Atmospheric pressure is too high. Much of the rain-bearing clouds within the system will miss us. This practically means that the drought that has gripped the Maltese Islands since the beginning of December will continue. The latest maps insist that the Maltese Islands are to expect no significant rainfall in the near future. This dry weather will continue till at least mid-February. Any rainfall on the night of Sunday 26/01 will be light and isolated. This would also deposit a substantial amount of fine desert sand. Monday 27/01 will be sunny.
Il-pressjoni atmosferika tinsab għolja wisq. Is-sħab tax-xita f’din is-sistema’ se jaqbiżna. Dan ifisser li l-perjodu ta’ nixfa li beda f’Diċembru se jibqa għaddej. L-aħħar mapep għadhom jindikaw li ma għandna nistennew l-ebda xita sinifikanti għalissa. It-temp niexef se jkompli għaddej sa minn l-anqas nofs Frar. Jekk tagħmel ix-xita matul il-lejl tal-Ħadd 26/01, din se tkun ħafifa u iżolata. Din tkun ukoll tal-ħamrija. Il-jum tat-Tnejn 27/01 se jkun xemxi.
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