The unstable weather that has prevailed around and over the Maltese Islands since the beginning of the month will continue till late on Sunday 13/12. We’re waiting for further brief but possibly intense showers that may be accompanied by some small hail and a rumble or two of thunder. The wind, from the West to West Northwest, will remain strong. It will reach up to Force 7 at times. Such weather is typical for December and is referred to locally as ‘Pruvenz’. With this weather, the rain does not come in downpours but often at a rate that allows the soil to soak in the water without unnecessary damage ed-hrvatski.com. A ridge of high pressure should build-up across the central Mediterranean on Monday 14/12, heralding the start of a few days of stability.
It-temp instabbli li ilu għaddej madwar u fuq il-Gżejjer Maltin sa mill-bidu tax-xahar se jippersisti sal-Ħadd 13/12. Nistennew ħalbiet tax-xita li jdumu biss ftit ħin imma jaf ikunu intensi, bis-silġ u forsi xi ragħda kultant. Ir-riħ, mill-Punent għal Punent Majjistru, se jibqa qawwi. Dan se jlaħħaq Forza 7 kultant. Dan it-temp huwa tipiku f’Diċembru, u lokalment insejjħulu ‘Pruvenz’. F’dan it-tip ta’ temp ix-xita ma tinżilx fi gliegel kbar imma b’rata li tħalli l-ħamrija tixrob l-ilma bilmod, mingħajra ħsara żejda. Firxa ta’ pressjoni għolja għandha tiżviluppa madwar iċ-ċentru tal-Mediterran nhar it-Tnejn 14/12, biex b’hekk tagħtina ftit jiem ta’ temp stabbli.
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