The center of a low pressure system will be moving across southern Italy over the next couple of hours. A major thunderstorm will affect Sicily as a result of this. The Maltese Islands are set to be affected by only the edge of this thunderstorm. As a result, rain that may be heavy, thundery and with hail may affect the Maltese Islands. The chance of rain is highest from midnight till 09:00 on Thursday 16/05. There will be no severe weather. The rain will be clean. Total precipitation accumulations may exceed 10 mm in hardest-hit localities. Gozo is expected to be the most affected by this. The sky will become mainly sunny during the day on Thursday 16/05. The West wind will increase to Force 6/7 though.

Iċ-ċentru ta’ sistema ta’ pressjoni baxxa se jgħaddi minn fuq in-nofsinhar ta’ l-Italja fis-siegħat li ġejjin. Maltempata bir-ragħad qawwija għandha taħkem lil Sqallija minħabba dan. Il-Gżejjer Maltin se jkunu affetwati biss minn tarf din il-maltempata. Għalhekk, xita li tista tkun qawwija, bir-ragħad u bis-silġ tista taffetwa lil Gżejjer Maltin. Iċ-ċans ta’ xita jkun l-ogħla minn nofsillejl sa 09:00 tal-Ħamis 16/05 Mhux se jaħkimna maltemp sever. Ix-xita se tkun nadifa. It-total ta’ xita jaf jilħaq 10 mm fil-lokalitajiet l-aktar milquta. Għawdex għandu jintlaqat l-aktar minn din. Is-sema se jsir il-biċċa l-kbira xemxi matul il-jum tal-Ħamis 16/05. Ir-riħ se jkun ta’ Forza 6/7 mill-Punent pero.