Several weather models are predicting a rainy last weekend of May. It’s still too early to be sure, but a growing number of weather models are suggesting this. What we know for sure is that a low pressure system will be moving across the central Mediterranean on Saturday 25/05. If this prediction prevails, expect rain from late on Friday 24/05 till early on Sunday 26/05. Apart from this, one is to expect strong winds and cool temperatures next weekend. This year’s spring has been the poorest in many years.
Numru ta’ mudelli tat-temp qed ibassru xita għal aħħar tmiem il-ġimgħa ta’ Mejju. Għadu kmieni biex inkunu nafu biċ-ċert, pero’ n-numru ta’ mudelli li qed jgħidu qiegħed iżid. Li nafu biċ-ċert hu li sistema ta’ pressjoni baxxa se tkun għaddejja minn fuq iċ-ċentru tal-Mediterran nhar is-Sibt 25/05. Jekk dan it-tbassir jibqa kif inhu, stennew xita minn tard il-Ġimgħa 24/05 sa kmieni l-Ħadd 26/05. Apparti minn hekk, għandna nistennew temperaturi friski ferm u riħ qawwi għal tmiem il-ġimgħa li jmiss. Din ir-rebbiegħa kienet l-aktar fqira f’ħafna snin.
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