After five long days of grey sky, the Maltese Islands enjoyed some beautiful sunshine on Saturday 06/04. That will be short-lived though. Two successive cold fronts will be moving across the central Mediterranean over a period of 18 hours. The first of these will reach us at around noon on Sunday 07/04. The second one will move by just after midnight on Monday 08/04. Both cold fronts should bring with them a thunderstorm each to our shores. Any thunderstorms will be heavy and also possibly blustery and with hail at times. We will inform you well in advance of the arrival of any thunderstorms. Apart from these two thunderstorms, we should get some isolated showers. Isolated showers may occur at any time from early morning on Sunday 07/04 till early morning on Monday 08/04. Gozo is expected to be the most affected. Up to 20 mm of precipitation may be measured in the hardest hit localities. No severe weather is being anticipated. These cold fronts will bring colder temperatures and stronger winds to the Maltese Islands as well. The maximum temperature on both days will struggle to reach 15 C. The minimum temperature at night may dip to below 10 C. A strong Northwest to West wind is expected on Monday 08/04. It will reach Force 6/7 at times.
Wara ħamest ijiem ta’ sema griż u temp ċlampu, il-Gżejjer Maltin gawdew minn xemx tiżreġ matul il-jum tas-Sibt 06/04. Din il-waqfa ta’ temp bnazzi mhux se ddum pero. Żewġ fronti ta’ arja kiesħa se jgħaddu minn fuq iċ-ċentru tal-Mediterran fuq perjodu ta’ 18-il siegħa. L-ewwel minn dawn se jilħaqna għal ħabta ta’ nofsinhar tal-Ħadd 07/04. L-ieħor mistenni li jmissna lejn nofsillejl tat-Tnejn 08/04. Dawn iż-żewġ fronti għandhom iġibu magħhom maltempata bir-ragħad kull wieħed lejn xtutna. Dawn ikunu qawwijin u possibilment anke mirjieħa u bis-silġ kultant. Aħna ninfurmawkhom minn ħafna qabel il-wasla ta’ maltempati bir-ragħad. Minbarra sawn il-maltempati bir-ragħad, għandna naraw xi ħalbiet iżolati tax-xita. Dawn jistgħu jmissuna minn kmieni filgħodu tal-Ħadd 07/04 sa kmieni filgħodu tat-Tnejn 08/04. Għawdex għandu jintlaqat l-aktar. Xi 20 mm ta’ xita tista titkejjel fl-aktar postijiet milquta minn dawn. Mhux qed nistennew maltemp sever. Dawn iż-żewġ fronti kesħin se jġibu magħhom temperaturi aktar baxxi u riħ qawwi lejn il-Gżejjer Maltin. It-temperatura massima se tbati biex tilħaq 15 C. L-anqas billejl taf tinżel taħt 10 C. Riħ qawwi mill-Majjistral għal-Punent huwa mistenni nhar it-Tnejn 08/04. Dan se jilħaq Forza 6/7 kultant.
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