A stream of cooler air from over northern Europe will penetrate the central Mediterranean from Thursday 11/07, bringing some much needed relief from the intense heat. Its effects will be felt immediately, but even more so next week. A one-off hot day may affect the Maltese Islands on Sunday 14/07, but that will be it. All other days from Thursday 11/07 onward will be characterised by temperatures which are normal for this time of year. This means highs of 30 C to 32 C and lows of 21 C to 23 C. Apart from the cooler temperatures, some days will be rather breezy, with the Northwest wind reaching Force 4/5 on a number of days. The sky may be cloudier on some days too. Having said that, no rain is being anticipated in the near future. The next heatspell may affect the Maltese Islands in the last week of July.

Massa ta’ arja friska minn naħa ta’ fuq ta’ l-Ewropa se tippenetra ċ-ċentru tal-Mediterran mill-Ħamis 11/07, u se ġġib magħha is-soljev tant mistenni minn din is-sħana intensa li ħakmet lill-pajjiżna dan l-aħħar. L-effetti tagħha se jinħassu mal-ewwel, imma ferm aktar matul il-ġimgħa li ġejja. Jum wieħed ta’ sħana jista jaffetwana nhar il-Ħadd 14/07, imma dak kollox. Il-jiem l-oħra kollha se jkunu b’temperaturi normali għal dan iż-żmien tas-sena. Dan ifisser temperaturi massimi ta’ 30 C sa 32 C u temperaturi minimi ta’ 21 C sa 23 C. Apparti t-temperaturi frisk, xi jiem se jkunu pjuttost mirjieħa, bir-riħ mill-Majjistral jilħaq Forza 4/5 diversi drabi. Is-sema se jkun daqsxejn imsaħħab kultant ukoll. Minkejja dan, mhux qed nistennew xita fil-futur qrib. Il-mewġa ta’ sħana li jmiss tista taffetwa lill-Gżejjer Maltin fl-aħħar ġimgħa ta’ Lulju.