
The atmosphere above the Maltese Islands has been greatly unstable for much of this week. To our west, warm and moist air is rising towards Europe from north Africa. To our east, cold and dry air is descending towards north Africa from Europe. Our region has found itself caught in between this. As a result, relatively cold air is constantly being brought over a warm central Mediterranean. This is creating a great deal of instability. The difference between the two will be more pronounced again on Saturday 30/05, leading to the formation of an upper-level low pressure system over our area. This will be strongest in the late afternoon across the stretch of sea between the Maltese Islands and Sicily. Colder air in the upper levels of the atmosphere increases instability. This is because the warmer air at ground level, being lighter and more buoyant, tends to rise. This vertical movement cools the rising air, causing the moisture within to condense and form clouds. The day will start off with mainly fine weather. This will change rapidly, however, with clouds building up as the day progresses. These are expected to develop showers and isolated thunderstorms by the afternoon. Most showers will remain out at sea, but some will move inland. Any showers may be heavy, thundery and/or with hail at times. The wind will increase ahead of and during any showers. Waterspouts are also likely to form at sea. Rainfall amounts should vary considerably, with some areas possibly remaining completely dry. The chance of rain will be highest from noon till midnight.
L-atmosfera fuq il-Gżejjer Maltin ilha instabbli għal dawn l-aħħar jiem. Lejn il-punent tagħna nsibu arja sħuna u umda tiela minn fuq l-Afrika lejn l-Ewropa. Lejn il-lvant tagħna hemm arja kiesħa u niexfa nieżla minn fuq l-Ewropa lejn l-Afrika. Ir-reġjun tagħna jinsab maqbud sewwa sew bejniethom. Minħabba f’hekk, arja kiesħa qqed tiġi mbuttata fuq roqgħa sħuna fiċ-ċentru tal-Mediterran. Din qed twassal għal instabbilita’ kbira. Id-differenza bejn dawn it-tnejn se terġa tkun kbira nhar is-Sibt 30/05, u b’hekk se tiżviluppa sistema ta’ pressjoni baxxa fil-livelli għoljin ta’ l-atmosfera fuqna. Din se tkun l-aktar b’saħħitha tard wara nofsinhar fuq il-firxa ta’ baħar bejn il-Gżejjer Maltin u Sqallija. Arja kiesħa fil-livelli għoljin ta’ l-atmosfera twassal għal instabbilita’. Dan minħabba t-tendenza li arja sħuna, peress li hija eħfef, titla ‘l fuq. Din l-arja tiela tiksaħ u l-fwar li tkun qed iġġorr jikkondensa fi sħab. Il-ġurnata se tibda b’temp sabiħ li jinbidel f’maltemp f’ħin qasir, bl-ammont ta’ sħab jiżdied mal-ħin. Dan se jiżviluppa f’ħalbiet tax-xita u maltempati bir-ragħad iżolati minn wara nofsinhar. Ix-xita se tibqa l-biċċa l-kbira fuq il-baħar. Xi wħud se jmissu l-art, pero’. Ix-xita tista tkun qawwija, bir-ragħad u/jew bis-silġ f’xi ħinijiet. Ir-riħ jiżdied qabel u waqt ħalbiet tax-xita. Hemm probabilita kbira li jiffurmaw trombi fuq il-baħar ukoll. L-ammont ta’ xita mistenni li jvarja ħafna, b’xi nħawi possibilment jibqgħu niexfa għal kollox. Iċ-ċans ta’ xita se jkun l-ogħla minn nofsinhar sa nofsillejl.
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