This week has seen warm, humid air from the south being advected across the central Mediterranean. Meanwhile, an incursion of colder air in the upper levels of the atmosphere will sweep our area this weekend. The sharp contrast between the two air masses will destabilize the atmosphere around the central Mediterranean. As a result, an episode of bad weather is likely. This will be divided into two parts, from late on Saturday 19/12 till late on Sunday 20/12 and from late on Monday 21/12 till late on Tuesday 22/12. We’ll focus on the first part in this update. We’re expecting isolated showers and a rather strong wind from the East to Southeast (up to Force 6) on Saturday 19/12 and Sunday 20/12. Of particular interest to the Maltese Islands is a thunderstorm that will form over the Gulf of Gabes early on Sunday. Whilst we are certain of it forming, deciding whether or not it will affect us is a gamble. Current weather maps suggest that this thunderstorm stands a good chance of affecting all or parts of our islands at some point in the morning or afternoon on Sunday. In the event of the thunderstorm affecting us, expect rain which will be heavy, blustery and with hail at times. If it does materialize, we will update you about it on our facebook page well beforehand.



Din il-ġimgħa rajna arja sħuna u umda minn nofsinhar tiġi mbuttata għal fuq iċ-ċentru tal-Mediterran. Sadattant, inkurżjoni ta’ arja kiesħa fil-livelli għoljin ta’ l-atmosfera se tgħaddi minn fuqna matul tmiem il-ġimgħa. Il-kuntrast qawwi bejn dawn iż-żewġ masses ta’ arja se jiddistabiliżża l-atmosfera madwar iċ-ċentru tal-Mediterran. Riżultat ta’ dan, se jinħoloq episodju ta’ maltemp. Dan se jkun f’żewġ partijiet, minn tard is-Sibt 19/12 sa tard il-Ħadd 20/12 u minn tard it-Tnejn 21/12 sa tard it-Tlieta 22/12. Se niffukaw fuq l-ewwel parti f’dan l-aġġornament. Nistennew xi ħalbiet iżolati tax-xita u riħ daqsxejn qawwi mill-Lvant għal Xlokk (sa Forza 6) matul il-jiem tas-Sibt 19/12 u l-Ħadd 20/12. Ta’ interess partikolari għalina hija maltempata li se tifforma fuq il-Golf ta’ Gabes kmieni l-Ħadd. Filwaqt li ninsabu ċerti li din se tifforma, ma nistgħux inkunu 100% dwar jekk hux se tmissna jew le. L-aħħar mapep tat-temp qed jindikaw li hemm ċans tajjeb li din il-maltempata bir-ragħad taffetwana f’xi ħin filgħodu jew wara nofsinhar tal-Ħadd. Fl-eventwalita’ li taffetwana din il-maltempata, stennew xita qawwija, bil-buffuri u silġ kultant. Fil-każ ta’ dan aħna se naġġornawkom minn qabel fuq il-paġna ta’ facebook.