October will be over in just over a week. The past three weeks have seen warmer than average temperatures and drier than average conditions. With a mean maximum temperature of 25.6 C, daytime highs have so far been 0.8 C warmer than usual. Nighttime lows have followed a similar trend. With an average minimum of 19.9 C, they are currently 2 C warmer than normal. Whilst no extremes were recorded, temperatures were warmer than average on most days. Temperatures will remain stable till the end of October, before a possible dip in the first week of next month. Rainfall so far stands at 45.6 mm at our weather station in Għarb, 37.7 mm short of the climate average for October. With nine days, and three more potential spells of bad weather to go, there is the possibility of the total reaching the average for this month. Rain should return to the Maltese Islands on three occasions: late on the 24th till early on the 25th, late on the 26th till early on the 27th and on the 31st. Further details about will be issued in separate updates.
Ottubru se jispiċċa fi ftit aktar minn ġimgħa. Fl-aħħar tlett ġimgħat rajna temperaturi aktar sħan mill-medja u temp aktar niexef mis-soltu. Bl-ogħla temperatura fil-medja ta’ 25.6 C, it-temperaturi massimi sa issa kienu 0.8 C ogħla mill-medja. It-temperaturi ta’ billejl segwew l-istess sekwenza. Bl-anqas temperatura fil-medja ta’ 19.9 C, din kienet 2 C aktar sħuna minn normal. Għalkemm ma kellna l-ebda estremi, it-temperaturi kienu ogħla mill-medja f’ħafna mill-ġranet. It-temperaturi mistennija jibqgħu stabbli sa l-aħħar ta’ Ottubru, qabel ma potezjalment jaqgħu fl-ewwel ġimgħa ta’ Novembru. Sa issa għamlet 45.6 mm ta’ xita lejn l-Għarb, 37.7 mm anqas mill-medja staġġjonali. B’disa t’ijiem, u potenzjalment tlett episodji ta’ maltemp sa l-aħħar ta’ dan ix-xahar, hemm possibilita’ li l-medja ta’ Ottubru tintlaħaq. Ix-xita għandha tirritorna tlett darbiet: minn tard ta’ l-24 sa kmieni ta’ l-25, minn tard tas-26 sa kmieni tas-27 u fil-31. Aktar dettalji dwar dan jingħataw f’aġġornamenti separati.
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