
After a wet and cold winter and spring, many, including forecasters, thought it would be the year without a summer. That changed quickly, however, as June brought with it two heatwaves and consistently above-average temperatures. In fact, June was one of the hottest in recent years. We’ll know exactly how hot it was when our end of month report is issued on Monday. Latest maps continue to reveal that the rest of summer will be hotter than average. Let’s take a look at what July is expected to bring us. The grip that anticyclones have had on the Mediterranean during June will strengthen into July. These will continue drawing hot to very hot air from over north Africa towards our region. This will mean consistent above-average temperatures with the occasional heat spell and maybe also a heatwave. Average maximum temperatures in July typically reach 31.2 C. The latest map projections suggest that the average maximum temperatures in July will be of around 33 C, more than 1.5 C higher than the norm. Average minimum temperatures in July typically dip to 21.8 C. The latest map projections point to average minimum temperatures of around 24 C in July, more than 1.5 C higher than the norm. There can be at least three heat spells with temperatures of 36 C or over. These will last anywhere from three to five days. July 2019 could be completely dry according to the same long-term map projections. If these predictions materialise, July 2019 will be the hottest since 2012.
Wara xitwa u rebbiegħa mxarrba u kesħin, ħafna, inkluż bassara tat-temp, ħasbu li din is-sena kienet se tkun waħda mingħajr sajf sew. Dan inbidel malajr pero, b’Ġunju jġib miegħu żewġ heatwaves u temperaturi li b’mod konsistenti kienu ogħla mill-medja. Filfatt, Ġunju kien wieħed mill-aktar sħan fl-aħħar snin. Inkunu nafu eżatt kemm kien sħun nhar it-Tnejn, meta aħna noħorġu r-rapport ta’ l-aħħar tax-xahar. L-aħħar mapep għadhom jindikaw lidan is-sajf se jkun aktar sħun mill-medja. Ejja nagħtu ħarsa lejn dak li se jġib miegħu Lulju. Id-dominanza li l-antiċikluni kellhom fuq iċ-ċentru tal-Mediterran tul Ġunju se tkompli tissaħħaħ f’Lulju. Dawn se jkomplu jiġbdu arja sħuna ħafna minn fuq l-Afrika ta’ fuq lejn ir-reġjun tagħna. Dan jfisser temperaturi li b’mod konsistenti se jkunu ogħla mill-medja b’xi perjodi ta’ sħana qalila u forsi anke xi heatwave. It-temperatura massima medja f’Lulju tipikament tilħaq 31.2 C. Din is-sena jidher li dawn se jkunu fir-reġjun ta’ 33 C, aktar minn 1.5 C ogħla minn normal. It-temperatura minima tipika f’ Lulju tkun ta; 21.8 C. Din is-sena hemm indikazzjonijiet li dawn se jkunu ta’ madwar 24 C, aktar minn 1.5 C ogħla mill-medja. Jaf ikun hemm minn ta’ l-anqas tlett perjodi ta’ sħana qalila b’temperaturi ta’ 36 C jew aktar. Dawn jafu jkopru minn tlett sa ħamest ijiem. L-istess indikazzjonijiet juru li Lulju 2019 kapaċi jkun niexef kompletament ukoll. Jekk dan it-tbassir huwa minnu, Lulju 2019 se jkun l-aktar sħun minn dak ta’ l-2012.
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