A blanket of fine desert sand has choked the Maltese Islands over the past few days. An abundant amount of this was also deposited with the light rain on Monday 22/04. With a high of 27 C, Tuesday 23/04 was also the warmest day so far this year. How long until the fine desert sand moves away from the central Mediterranean? The fine desert sand will continue to be present in abundant amounts till around midday on Thursday 25/04. Further light rain is set to deposit the fine desert sand late on Wednesday 24/04. Washing your vehicles and windows, therefore, continues to be inadvisable. A change in the meteorological situation after midday on Thursday 25/04 will mean that the fine desert sand moves away from our region. This will mean the return of blue skies and clean air to the Maltese Islands. You are advised to wait until Friday 26/04 to clean your vehicles and windows.
Sħaba ta’ ramel fin minn fuq id-deżert ilha tgħatti l-Gżejjer Maltin għal dawn l-aħħar jiem. Ammont abbundanti ta’ dan ġie depożitat max-xita ħafifa tat-Tnejn 22/04. B’temperatura massima ta’ 27 C, it-Tlieta 23/04 kienet l-aktar ġurnata sħuna sa issa din is-sena. Kemm baqalna biex dan it-temp iħalli ċ-ċentru tal-Mediterran? Ir-ramel fin fl-arja se jippersisti f’ammonti abbundanti sa madwar nofs il-jum tal-Ħamis 25/04. Aktar xita ħafifa mistennija tkompli tiddepożita dan ir-ramel fin tard l-Erbgħa 24/04. Għalhekk, aħna navżawkom li ma jaqblilkomx taħslu l-vetturi u twieqi għalissa. Bidla fis-sitwazzjoni metejoroloġika wara nofsinhar tal-Ħamis 25/04 se jfisser li r-ramel fin fl-arja se jersaq lil hinn mir-reġjun tagħna. Dan ifisser ir-ritorn ta’ sema kaħlani u arja nadifa għal Gżejjer Maltin. Aħna navzawkom li jaqblilkom tistennew sal-Ġimgħa 26/04 biex tnaddfu l-vetturi u t-twieqi.
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