.6°C 13th
Lowest Maximum 14.9°C 10th
Highest Minimum 13.2°C 1st
Lowest Minimum 5.8°C 23rd


Mean Maximum 17.1°C
Mean Minimum 10.0°C
Mean 13.5°C


Relative Humidity

Highest Relative Humidity 95% Numerous days
Lowest Relative Humidity 58% 22nd


Mean Relative Humidity 83.6%



Highest Gust 45.1km/h 16th


Mean Wind Speed 7.9km/h
Most Frequent Wind Direction East Southeast


Atmospheric Pressure

Highest Atmospheric Pressure 1031.3hPa 23rd
Lowest Atmospheric Pressure 1008.4hPa 16th


Mean Atmospheric Pressure 1022.0hPa



Total Rainfall During February 2025 66.0 mm
Total Rainfall Since Last 01/09 335.3 mm


Highest 24 Hour Total 21.6 mm 9th


Rain Days 12 days
Thunderstorm Days 3 days
Hail Days 1 day


Rainfall Events

3/2/2025 0.5 mm Isolated Showers; Distant Thunder and Hail
5/2/2025 0.0 mm Distant Isolated Light Rain
6/2/2025 0.0 mm Distant Isolated Light Rain
7/2/2025 8.0 mm Rain Showers
8/2/2025 15.7 mm Rain Showers
9/2/2025 21.6 mm Steady Rain; Thunderstorm
10/2/2025 6.3 mm Rain Showers
14/2/2025 0.0 mm Distant Hailstorm with Large Hail
15/2/2025 2.3 mm Rain Showers
16/2/2025 0.5 mm Isolated Showers
19/2/2025 0.6 mm P.M. Isolated Showers
20/2/2025 4.2 mm A.M. Showers; Distant Steady Heavy Rain
22/2/2025 1.3 mm A.M. Isolated Shower
26/2/2025 2.1 mm P.M. Light Rain; Showers; Distant Thunder
27/2/2025 2.9 mm Showers; Distant Hail


February 2025 Compared to the Climate Means

  Climate Mean February 2025 Anomaly
Mean Maximum Temperature 15.6°C 17.1°C  +1.5°C
Mean Minimum Temperature 9.7°C 10.0°C +0.3°C
Mean Temperature 12.7°C 13.5°C +0.8°C
Mean Relative Humidity 78.3% 83.6% -5.3%
Mean Atmospheric Pressure 1020.2hPa 1022.0hPa +1.8hPa
Total Rainfall 61.9 mm 66.0 mm +4.1 mm
Total Rainfall Since Last 01/09 447.4 mm 335.3 mm -112.1 mm
Total Rain Days 11 days 12 days +1 day
Total Thunderstorm Days 3 days 3 days /
Total Hail Days 2 days 1 day -1 day


February 2025 – Rainfall Totals Bounce Back

The 66.0 mm of precipitation measured at our weather station in Gozo was marginally above the climate norm for February. Whilst all corners of the Maltese Islands registered a wetter than average February 2025, it was the island of Malta which benefitted most from the rainfall recovery. Localities in Malta received approximately 103.2 mm over the course of February 2025. Gozitan localities, on the other hand, received only 65.2 mm. This was due to the fact that most rain-bearing systems came to our islands with easterly currents. These affect Malta far more than Gozo. A case in point was the 20th. Maltese localities experienced continuous heavy rain in the morning. Gozo only received a few showers. More than half of all days last month; 15 in total, registered rainfall. The highlight was a hailstorm with large hailstones over the southern half of Malta, particularly Birżebbuġa and Għaxaq, on Valentine’s Day. February was the second wetter than average since last September 1st, along with February.

Temperatures were significantly warmer than average, particularly during the day. The mean maximum temperature of 17.1°C exceeded the norm by 1.5°C. Overall temperatures were  0.8°C above typical values for the time of year. Temperatures in winter depend on the so-called polar vortex. This is a circulation of very cold air in the Arctic. This winter we’ve seen the polar vortex assume a stronger and more compact structure, leading to cold air remaining locked up and restricted to polar areas. It was so strong, in fact, that the temperature at the level of 30,000 above the Arctic dropped to -90°C (the coldest for the past 40 years). This state of affairs is being maintained for now. When that happens, low pressure systems from over the Sahara Desert can reach us more freely, together with more frequent southeasterly winds and warmer than average temperatures. The difference from the climate norm with minimum temperatures was of only 0.3°C. This was thanks to a number of chilly nights brought about by numerous calm and clear nights, the coldest of which was the dawn of the 23rd when the mercury dipped to 5.8°C!

Winds were weaker than normal, with less gales than normal. Atmospheric pressure averaged 1022hPa. This is stronger than normal.

Rainfall Totals around the Maltese Islands in February 2025 (and since last September 1st):

Kerċem: 66.0 mm (335.3 mm)

Victoria: 66.1 mm (339.0 mm)

Marsalforn: 63.7 mm (286.8 mm)

Xewkija: 58.6 mm (232.1 mm)

Nadur: 70.3 mm (326.2 mm)

Għajnsielem: 66.4 mm (282.0 mm)

Mellieħa: 64.6 mm (258.1 mm)

Buġibba: 77.1 mm (260.0 mm)

Mġarr: 104.7 mm (331.1 mm)

Naxxar: 98.6 mm (351.3 mm)

Mosta: 95.9 mm (343.7 mm)

Dingli: 132.4 mm (431.9 mm)

Pembroke: 100.8 (349.2 mm)

Msida: 109.6 mm (425.3 mm)

Sliema: 87.7 mm (328.2 mm)

Valletta: 103.1 mm (351.1 mm)

Fgura: 108.2 mm (412.8 mm)

Żejtun: 115.0 mm (363.9 mm)

Żabbar: 151.6 mm (426.3 mm)

Imqabba: 102.0 mm (384.3 mm)

Siġġiewi: 115.7 mm (359.2 mm)

Żurrieq: 99.8 mm (346.5 mm)

Marsaxlokk: 86.7 mm (285.9 mm)

NATIONAL MEAN: 91.9 mm (338.2 mm)